We have the pleasure of inviting you to a new Service for All conference!
The conference will take place in Trondheim on November 15th and 16th, 2023.
November 15th will feature workshops, walk of shame and social and provocative pranks related to a more inclusive society. November 16th will be devoted to scientific contributions.
The Services for All conference is FREE for everyone
It is not possible to sign up for the conference anymore
Universal design means that users - regardless of their prerequisites - can use services offered by an organization in a good and simple way. This includes, among other things, websites, apps, infrastructure and systems. Universal design and an inclusive learning environment are important parts of higher education and required by law.
The conference follows NTNU's basic principle of Norwegian when we can, English when we have to, meaning that we also invite contributions in English. The contributions will be published in a conference proceedings after the conference.
Exploratory contributions
We are seeking abstracts of 300 words describing contributions to workshops, exhibition contributions, performances or other creative, inquiring or experimental contributions of different formats.
Working papers
We also want working papers, essays or scientific works of maximum 4000 words.
a) StudyWell: promotion of mental health and well-being in study cities, e.g.:
StudyWell: To promote mental health, well-being, and quality of life in study cities, e.g.:
Contributions on mental health, well-being and quality of life among students and staff
About having a mental health challenge in a university context
Examples of relational welfare, participation and meaning-making activities
Collaboration for well-being and quality of life
b) Stories of higher education and inclusion, e.g.:
Studying or teaching with a physical or mental disability or "otherness"
Ablemism or equality in higher education
Visible and invisible exclusion
Student life
Tragic, sad or comical examples of how you as a student or employee with a disability have tackled a challenge (some of which we would like to invite you to Pub Night on November 15th
'Safe spaces' versus 'coping with life'
How to facilitate education to ensure that everyone gets a job?
Life situations and socioeconomic conditions as a student
Life events and students
Best practices
The city and the students: what is the potential?
c) Stories of the future:
University Utopia: The University of the Future for All: including physical or intangible design of the study environment of the future, the university's green, built, or intangible components
Dilemmas and choices in universal design in higher education
Proposals for “quick fixes” that could easily and effectively lead to a more inclusive university for all on a larger scale
Education and childhood
co-created conference
N.B.: Services for All is a co-created conference, which means that we will invite contributors to Day 1 to a joint online workshop in September to design the final format of workshops, exhibitions and other materials in the best possible way.