Forms - PhD programme in Biology
– PhD programme in Biology
For PhD candidates at the Faculty of Natural Sciences
Start-up process
- Application for admission to PhD programme (PDF)
- Agreement concerning admission to PhD programme (PDF)
- Regulations for the required duties and employment conditions of PhD Candidates at NTNU (Information)
During the PhD period
- Application for extended employment as PhD Research Fellow with progress plan (PDF)
- Application for prolongation of right to study (PDF)
- Application for changes in the academic training plan for PhD (DOC)
- Individual study syllabus (PDF)
Submission of PhD thesis
- Forslag til bedømmelseskomite (PDF) (For the supervisor)
- Application for assessment of PhD thesis (PDF)
- Statement from Co-Author (PDF)
Forms and guidelines for the Assessment Committee
- Guidelines for the Assessment Committee (DOCX)
- Assessment of PhD thesis (DOCX)
- Subject for trial lecture (DOC)
- Examination result form (DOC)