
Department of Chemical Engineering


Research IKP box

Research - Department of Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering offers a wide variety of research areas including catalysis, colloid and polymer chemistry, environmental engineering and reactor technology and process systems engineering.

Research Groups

Research Groups

The Department of Chemical Engineering is organised in four research groups:


The Catalysis Group focuse their research on natural gas conversion, heterogeneous catalysis, hydrogen technology, biofuels, carbon nanofibres, photocatalysis and refining.

Ugelstad Laboratory - Colloid and Polymer Chemistry

The Colloid and Polymer Chemistry Group (Ugelstad Laboratory) focus their research on colloid and surface chemistry, polymer science and related subjects.

Environmental Engineering and Reactor Technology

The Environmental Engineering and Reactor Technology Group focus their research on CO2 capture, chemical and bio-chemical reactors, process design, membranes, hydrometallurgy, crystallization, particle engineering, biorefinery and fiber technology.

Process Systems Engineering

The Process Systems Engineering Group focus their research on process control and optimization, process modelling, systems biology og bioinformatics.


Gemini Centers

Gemini Centers

The Department of Chemical Engineering is partner in three Gemini Centres:

CO2 Impact

Partners: NTNU NV, SINTEF Industry and USN

HyPros – Hydrochemical Processing Technology in the Circular Economy

Partners: NTNU NV, UiO MatNat and SINTEF Industry

KinCat – Catalysis Group

Partners: NTNU NV and SINTEF Industry


Research Centres and Projects

Research Centres and Projects

The Department of Chemical Engineering is host for 2 EU projects:

iCulture (2023 - 2027)

The project aims to develop a set of digital toolboxes that can prospect for new species of seaweed, utilize these in microbial fermentation, and understand how to use them responsibly and sustainably.

REVITALISE (2023 - 2026)

The project is set to redefine the future of battery recycling, emphasizing sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and minimal environmental impact.

The department is partner in several Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFIs) and Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FMEs):

SFI Industrial Biotechnology (2020 - 2028)

The Centre will develop new knowledge, technology and innovations that will contribute to the build-up of national competence of substantial long-term value for the Norwegian biotech industry.

FME HYDROGENi (2022 - 2030)

The Centre is dedicated to the research and innovations within hydrogen and ammonia needed to meet the 2030 and 2050 goals of the Norwegian hydrogen road map.

FME gigaCCS (2025 - 2032)

The Centre drives global implementation of CCS at gigatonne-scale through industry-driven research and by training the next generation of experts.

FME BATTERY (2025 - 2032)

The Centre conducts research on next generation and improved circular sustainable battery technology value chain.


Other initiatives

Other initiatives

The Department of Chemical Engineering has established several strategic inititives:


The mission of the SUBPRO-Zero Centre is to conduct research that will contribute to net-zero emissions for the offshore industry.

Particle Engineering Centre

The main objective of the Particle Engineering Centre is to advance the scientific and technical knowledge within fundamental and applied particle engineering research.

Particle Engineering Core Facility

The core facility offers access to high end equipment and knowhow for characterization of particles in dispersion.

Chemical Conversion of Waste Innovation Hub

The mission of the innovation hub is to power innovation in chemical recycling of plastics and biomass, and to strengthen cooperation between industry, education and research.


Former Research Centres

Former Research Centres 

The Department of Chemical Engineering has been host for two Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFIs):

SFI iCSI - industrial Catalysis Science and Innovation (2015 - 2023)

SFI SUBPRO - Subsea Production and Processing (2015 - 2023)

And partner in several Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FMEs) and Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFIs):

FME Bio4Fuel (2016 - 2024)

FME HighEff (2016 - 2024)

FME NCCS (2016 - 2024)

SFI inGAP (2007 - 2015)

SFI FACE  (2007 - 2015)

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Infrastructure at IKP

Infrastructure at IKP

The Department of Chemical Engineering has access to a broad spectrum of advanced, scientific equipment. 

List of equipment at the department

The equipment can be booked through Bookitlab, NTNU's Core Facility Management System. Login with Feide credentials. 

BookitLab IKP

Department Strategy

Department Strategy