Brooke N. Wolford
Brooke N. Wolford has a PhD in Bioinformatics and Master's in Statistics from the University of Michigan. She is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow in the HUNT Center for Molecular and Clinical Epidemiology (formerly the K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology). Brooke's research at NTNU focuses on artificial intelligence-driven, precision public health. She leads the Protect Hearts and HUNT AI for Heart Health projects which aim to better understand heart disease pathophysiology and improve disease prediction in women using genomics, proteomics, and clinical data. Since 2021 Brooke has worked with the INTERVENE Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the leadership of Associate Professor Andrea Ganna and Professor Samuli Ripatti at the Finnish Institute for Molecular Medicine.
Brooke is a member of the K.G. Jebsen Academy of Young Medical Researchers and won the 2022 and 2023 Best Dissemination Award amongst K.G. Jebsen Centers across Norway. She was also a 2022 finalist and 2021 semi-finalist for the American Society of Human Genetics Trainee Research Excellence Award (formerly the Charles J. Epstein Trainee Research Award). Brooke is pursuing a research career combining statistical genetics, computational biology, and clinical application to fulfill the promise of precision medicine. She is also committed to communicating scientific findings to general audiences, teaching science literacy and quantitative skills to youth, and following open science practices.
During her graduate studies she was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow and Genome Sciences Predoctoral Trainee. She completed a dissertation titled “Genetic Discovery and Precision Medicine in Cardiovascular Diseases Using Electronic Health Record-linked Biobanks” under the mentorship of Dr. Cristen Willer and Dr. Michael Boehnke. Before graduate school, Brooke spent two years as a postbaccalaureate intramural research trainee in the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD studying the genetics of type 2 diabetes with Dr. Francis Collins. Brooke is a native of North Carolina and a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Biology having earned highest honors and highest distinction.
Access Brooke's Curriculum Vitae for teaching experience, presentations, grants, and awards. View more publications at Google Scholar, PubMed, or ORCiD.
Institutional Responsibilities
- Health AI in R Workshop Leader (2025)
- HUNT MCE Seminar Series Organizer (2022-Present)
- NTNU Statistical Genetics Journal Club Coordinator (2021-2023)
- Researchers' Night and Forskningsdagene Co-leader (October 2022)
- Palestine-Norway Partnership to Enhance Population Genomics Education, Research, and Outreach to the Professional-Community (PaNomics) Summer School Lecturer (September 2022)
- Genetic Epidemiology (SMED 8020, Norwegian Univ. of Science & Technology) Lecturer (2019-2022)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of death globally. CVD includes stroke and coronary artery disease (CAD), also known as atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), which is often referred to as heart disease. With an aging population in Europe, the median age of the 27 EU member states is projected to increase by 4.5 years between 2019 and 2050 to 48.2 years. The projected burden of CVD on the health care system is high, and health care systems must act now to create sustainable systems of preventive medicine. Precision public health seeks to meet these time-sensitive goals by implementing precision medicine at population scale via risk prediction and screening programs.
Large biobanks such as the Trøndelag Health (HUNT) Study integrate health records, biomarkers, proteomics, and genetic data. Current clinical risk prediction models for primary prevention of heart disease, like SCORE2 and NORRISK3, account for age, sex, smoking, diastolic blood pressure, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, among other risk factors.The identification and implementation of CVD risk factors beyond those in the established clinical risk prediction models is an area of active research. Brooke's research aims to use conventional risk factors, novel biomarkers, and polygenic scores (PGS)—a measure of an individuals’ genetic variants for CVD risk—to improve CVD risk prediction accuracy, especially in women and young adults. Using HUNT and other biobanks such as UK Biobank and FinnGen, Brooke works to identify and understand these risk predictors and ultimately prevent human disease through precision medicine approaches enabled by artificial intelligence (AI).
HUNT AI for Heart Health
A unified framework for estimating country-specific cumulative incidence for 18 diseases stratified by polygenic risk
Discovery and systematic characterization of risk variants for coronary artery disease in over a million participants.
Selected Publications
* indicates equal contributions
Aragam K*, Jiang T*, Goel A*, Kanoi S*, Wolford BN*, [60 authors], Willer CJ, Eloukas P, Kathiresan S, Butterworth A, on behalf of the CARDIoGRAMplusC4D Consortium. Discovery and systematic characterization of risk variants for coronary artery disease in over a million participants. Nature Genetics. PMID: 36474045. (06/12/2022)
Duda M*, Sovacool, KL*, [14 authors], Lapp Z*, Wolford BN*. Teaching Python for Data Science: Collaborative development of a modular and interactive curriculum. Journal of Open Source Education, 4(46), 138. PMID: 35187422. (17/12/2021)
Fan Y*, Wolford BN*, Lu H*, [20 authors], Willer CJ, Chen YE. Type 2 diabetes sex-specific effects associated with E167K coding variant in TM6SF2. iScience. PMID: 34746691. (19/11/2021)
COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative (banner authorship). Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19 by worldwide meta-analysis. Nature. PMID: 34237774. (08/07/2021)
Wolford BN*, Hornsby WE*, [19 authors], Milewicz DM, Willer CJ, Yang B. Clinical implications of identifying pathogenic variants in individuals with thoracic aortic dissection. Circulation Genomic and Precision Medicine 12(6): 273-280. PMID: 31211624. (18/06/2019)
Wolford BN, Willer CJ, and Surakka I. Electronic health records: the next wave of complex disease genetics. Human Molecular Genetics, 27:R14-R21. PMID: 29547983. (01/05/2018)
Kycia I, Wolford BN, [16 authors], Collins FS, Parker SCJ, Stitzel ML. A common type 2 diabetes risk variant potentiates activity of an evolutionarily conserved islet stretch enhancer and increases C2CD4A and C2CD4B expression. American Journal of Human Genetics 102(4):620-635. PMID: 29625024. (05/04/2018)
View more publications at Google Scholar, PubMed, or ORCiD.
Wolford, Brooke;
Åsvold, Bjørn Olav.
Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization to Elucidate the Relationship Between Healthy Sleep, Brains, and Hearts.
Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA)
Jermy, Bradley;
Läll, Kristi;
Wolford, Brooke;
Wang, Ying;
Zguro, Kristina;
Cheng, Yipeng.
A unified framework for estimating country-specific cumulative incidence for 18 diseases stratified by polygenic risk.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Moksnes, Marta R.;
Hansen, Ailin F.;
Wolford, Brooke N.;
Thomas, Laurent F.;
Rasheed, Humaira;
Simic, Anica.
A genome-wide association study provides insights into the genetic etiology of 57 essential and non-essential trace elements in humans.
Communications Biology
Academic article
Monti, Remo;
Eick, Lisa;
Hudjashov, Georgi;
Läll, Kristi;
Kanoni, Stavroula;
Wolford, Brooke Nichole.
Evaluation of polygenic scoring methods in five biobanks shows larger variation between biobanks than methods and finds benefits of ensemble learning.
American Journal of Human Genetics
Academic article
Øvretveit, Karsten;
Ingeström, Emma Maria Lovisa;
Spitieris, Michail;
Tragante, Vinicius;
Wade, Kaitlin Hazel;
Thomas, Laurent Francois.
Polygenic risk scores associate with blood pressure traits across the lifespan.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Academic article
Sutton, Nadia R.;
Malhotra, Rajeev;
Hilaire, Cynthia S.;
Aikawa, Elena;
Blumenthal, Roger S.;
Gackenbach, Grace.
Molecular Mechanisms of Vascular Health: Insights From Vascular Aging and Calcification.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
Academic literature review
Surakka, Ida;
Wolford, Brooke Nichole;
Ritchie, Scott C.;
Hornsby, Whitney E.;
Sutton, Nadia R.;
Gabrielsen, Maiken Elvestad.
Sex-Specific Survival Bias and Interaction Modeling in Coronary Artery Disease Risk Prediction.
Circulation: Genomic and precision medicine
Academic article
Wang, Ying;
Namba, Shinichi;
Lopera, Esteban;
Kerminen, Sini;
Tsuo, Kristin;
Läll, Kristi.
Global Biobank analyses provide lessons for developing polygenic risk scores across diverse cohorts.
Cell Genomics
Academic article
Journal publications
Wolford, Brooke;
Åsvold, Bjørn Olav.
Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization to Elucidate the Relationship Between Healthy Sleep, Brains, and Hearts.
Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA)
Jermy, Bradley;
Läll, Kristi;
Wolford, Brooke;
Wang, Ying;
Zguro, Kristina;
Cheng, Yipeng.
A unified framework for estimating country-specific cumulative incidence for 18 diseases stratified by polygenic risk.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Moksnes, Marta R.;
Hansen, Ailin F.;
Wolford, Brooke N.;
Thomas, Laurent F.;
Rasheed, Humaira;
Simic, Anica.
A genome-wide association study provides insights into the genetic etiology of 57 essential and non-essential trace elements in humans.
Communications Biology
Academic article
Monti, Remo;
Eick, Lisa;
Hudjashov, Georgi;
Läll, Kristi;
Kanoni, Stavroula;
Wolford, Brooke Nichole.
Evaluation of polygenic scoring methods in five biobanks shows larger variation between biobanks than methods and finds benefits of ensemble learning.
American Journal of Human Genetics
Academic article
Øvretveit, Karsten;
Ingeström, Emma Maria Lovisa;
Spitieris, Michail;
Tragante, Vinicius;
Wade, Kaitlin Hazel;
Thomas, Laurent Francois.
Polygenic risk scores associate with blood pressure traits across the lifespan.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC)
Academic article
Sutton, Nadia R.;
Malhotra, Rajeev;
Hilaire, Cynthia S.;
Aikawa, Elena;
Blumenthal, Roger S.;
Gackenbach, Grace.
Molecular Mechanisms of Vascular Health: Insights From Vascular Aging and Calcification.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
Academic literature review
Surakka, Ida;
Wolford, Brooke Nichole;
Ritchie, Scott C.;
Hornsby, Whitney E.;
Sutton, Nadia R.;
Gabrielsen, Maiken Elvestad.
Sex-Specific Survival Bias and Interaction Modeling in Coronary Artery Disease Risk Prediction.
Circulation: Genomic and precision medicine
Academic article
Wang, Ying;
Namba, Shinichi;
Lopera, Esteban;
Kerminen, Sini;
Tsuo, Kristin;
Läll, Kristi.
Global Biobank analyses provide lessons for developing polygenic risk scores across diverse cohorts.
Cell Genomics
Academic article
Lecturer for PhD-level Genetic Epidemiology course, SMED8020, since 2019. Lectured on a variety of subjects over the years including genetic variation, GWAS meta-analysis, and functional characterization of GWAS loci. Leader of the new Health AI in R workshop sponsored by Digital Life Norway and HUNT Cloud.
- Fikria Karinanur: 01/04/2024-Present, Master's in Clinical Health Science - Obesity and Health Main Supervisor, Proteomic Risk Prediction for Type 2 Diabetes in HUNT3 Study Participants
- Pieta Kelsey: 01/01/24-Present, PhD Co-supervisor, Infections as risk factors for Alzheimer's Disease
- Elisa Moreno: 01/04/23-Present, PhD Co-supervisor, Investigation of urine traits and oxygen saturation in the general population
- Karianne Skjærstein: 01/04/23-19/06/24, Master's in Global Health Main Supervisor, Polygenic risk scores for better prediction of cardiovascular disease in women under 40 years
- Nora Grøtting: 01/01/23-Present, Medical Student Research Track Co-supervisor, Cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's dementia in the HUNT Study
International research study finds new genetic links to heart disease
We're Doomed, We're Saved Podcast
PosterWolford, Brooke Nichole. (2024) Differential gene expression and regulation at single nuclei resolution in muscle of statin users. AtheroNET COST Action CA21153 AtheroNet 3rd Working Group Meeting , Valencia, Spain 2024-02-28 - 2024-03-01
Academic lectureWolford, Brooke Nichole. (2023) Big data integration: Variability of lifetime risk of complex diseases across polygenic score strata in over 1 million individuals . AtheroNET 3rd meeting of the AtheroNET (Network for implementing multiomics approaches in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease prevention and research) EU COST Action , Vlorë, Albania 2023-09-29 - 2023-09-29
Academic lectureWolford, Brooke Nichole. (2023) Differential gene expression and regulation at single nuclei resolution in muscle of statin users. American Society of Human Genetics American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting 2023 , Washington, D.C. 2023-11-01 - 2023-11-05
PosterØvretveit, Karsten; Ingeström, Emma Maria Lovisa; Spitieris, Michail; Tragante, Vinicius; Wade, Kaitlin Hazel; Thomas, Laurent Francois. (2023) Polygenic risk scores predict blood pressure traits across the lifespan. American Society of Human Genetics 2023 Annual Meeting 2023-11-03 -
Academic lectureWolford, Brooke Nichole. (2022) Variability in lifetime risk of complex diseases across European countries & polygenic score strata in >1 million individuals. American Society of Human Genetics American Society of Human Genetics 2022 , Los Angeles, CA, USA 2022-10-25 - 2022-10-29
Academic lectureWolford, Brooke Nichole. (2022) Effect of sex and age on disease prediction with polygenic scores in INTERVENE. European Society of Human Genetics European Society of Human Genetics Conference , Vienna, Austria 2022-06-11 - 2022-06-14
PosterØvretveit, Karsten; Ingeström, Emma Maria Lovisa; Spitieris, Michail; Tragante, Vinicius; Wade, Kaitlin Hazel; Thomas, Laurent Francois. (2022) Polygenic predictions and interactions in hypertension. K.G. Jebsen for Genetic Epidemiology Symposium 2022-11-29 - 2022-11-30
Academic lectureØvretveit, Karsten; Ingeström, Emma Maria Lovisa; Spitieris, Michail; Tragante, Vinicius; Wade, Kaitlin Hazel; Thomas, Laurent Francois. (2022) Polygenic predictions and interactions in hypertension. Cardiac Exercise Research Group (CERG) Exercise in Medicine , Trondheim 2022-12-14 - 2022-12-15