

Biotechnology (Master's Programme)

Photo: Kim Ramberghaug/NTNU


MSBIOTECH, Sat Feb 08 09:58:10 MET 2025 | M2

Do you want to develop tomorrow’s vaccines, biofuel, and create sustainable solutions that’ll help change the world?

Biotechnological knowledge will be essential in the coming years as focus moves to renewable raw materials, exploration of waste products, and sustainability. A Master in Biotechnology involves studies of molecules, cells, and organisms aiming to understand how biological processes work. MSc in Biotechnology will play an essential role in creating and developing methods of production for biomolecules such as vaccines, antibiotics, enzymes, biopolymers, biofuels, and many others.

By embarking on the Masters in Biotechnology, you will learn:

  • Practical skills in central courses such as cell- and molecular biology, biochemistry, and microbiology.
  • Biological processes in bacteria, plants, and animals.
  • Possible application of biological processes.
  • Testable hypotheses.
  • Strategies for testing, collecting, and interpreting data.
  • The master thesis project can be both experimental and theoretical

Read more about what you will learn

A Master in Biotechnology will give you a solid basis for further careers, both nationally and internationally.

There are many benefits to choosing a Masters in Biotechnology in Norway, as we offer a large and diverse professional environment within:

  • Biotechnology
  • Molecular genetics and molecular biology
  • Microbiology and cell biology
  • Plants
  • Humane cells
  • Biochemistry
  • Protein and other biopolymers
  • Bioreactor-knowledge
  • Environmental technology
  • Food technology

Read more about career opportunities

You’ll find the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science and Department of Biology at Gløshaugen campus, where you will have access to excellent facilities and state of the art scientific equipment. The Department has strong collaborations with other science and technology departments at the university. The campus has an excellent location, being close to Trondheim city centre.

Read more about student life

The master degree in Biotechnology consists of advanced biotechnological subjects that build on basic topics in biochemistry, microbiology, as well as cell- and molecular. It’s a full-time two-year study, covering 60 credits per year. As this is an international master programme, all courses are taught in English.

The study consists of mandatory and elective courses (60 credits) that are both theoretical and methodological. In addition, you have the Master’s thesis (60 credits), which is a supervised, individual research project.

Read more about the programme structure

Please read the requirements carefully, as one of the following requirements must be fulfilled to qualify for admission to the programme:

  • BSc in Cell- and Molecular biology.
  • BSc from Norwegian University Colleges within bioengineering.
  • BSc in Food Technology.
  • An education corresponding to 3 years of study at a university level within the field of biotechnology or biochemistry
  • BSc in other related areas may be considered on an individual basis

Read more about admission and requirements

Our student advisors are free to be contacted for all questions about our programme, i. e., compulsory and optional subjects, exams, deadlines, etc. Please contact the advisors if you have any questions.

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What motivated Joakim for a MSc in Biotechnology?

What motivated Joakim for a MSc in Biotechnology?