Department of Design

Faculty of Architecture and Design

Department of Design

The Department of Design

Student working on 3D printer
Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU

At the Department of Design

  • we train designers with an understanding of technology and society
  • we research the interaction between people, technology, society and nature
  • we design innovative, human-centred and aesthetic products, systems and services

In this way, we contribute to a better and more sustainable world for individuals, organizations and society.

The department has activities at Gløshaugen in Trondheim and Mustad in Gjøvik.

In Trondheim we focus on industrial design and in Gjøvik we focus on graphic design and web technology. On both campuses we have expertise in interaction design. We also share research interests, including health and welfare technology.




  About us

Trondheim campus

Produktdesign building, Kolbjørn Hejes vei 2B, 7491 Trondheim
    +47 73 59 21 85

Gjøvik campus

Mustad, building 118, Raufossvegen 40,
entrance A, 2821 Gjøvik
    +47 73 41 20 41/mobile +47 404 82 007



illustrative photo research
Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU



illustrative photo student project
Photo: Christer Rebni/NTNU



Looking down at the design workshop from the mezzanine
Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU