PhD-programme in Architecture
PhD Arch

PhD Architecture
PhD Architecture
PhD Architecture is a doctoral programme providing further education and academic specialisation to candidates with master level education. The PhD programme can be suitable for those who are aiming for a career in higher education or research, or for positions in the business sector or public administration. In recent years, the business sector has grown to appreciate the specialisation provided through the PhD programme. As a result, an increasing number of NTNU's PhD Candidates are able to get work in the business sector or public administration.
The PhD programme has a nominal length of study of three years, and consists of a training programme and a research programme. The PhD programme should:
- provide training in and experience from scientific work and methodology,
- be internationally oriented,
- be an integrated part of the research activities in each academic community,
- provide a foundation for leading work in business, administration, education and research.
Host Faculty:
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Guidelines for article based theses (.pdf)
Regulations (in Norwegian language):
Forskrift for graden philosophiae doctor (ph.d.) ved NTNU