Join our Alumni worldwide community

NTNU Alumni

Join our Alumni worldwide community

We already have more than 40 000 alumni in over 100 countries. We have room for more.

The network is for former students with a degree from NTNU or NTNU’s predecessors. Former exchange students, current students and staff can also become members.

Join NTNU Alumni

Why join NTNU Alumni

Take an active role in our global alumni network and help to build knowledge for a better world.

Get involved

As a member, you can take part in one of our seven international networking groups or in network groups locally at NTNU or our city networks in Norway. Check the box for membership of our networking groups when you register or by updating your profile. 

NTNU Alumni member

NTNU Alumni member

Join NTNU Alumni

Already a member?

Link to Alumni portal



Linkedin and email

Reunions and anniversaries

Are you organizing a reunion or anniversary? NTNU Alumni can contribute to sending out invitations to former fellow students who are members of NTNU Alumni. Contact:

NTNU Alumni Linkedin



«Alumni» (latin) is the plural form of «alumnus», a student or a former student.

Precursors of NTNU

Precursors of NTNU

  • Gjøvik University College
  • Ålesund University College
  • Sør-Trøndelag University College
  • Norwegian Institute of Technology
  • Norwegian College of General Science
