Natasa Nord
Varmeteknisk, B233, Gløshaugen, Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1b
Teaching activities: Thermodynamics 1, Building energy supply, Infrastructure for energy transport, Energy planning.
Research areas: Building energy supply, district heating, lifetime commissioning, zero emission building, building energy monitoring, simulation of buildings and HVAC systems, and energy analysis.
Research activities:
- Subtask leader for Interfaces, Communities, and Economics within District Heating and cooling (DHC) Annex TS1: Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems.
- Research activities related to energy supply and building service systems within the Norwegian project on Zero Emission Buildings.
- Contribution to activities related to building performance simulation. At the Department of Energy and Process Engineering responsible for the simulation tools EnergyPlus, IDA-ICE, and TRNSYS.
Memberships of scientific committees, review
- Member of Norsk VVS Stiftelsen – NORVAC Foundation.
- Member of advisory board of NORVAC local group for Trondheim area.
- Member of Norwegian District Heating fellowship.
- Member of advisory board of the Study program Energy and environment at NTNU.
- Member of REHVA Journal editorial board.
We are leading a CETPartnership project with the aim is to assess, control, and manage thermal storage potentials and flexibility at both building and district level to enable the complete renewable, smart, resource, and cost-efficient energy systems.
ARV - Climate positive circular communities
ARV is a H2020 EU-funded project aiming at creating climate positive circular communities in Europe and increasing the building renovation rate in the continent. We started our work in January 2022. ARV is the Norwegian word for “heritage” or “legacy”.
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Yin, Huibin;
Pan, Gechuanqi;
Wang, Changhong;
Wu, Tingting.
A study of optimal control approaches of water-to-water CO2 heat pump for domestic hot water use.
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Yin, Huibin;
Pan, Gechuanqi.
Impact of heat loss from storage tank with phase change material on the performance of a solar-assisted heat pump system.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Liu, Chang;
Liang, Junhan;
Yin, Huibin.
Performance analysis of a system with integrated CO2 heat pumps and a PCM tank in different charging standards.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Ciampo, Giorgia;
Verda, Vittorio;
Guelpa, Elisa;
Nord, Natasa;
Pour Ahmadiyan, Ali.
Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage Systems in Trondheim: Possibilities and Challenges.
Politecnico di Torino
Masters thesis
Borovski Rasmussen, Sofia;
Nord, Natasa;
Pour Ahmadiyan, Ali.
Energy system and long-term thermal storage at Nyhavna in Trondheim.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Aalmen, Simon Holtet;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Enhanced energy efficiency in school buildings - A case study of Bærum municipality.
Masters thesis
Mohseni Pahlavan, Hamed;
Nord, Natasa.
Technical analysis of using a multi-storage system for a university campus: A case study of a Norwegian district heating system.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Woszczek, Aleksandra;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Mohseni Pahlavan, Hamed.
A dynamic modelling approach to explore zero emission building stock opportunities towards 2050 – Case study of a university campus.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Song, Ge;
Nord, Natasa;
Madsen, Henrik;
Thorsen, Jan Eric;
Shahabaldin Tohidi, Seyed;
Mokhtari, Reza.
D.7.6 Guidelines on description of smartness and flexibility.
European Commission
European Commission
Mohseni Pahlavan, Hamed;
Nord, Natasa.
Developing a Multi-Building Scale Energy Model for a university
campus using URBANopt.
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings (200)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Habib, Mustapha;
Timoudas, Thomas Ohlson;
Ding, Yiyu;
Nord, Natasa;
Chen, Shuqin;
Wang, Qian.
A hybrid machine learning approach for the load prediction in the sustainable transition of district heating networks.
Sustainable Cities and Society (SCS)
Academic article
Hou, Juan;
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa;
Huang, Gongsheng.
Model predictive control for a university heat prosumer with data centre waste heat and thermal energy storage.
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Yin, Huibin.
An investigation of using CO<inf>2</inf> heat pumps to charge PCM storage tank for domestic use.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Brækken, August;
Gabrielii, Cecilia H;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy use and energy efficiency in cruise ship hotel systems in a Nordic climate.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Du, Han;
Zhou, Xinlei;
Nord, Natasa;
Carden, Yale;
Ma, Zhenjun.
A new data mining strategy for performance evaluation of a shared energy recovery system integrated with data centres and district heating networks.
Academic article
Hadley, Adam;
Nord, Natasa;
Brækken, August.
Energy Use and Energy Efficiency Measures for a Passenger Ferry.
Masters thesis
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
The effect of building attributes on the energy performance at a scale: an inferential analysis.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Hou, Juan;
Hong, Tianzhen;
Nord, Natasa.
Distinguish between the economic optimal and lowest distribution temperatures for heat-prosumer-based district heating systems with short-term thermal energy storage.
Academic article
Hou, Juan;
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa.
Nonlinear model predictive control for the space heating system of a university building in Norway.
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Hou, Juan;
Nord, Natasa.
A fast and effective method for modelling and optimizing district heating systems in the Modelica language.
Linköping University Electronic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shakerin, Mohammad;
Eikeskog, Vilde;
Li, Yantong;
Harsem, Trond Thorgeir;
Nord, Natasa;
Li, Haoran.
Investigation of Combined Heating and Cooling Systems with Short-and Long-Term Storages.
Academic article
Rajaei, Ali;
Haddadi, Morteza;
Nord, Natasa.
A new approach of optimal appliance scheduling for peak load reduction of an off-grid residential building.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation
Academic article
Ding, Yiyu;
Timoudas, Thomas Ohlson;
Wang, Qian;
Chen, Shuqin;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
A study on data-driven hybrid heating load prediction methods in low-temperature district heating: An example for nursing homes in Nordic countries.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Halvorsen, Henrik;
Rekstad, Inge Håvard.
Model-based sizing of a CO2 heat pump for residential use.
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Academic article
Sretenovic, Aleksandra;
Jovanovic, Radisa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Nord, Natasa;
Zivkovic, Branislav.
Hybrid artificial intelligence model for prediction of heating energy use.
Thermal Science
Academic article
Ding, Yuemin;
Ding, Yiyu;
Nord, Natasa.
Data-driven analysis of electricity use for office buildings: a Norwegian case study.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Ding, Yiyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
A systematic approach for data analysis and prediction methods for annual energy profiles: An example for school buildings in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Ljungström, Malin;
Aamodt, Lene;
Løvvold, Sandra Emilie Aasestrand;
Nord, Natasa.
Life cycle analysis of GHG emissions from the building retrofitting: The case of a Norwegian office building.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Arabkoohsar, Ahmad;
Behzadi, Amirmohammad;
Nord, Natasa.
A highly innovative yet cost-effective multi-generation energy system for net-zero energy buildings.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Rekstad, Inge Håvard;
Skånøy, Stein Kristian;
Sørensen, Lars Konrad.
Study of a water-source CO2 heat pump for residential use:
experimental discharge pressure control and performance
analysis .
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Hou, Juan;
Ding, Yuemin;
Nord, Natasa.
Techno-economic analysis of implementing thermal storage for peak load shaving in a campus district heating system with waste heat from the data centre.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Shakerin, Mohammad;
Eikeskog, Vilde;
Li, Yantong;
Harsem, Trond Th.;
Nord, Natasa.
Sizing and performance analyses of a combined heating and cooling system with the integration of short- and long-term storages.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Ding, Yiyu;
Skrautvol, Ola;
Eliassen, Stian Fossmo.
Energy Pathways for Future Norwegian Residential Building Areas.
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Hou, Juan;
Hong, Tianzhen;
Ding, Yuemin;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy, economic, and environmental analysis of integration of thermal energy storage into district heating systems using waste heat from data centres.
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Shakerin, Mohammad;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Verda, Vittorio;
Borchiellini, Romano.
Data informed physical models for district heating grids with distributed heat sources to understand thermal and hydraulic aspects.
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa.
Identifying important variables and profiles of domestic hot tap water energy use in Norwegian buildings by using statistical methods.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Ding, Yiyu;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Cao, Guangyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
Analysis of electricity use and economic impacts for buildings with electric heating under lockdown conditions: examples for educational buildings and residential buildings in Norway.
Sustainable Cities and Society (SCS)
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa.
Building retrofitting through coupling of building energy simulation-optimization tool with cfd and daylight programs.
Academic article
Ju, Yuchen;
Lindholm, Joakim;
Verbeck, Moritz;
Jokisalo, Juha;
Kosonen, Risto;
Janβen, Philipp.
Cost savings and CO2 emissions reduction potential in the German district heating system with demand response.
Science and Technology for the Built Environment
Academic article
Hou, Juan;
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa;
Huang, Gongsheng.
Model predictive control under weather forecast uncertainty for HVAC systems in university buildings.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Hou, Juan;
Tian, Zhiyong;
Hong, Tianzhen;
Nord, Natasa;
Rohde, Daniel.
Optimize heat prosumers' economic performance under current heating price models by using water tank thermal energy storage.
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa;
Ding, Yiyu.
Heat use profiles in Norwegian educational institutions in conditions of COVID-lockdown.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Popular scientific article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Ding, Yiyu;
Nord, Natasa.
Analysis of heat use profiles in Norwegian educational institutions in conditions of COVID-lockdown.
Journal of Building Engineering
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Ding, Yuemin;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Walnum, Harald Taxt.
DHW tank sizing considering dynamic energy prices.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Pedrero, Raquel Alonso;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Top-down spatially-explicit probabilistic estimation of building energy performance at a scale.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Huang, Gongsheng;
Li, Xin.
Swimming pool heating technology: A state-of-the-art review.
Building Simulation
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa.
Achieving zero-energy building performance with thermal and visual comfort enhancement through optimization of fenestration, envelope, shading device, and
energy supply system.
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Academic article
Brækken, August;
Nord, Natasa;
Gabrielii, Cecilia H.
Energy Use and Energy Efficiency
Potential on Passenger Ships.
Masters thesis
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Walnum, Harald Taxt;
Nord, Natasa.
Development and analysis of hourly DHW heat use profiles in nursing homes in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Torgersen, Jørgen;
Nord, Natasa.
Parametric analysis of ground source heat pump system for heating of office buildings in Nordic climate.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xue, Kai;
Ding, Yiyu;
Yang, Zhirong;
Nord, Natasa;
Barillec, Mael Roger Albert;
Mathisen, Hans Martin.
A Simple and Novel Method to Predict the Hospital Energy Use Based on Machine Learning: A Case Study in Norway.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Farouq, Shiraz;
Byttner, Stefan;
Bouguelia, Mohamed-Rafik;
Nord, Natasa;
Gadd, Henrik.
Large-scale monitoring of operationally diverse district heating substations: A reference-group based approach.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Sharp, Terry;
Haase, Matthias;
Zhiviv, Alex;
Zhivov, Alexander;
Rismanchi, Bezard;
Lohse, Ruediger.
Energy Master Planning: Identifying Framing Constraints That Scope Your Technology Options.
ASHRAE Transactions
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Xiao, Qiangqiang;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii.
Building heating applications with phase change material: A comprehensive review.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Walnum, Harald Taxt;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Nord, Natasa.
Analysis of monthly and daily profiles of DHW use in apartment blocks in Norway.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Mohseni, Omid;
Nord, Natasa.
Minimizing delivered energy and life cycle cost using Graphical script: An office building retrofitting case.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Zhang, Nan;
Zhou, Cheng.
An ANN-based optimization approach of building energy systems: Case study of swimming pool.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Nord, Natasa.
Selecting the model and influencing variables for DHW heat use prediction in hotels in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Nord, Natasa.
Splitting measurements of the total heat demand in a hotel into domestic hot water and space heating heat use.
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Wu, Huijun;
Yu, Zhun;
Huang, Gongsheng.
A study on the integration of air-source heat pumps, solar collectors, and PCM
tanks for outdoor swimming pools for winter application in subtropical climates.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa;
Schild, Peter;
Mysen, Mads.
Performance assessment of all-air heating in an office cubicle equipped with an active supply diffuser in a cold climate.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Ding, Yiyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy analysis and energy planning for kindergartens based on data analysis.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Built Stock Explorer – an interactive platform for data-driven energy planning.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Ngo, Min Huy;
Nesgård, Eirik Andre;
Woszczek, Aleksandra;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii.
Future energy pathways for a university campus considering possibilities for energy efficiency improvements.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa;
Tartaglino, Andrea.
Analysis of DHW energy
use profiles for energy
simulations in a hotel located
in Norway.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa;
Skrautvol, Ola;
Fossmo Eliassen, Stian;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii.
Energy Pathways for Future Residential Building Areas in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa.
Active supply diffuser application in all-air heating systems.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa;
Sartori, Igor.
Analysis of energy signatures and planning of heating and domestic hot water energy use in buildings in Norway.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Hou, Juan;
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa.
Optimal control of secondary side supply water temperature for substation in district heating systems.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Control strategy for battery-supported photovoltaic systems aimed at peak load reduction.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Plesser, Thale Sofie Wester;
Walnum, Harald Taxt;
Sartori, Igor.
Identifying typical hourly DHW energy use profiles in a hotel in Norway by using statistical methods.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa;
Schild, Peter.
Performance analysis of an active diffuser in mixing ventilation for cell office by using numerical approach.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa.
Operation strategies to achieve low supply and return temperature in district heating system.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Chen, Shuqin;
Guan, Jun;
Nord, Natasa;
Li, Nianping;
Yoshino, Hiroshi.
A study of citywide urban residential energy information system for the building energy efficiency management: a cluster model of seven typical cities in China.
Energy Efficiency
Academic article
Rohde, Daniel;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Andresen, Trond;
Nord, Natasa.
Dynamic optimization of control setpoints for an integrated heating and cooling system with thermal energy storages.
Academic article
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Influence of emerging technologies deployment in residential built stock on electric energy cost and grid load.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Sartori, Igor;
Plesser, Thale Sofie Wester;
Walnum, Harald Taxt.
Prediction of DHW energy use in a hotel in Norway.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Nord, Natasa.
Future Trends in District Heating Development.
Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports
Academic literature review
Ma, Zhenjun;
Yan, Rui;
Li, Kehua;
Nord, Natasa.
Building energy performance assessment using volatility change based symbolic transformation and hierarchical clustering.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Nord, Natasa;
Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg;
Lausselet, Carine;
Woszczek, Aleksandra.
Neighbourhood building stock model for long-term dynamic analyses of energy demand and GHG emissions.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (2)
Nord, Natasa;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Qvistgaard, Live Holmedal;
Tryggestad, Ivar Stoltenberg.
Influence of occupant behavior and operation on performance of a residential Zero Emission Building in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Rohde, Daniel;
Andresen, Trond;
Nord, Natasa.
Analysis of an integrated heating and cooling system for a building complex
with focus on long–term thermal storage.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa.
Transition to the 4th generation district heating-possibilities, bottlenecks, and challenges.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Nord, Natasa.
Testet kapillærrørsystem i ZEB Test Cell.
Norsk VVS
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa.
Forsker på fjernvarme med flere kilder.
Norsk VVS
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sandberg, Nina Holck.
Forskning på metoder for energiplanlegging for bygninger i byer.
Norsk VVS
Popular scientific article
Sretenović, Aleksandra A.;
Jovanović, Radiša Ž.;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Nord, Natasa;
Živković, Branislav D..
Support vector machine for the prediction of heating energy use.
Thermal Science
Academic article
Kumar, Dileep;
Memon, Abdul Ghafoor;
Memon, Rizwan Ahmed;
Ali, Intizar;
Nord, Natasa.
Parametric study of condensation at heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning duct's external surface.
Building Services Engineering Research & Technology
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa.
CFD study on the effect of Archimedes number and heating rate on the thermal stratification of a
ventilated office.
Linköping University Electronic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord, Natasa;
Nielsen, Elise Kristine Løve;
Kauko, Hanne;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii.
Challenges and potentials for low-temperature district heating implementation in Norway.
Academic article
Kauko, Hanne;
Kvalsvik, Karoline Husevåg;
Rohde, Daniel;
Nord, Natasa;
Utne, Åmund.
Dynamic modeling of local district heating grids with prosumers: A case study for Norway.
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa.
A state-of-art review of retrofit interventions in buildings towards nearly zero energy level.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Yoshino, Hiroshi;
Hong, Tianzhen;
Nord, Natasa.
IEA EBC annex 53: Total energy use in buildings?Analysis and evaluation methods.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Tokbolat, Serik;
Calay, Rajnish K;
Nord, Natasa;
Al-Zubaidy, Sarim.
Building design strategy for cold climate using passive design and renewable technologies.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Mustafa, Mahmoud;
Nord, Natasa;
Calay, Rajnish K;
Mustafa, Mohamad.
A Hybrid Biomass Hydrothermal Gasification- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System Combined with Improved CHP Plant for Sustainable Power Generation.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Kauko, Hanne;
Kvalsvik, Karoline Husevåg;
Rohde, Daniel;
Hafner, Armin;
Nord, Natasa.
Dynamic modelling of local low-temperature heating grids: A case study for Norway.
Academic article
Nord, Natasa.
Building Energy Efficiency in Cold Climates.
Schmidt, Dietrich;
Kallert, Anna;
Blesl, Markus;
Svendsen, Svend;
Li, Hongwei;
Nord, Natasa.
Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Ma, Zhenjun;
Yan, Rui;
Nord, Natasa.
A variation focused cluster analysis strategy to identify typical daily heating load profiles of higher education buildings.
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Schmidt, Dietrich;
Kallert, Anna Marie Dagmar.
Necessary Measures to Include more Distributed Renewable Energy Sources into District Heating System.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Nord, Natasa.
Importance of Increased Knowledge on Reliability of District Heating Pipes.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Qvistgaard, Live Holmedal;
Cao, Guangyu.
Identifying key design parameters of the integrated energy system for a residential Zero Emission Building in Norway.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Schmidt, Dietrich;
Kallert, Anna Maria;
Svendsen, Svend.
Improved Interfaces for Enabling Integration of Low Temperature and Distributed Heat Sources – Requirements and Examples.
Aalborg Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Guan, Jun;
Nord, Natasa;
Mathisen, Hans Martin.
Occupants’ perceptions and responses to energy use and indoor climate from the newly occupied passive houses in Norway: a questionnaire survey.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord, Natasa;
Ingebretsen, Maren;
Tryggestad, Ivar Stoltenberg.
Possibilities for Transition of Existing Residential Buildings to Low Temperature District Heating System in Norway.
Aalborg Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rohde, Daniel;
Andresen, Trond;
Nord, Natasa.
Interaction Between a Building Complex with an Integrated Thermal Energy System and a District Heating System.
Aalborg Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy planning of district heating for future building stock based on renewable energies and increasing supply flexibility.
Academic article
Guan, Jun;
Nord, Natasa;
Chen, Shuqin.
Energy planning of university campus building complex: Energy usage and coincidental analysis of individual buildings with a case study.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Rohde, Daniel;
Bantle, Michael;
Andresen, Trond;
Nord, Natasa.
Documentation of an integrated thermal energy system for a building complex.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord, Natasa.
Fjerde generasjons fjernvarme: hva forsker vi på?.
Website (informational material)
Nord, Natasa.
5 spørsmål om TEK.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa;
Mathisen, Hans Martin;
Cao, Guangyu.
Energy cost models for air supported sports hall in cold climates considering energy efficiency.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Li, Peifeng;
Nord, Natasa;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Ge, Zhihua;
Yang, Zhiping;
Yang, Yongping.
Integrated multiscale simulation of CHP based district heating system.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Kauko, Hanne;
Stavset, Ole;
Bantle, Michael;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy use in Norwegian non-Residential buildings : building regulations, calculations and measurements.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moschetti, Roberta;
Mazzarella, Livio;
Nord, Natasa.
An overall methodology to define reference values for building sustainability parameters.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Guan, Jun;
Nord, Natasa;
Chen, Shuqin.
A Case Study of Campus Building End Use of a University in Norway.
Advanced Materials Research
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Nord, Natasa.
Uncertainty of the allocation factors of heat and electricity production of combined cycle power plant.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Nord, Natasa.
Implementation of CCPP for energy supply of future building stock.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Ekehaug Aasen, Renate.
Skrev supermaster om sykehusets spillvarme.
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa;
Ekehaug Aasen, Renate.
Skrev supermaster om sykehusets spillvarme.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Schmidt, Dietrich;
Kallert, Anna Maria;
Blesl, Markus;
Svendsen, Svend;
Nord, Natasa;
Sipil, Kari.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord, Natasa;
Sjøthun, SF.
Success factors of energy efficiency measures in buildings in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Ekehaug Aasen, Renate.
Vurdering og utnyttelse av spillvarme.
Norsk VVS
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Nord, Natasa M..
Joker Nord.
Norsk VVS
Interview Journal
Nord, Natasa.
Proceedings of CLIMA 2013.
Society of Environmental Engineering (STP), REHVA member association
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Nord, Natasa;
Wall, Jostein.
Energy Supply Solution for Low-Energy Commercial Buildings in Cold Climates.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord, Natasa M..
900 deltakere på CLIMA 2013.
Norsk VVS
Short communication
Nord, Natasa M.;
Wall, Jostein.
Heat pump options for low energy office buildings in cold climate.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Identifying important variables of energy use in low energy office building by using multivariate analysis.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Huang, Gongsheng.
Lifetime commissioning as a tool to achieve energy-efficient solutions.
International Journal of Energy Research
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Frydenlund, Frode.
Improved measurements for better decision on heat recovery solutions with heat pumps.
International journal of refrigeration
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Frydenlund, Frode.
Electricity use in two low energy office buildings in Norway.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Nord, Natasa.
Dokumentering av energianlegg BD Klimasenter Ringdalskogen.
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Frydenlund, Frode.
Lifetime commissioning for efficient operation of buildings.
Non-fiction book
Djuric, Natasa;
Huang, G;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Data fusion heat pump performance estimation.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Mathisen, Hans Martin.
Freeze protection method in ventilation system using two hydronic circuits.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Frydenlund, Frode;
Handal, Bjarne.
Lifetime Commissioning as a Tool for Improving Heat Recovery Using Heat Pumps.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Malvik, Bjarne;
Mathisen, Hans Martin;
Djuric, Natasa;
Frydenlund, Frode.
Air to air residential heat pumps - impacts on indoor climate.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord, Natasa.
Funksjonskontroll rapport ved Professor Brochs gate 2Resultat av utprøving av funksjonskontroll prosedyrene.
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A7098)
Nord, Natasa.
Funksjonskontroll rapport ved Vassbotnen 23 i StavangerResultat av utprøving av funksjonskontroll prosedyrene.
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A7094)
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Efficient Building Operation as a Tool to Achieve Zero Emission Building.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Correlation between standards and the lifetime commissioning.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Review of possibilities and necessities for building lifetime commissioning.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Frydenlund, Frode.
Heating system performance estimation using optimization tool and BEMS data.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Real-time supervision of Building HVAC system performance.
tapir uttrykk
Doctoral dissertation
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Holst, Johnny N.;
Mitrovic, Z.
Optimization of energy consumption in buildings with hydronic heating systems considering thermal comfort by use of computer-based tools.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Holst, Johnny N.;
Mitrovic, Zoran.
Optimization of energy consumption in buildings with hydronic heating systems considering thermal comfort by use of computer-based tools.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa.
EnergyPlus and GenOpt in thermotechnical installation design.
KGH. Klimatizacija, grejanje, hladjenje
Academic article
Journal publications
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Yin, Huibin;
Pan, Gechuanqi;
Wang, Changhong;
Wu, Tingting.
A study of optimal control approaches of water-to-water CO2 heat pump for domestic hot water use.
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Yin, Huibin;
Pan, Gechuanqi.
Impact of heat loss from storage tank with phase change material on the performance of a solar-assisted heat pump system.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Liu, Chang;
Liang, Junhan;
Yin, Huibin.
Performance analysis of a system with integrated CO2 heat pumps and a PCM tank in different charging standards.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Mohseni Pahlavan, Hamed;
Nord, Natasa.
Technical analysis of using a multi-storage system for a university campus: A case study of a Norwegian district heating system.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Woszczek, Aleksandra;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Mohseni Pahlavan, Hamed.
A dynamic modelling approach to explore zero emission building stock opportunities towards 2050 – Case study of a university campus.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Habib, Mustapha;
Timoudas, Thomas Ohlson;
Ding, Yiyu;
Nord, Natasa;
Chen, Shuqin;
Wang, Qian.
A hybrid machine learning approach for the load prediction in the sustainable transition of district heating networks.
Sustainable Cities and Society (SCS)
Academic article
Hou, Juan;
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa;
Huang, Gongsheng.
Model predictive control for a university heat prosumer with data centre waste heat and thermal energy storage.
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Yin, Huibin.
An investigation of using CO<inf>2</inf> heat pumps to charge PCM storage tank for domestic use.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Brækken, August;
Gabrielii, Cecilia H;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy use and energy efficiency in cruise ship hotel systems in a Nordic climate.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Du, Han;
Zhou, Xinlei;
Nord, Natasa;
Carden, Yale;
Ma, Zhenjun.
A new data mining strategy for performance evaluation of a shared energy recovery system integrated with data centres and district heating networks.
Academic article
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
The effect of building attributes on the energy performance at a scale: an inferential analysis.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Hou, Juan;
Hong, Tianzhen;
Nord, Natasa.
Distinguish between the economic optimal and lowest distribution temperatures for heat-prosumer-based district heating systems with short-term thermal energy storage.
Academic article
Hou, Juan;
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa.
Nonlinear model predictive control for the space heating system of a university building in Norway.
Academic article
Shakerin, Mohammad;
Eikeskog, Vilde;
Li, Yantong;
Harsem, Trond Thorgeir;
Nord, Natasa;
Li, Haoran.
Investigation of Combined Heating and Cooling Systems with Short-and Long-Term Storages.
Academic article
Rajaei, Ali;
Haddadi, Morteza;
Nord, Natasa.
A new approach of optimal appliance scheduling for peak load reduction of an off-grid residential building.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation
Academic article
Ding, Yiyu;
Timoudas, Thomas Ohlson;
Wang, Qian;
Chen, Shuqin;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
A study on data-driven hybrid heating load prediction methods in low-temperature district heating: An example for nursing homes in Nordic countries.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Halvorsen, Henrik;
Rekstad, Inge Håvard.
Model-based sizing of a CO2 heat pump for residential use.
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Academic article
Sretenovic, Aleksandra;
Jovanovic, Radisa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Nord, Natasa;
Zivkovic, Branislav.
Hybrid artificial intelligence model for prediction of heating energy use.
Thermal Science
Academic article
Ding, Yuemin;
Ding, Yiyu;
Nord, Natasa.
Data-driven analysis of electricity use for office buildings: a Norwegian case study.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Ding, Yiyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
A systematic approach for data analysis and prediction methods for annual energy profiles: An example for school buildings in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Ljungström, Malin;
Aamodt, Lene;
Løvvold, Sandra Emilie Aasestrand;
Nord, Natasa.
Life cycle analysis of GHG emissions from the building retrofitting: The case of a Norwegian office building.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Arabkoohsar, Ahmad;
Behzadi, Amirmohammad;
Nord, Natasa.
A highly innovative yet cost-effective multi-generation energy system for net-zero energy buildings.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Rekstad, Inge Håvard;
Skånøy, Stein Kristian;
Sørensen, Lars Konrad.
Study of a water-source CO2 heat pump for residential use:
experimental discharge pressure control and performance
analysis .
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Hou, Juan;
Ding, Yuemin;
Nord, Natasa.
Techno-economic analysis of implementing thermal storage for peak load shaving in a campus district heating system with waste heat from the data centre.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Shakerin, Mohammad;
Eikeskog, Vilde;
Li, Yantong;
Harsem, Trond Th.;
Nord, Natasa.
Sizing and performance analyses of a combined heating and cooling system with the integration of short- and long-term storages.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Ding, Yiyu;
Skrautvol, Ola;
Eliassen, Stian Fossmo.
Energy Pathways for Future Norwegian Residential Building Areas.
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Hou, Juan;
Hong, Tianzhen;
Ding, Yuemin;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy, economic, and environmental analysis of integration of thermal energy storage into district heating systems using waste heat from data centres.
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Shakerin, Mohammad;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Verda, Vittorio;
Borchiellini, Romano.
Data informed physical models for district heating grids with distributed heat sources to understand thermal and hydraulic aspects.
Academic article
Ding, Yiyu;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Cao, Guangyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
Analysis of electricity use and economic impacts for buildings with electric heating under lockdown conditions: examples for educational buildings and residential buildings in Norway.
Sustainable Cities and Society (SCS)
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa.
Building retrofitting through coupling of building energy simulation-optimization tool with cfd and daylight programs.
Academic article
Ju, Yuchen;
Lindholm, Joakim;
Verbeck, Moritz;
Jokisalo, Juha;
Kosonen, Risto;
Janβen, Philipp.
Cost savings and CO2 emissions reduction potential in the German district heating system with demand response.
Science and Technology for the Built Environment
Academic article
Hou, Juan;
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa;
Huang, Gongsheng.
Model predictive control under weather forecast uncertainty for HVAC systems in university buildings.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Hou, Juan;
Tian, Zhiyong;
Hong, Tianzhen;
Nord, Natasa;
Rohde, Daniel.
Optimize heat prosumers' economic performance under current heating price models by using water tank thermal energy storage.
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa;
Ding, Yiyu.
Heat use profiles in Norwegian educational institutions in conditions of COVID-lockdown.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Popular scientific article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Ding, Yiyu;
Nord, Natasa.
Analysis of heat use profiles in Norwegian educational institutions in conditions of COVID-lockdown.
Journal of Building Engineering
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Ding, Yuemin;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Walnum, Harald Taxt.
DHW tank sizing considering dynamic energy prices.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Pedrero, Raquel Alonso;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Top-down spatially-explicit probabilistic estimation of building energy performance at a scale.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Huang, Gongsheng;
Li, Xin.
Swimming pool heating technology: A state-of-the-art review.
Building Simulation
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa.
Achieving zero-energy building performance with thermal and visual comfort enhancement through optimization of fenestration, envelope, shading device, and
energy supply system.
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Walnum, Harald Taxt;
Nord, Natasa.
Development and analysis of hourly DHW heat use profiles in nursing homes in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Xue, Kai;
Ding, Yiyu;
Yang, Zhirong;
Nord, Natasa;
Barillec, Mael Roger Albert;
Mathisen, Hans Martin.
A Simple and Novel Method to Predict the Hospital Energy Use Based on Machine Learning: A Case Study in Norway.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Academic article
Farouq, Shiraz;
Byttner, Stefan;
Bouguelia, Mohamed-Rafik;
Nord, Natasa;
Gadd, Henrik.
Large-scale monitoring of operationally diverse district heating substations: A reference-group based approach.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Sharp, Terry;
Haase, Matthias;
Zhiviv, Alex;
Zhivov, Alexander;
Rismanchi, Bezard;
Lohse, Ruediger.
Energy Master Planning: Identifying Framing Constraints That Scope Your Technology Options.
ASHRAE Transactions
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Xiao, Qiangqiang;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii.
Building heating applications with phase change material: A comprehensive review.
Journal of Energy Storage
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Walnum, Harald Taxt;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Nord, Natasa.
Analysis of monthly and daily profiles of DHW use in apartment blocks in Norway.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Mohseni, Omid;
Nord, Natasa.
Minimizing delivered energy and life cycle cost using Graphical script: An office building retrofitting case.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Zhang, Nan;
Zhou, Cheng.
An ANN-based optimization approach of building energy systems: Case study of swimming pool.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Nord, Natasa.
Selecting the model and influencing variables for DHW heat use prediction in hotels in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Nord, Natasa.
Splitting measurements of the total heat demand in a hotel into domestic hot water and space heating heat use.
Academic article
Li, Yantong;
Nord, Natasa;
Wu, Huijun;
Yu, Zhun;
Huang, Gongsheng.
A study on the integration of air-source heat pumps, solar collectors, and PCM
tanks for outdoor swimming pools for winter application in subtropical climates.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa;
Schild, Peter;
Mysen, Mads.
Performance assessment of all-air heating in an office cubicle equipped with an active supply diffuser in a cold climate.
Building and Environment
Academic article
Ding, Yiyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy analysis and energy planning for kindergartens based on data analysis.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Built Stock Explorer – an interactive platform for data-driven energy planning.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Ngo, Min Huy;
Nesgård, Eirik Andre;
Woszczek, Aleksandra;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii.
Future energy pathways for a university campus considering possibilities for energy efficiency improvements.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa;
Tartaglino, Andrea.
Analysis of DHW energy
use profiles for energy
simulations in a hotel located
in Norway.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Popular scientific article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa.
Active supply diffuser application in all-air heating systems.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa;
Sartori, Igor.
Analysis of energy signatures and planning of heating and domestic hot water energy use in buildings in Norway.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Hou, Juan;
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa.
Optimal control of secondary side supply water temperature for substation in district heating systems.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Control strategy for battery-supported photovoltaic systems aimed at peak load reduction.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Plesser, Thale Sofie Wester;
Walnum, Harald Taxt;
Sartori, Igor.
Identifying typical hourly DHW energy use profiles in a hotel in Norway by using statistical methods.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa;
Schild, Peter.
Performance analysis of an active diffuser in mixing ventilation for cell office by using numerical approach.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa.
Operation strategies to achieve low supply and return temperature in district heating system.
E3S Web of Conferences
Academic article
Chen, Shuqin;
Guan, Jun;
Nord, Natasa;
Li, Nianping;
Yoshino, Hiroshi.
A study of citywide urban residential energy information system for the building energy efficiency management: a cluster model of seven typical cities in China.
Energy Efficiency
Academic article
Rohde, Daniel;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Andresen, Trond;
Nord, Natasa.
Dynamic optimization of control setpoints for an integrated heating and cooling system with thermal energy storages.
Academic article
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Influence of emerging technologies deployment in residential built stock on electric energy cost and grid load.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Sartori, Igor;
Plesser, Thale Sofie Wester;
Walnum, Harald Taxt.
Prediction of DHW energy use in a hotel in Norway.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Nord, Natasa.
Future Trends in District Heating Development.
Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports
Academic literature review
Ma, Zhenjun;
Yan, Rui;
Li, Kehua;
Nord, Natasa.
Building energy performance assessment using volatility change based symbolic transformation and hierarchical clustering.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Qvistgaard, Live Holmedal;
Tryggestad, Ivar Stoltenberg.
Influence of occupant behavior and operation on performance of a residential Zero Emission Building in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Rohde, Daniel;
Andresen, Trond;
Nord, Natasa.
Analysis of an integrated heating and cooling system for a building complex
with focus on long–term thermal storage.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Li, Haoran;
Nord, Natasa.
Transition to the 4th generation district heating-possibilities, bottlenecks, and challenges.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Nord, Natasa.
Testet kapillærrørsystem i ZEB Test Cell.
Norsk VVS
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa.
Forsker på fjernvarme med flere kilder.
Norsk VVS
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sandberg, Nina Holck.
Forskning på metoder for energiplanlegging for bygninger i byer.
Norsk VVS
Popular scientific article
Sretenović, Aleksandra A.;
Jovanović, Radiša Ž.;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Nord, Natasa;
Živković, Branislav D..
Support vector machine for the prediction of heating energy use.
Thermal Science
Academic article
Kumar, Dileep;
Memon, Abdul Ghafoor;
Memon, Rizwan Ahmed;
Ali, Intizar;
Nord, Natasa.
Parametric study of condensation at heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning duct's external surface.
Building Services Engineering Research & Technology
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Nielsen, Elise Kristine Løve;
Kauko, Hanne;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii.
Challenges and potentials for low-temperature district heating implementation in Norway.
Academic article
Kauko, Hanne;
Kvalsvik, Karoline Husevåg;
Rohde, Daniel;
Nord, Natasa;
Utne, Åmund.
Dynamic modeling of local district heating grids with prosumers: A case study for Norway.
Academic article
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa.
A state-of-art review of retrofit interventions in buildings towards nearly zero energy level.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Yoshino, Hiroshi;
Hong, Tianzhen;
Nord, Natasa.
IEA EBC annex 53: Total energy use in buildings?Analysis and evaluation methods.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Mustafa, Mahmoud;
Nord, Natasa;
Calay, Rajnish K;
Mustafa, Mohamad.
A Hybrid Biomass Hydrothermal Gasification- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System Combined with Improved CHP Plant for Sustainable Power Generation.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Kauko, Hanne;
Kvalsvik, Karoline Husevåg;
Rohde, Daniel;
Hafner, Armin;
Nord, Natasa.
Dynamic modelling of local low-temperature heating grids: A case study for Norway.
Academic article
Schmidt, Dietrich;
Kallert, Anna;
Blesl, Markus;
Svendsen, Svend;
Li, Hongwei;
Nord, Natasa.
Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Ma, Zhenjun;
Yan, Rui;
Nord, Natasa.
A variation focused cluster analysis strategy to identify typical daily heating load profiles of higher education buildings.
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Schmidt, Dietrich;
Kallert, Anna Marie Dagmar.
Necessary Measures to Include more Distributed Renewable Energy Sources into District Heating System.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Nord, Natasa.
Importance of Increased Knowledge on Reliability of District Heating Pipes.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Qvistgaard, Live Holmedal;
Cao, Guangyu.
Identifying key design parameters of the integrated energy system for a residential Zero Emission Building in Norway.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy planning of district heating for future building stock based on renewable energies and increasing supply flexibility.
Academic article
Guan, Jun;
Nord, Natasa;
Chen, Shuqin.
Energy planning of university campus building complex: Energy usage and coincidental analysis of individual buildings with a case study.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Nord, Natasa.
5 spørsmål om TEK.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa;
Mathisen, Hans Martin;
Cao, Guangyu.
Energy cost models for air supported sports hall in cold climates considering energy efficiency.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Li, Peifeng;
Nord, Natasa;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Ge, Zhihua;
Yang, Zhiping;
Yang, Yongping.
Integrated multiscale simulation of CHP based district heating system.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Moschetti, Roberta;
Mazzarella, Livio;
Nord, Natasa.
An overall methodology to define reference values for building sustainability parameters.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Guan, Jun;
Nord, Natasa;
Chen, Shuqin.
A Case Study of Campus Building End Use of a University in Norway.
Advanced Materials Research
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Nord, Natasa.
Uncertainty of the allocation factors of heat and electricity production of combined cycle power plant.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Academic article
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Nord, Natasa.
Implementation of CCPP for energy supply of future building stock.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Ekehaug Aasen, Renate.
Skrev supermaster om sykehusets spillvarme.
Popular scientific article
Nord, Natasa;
Ekehaug Aasen, Renate.
Skrev supermaster om sykehusets spillvarme.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Nord, Natasa;
Sjøthun, SF.
Success factors of energy efficiency measures in buildings in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Nord, Natasa;
Ekehaug Aasen, Renate.
Vurdering og utnyttelse av spillvarme.
Norsk VVS
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Nord, Natasa M..
Joker Nord.
Norsk VVS
Interview Journal
Nord, Natasa M..
900 deltakere på CLIMA 2013.
Norsk VVS
Short communication
Nord, Natasa M.;
Wall, Jostein.
Heat pump options for low energy office buildings in cold climate.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Identifying important variables of energy use in low energy office building by using multivariate analysis.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Huang, Gongsheng.
Lifetime commissioning as a tool to achieve energy-efficient solutions.
International Journal of Energy Research
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Frydenlund, Frode.
Improved measurements for better decision on heat recovery solutions with heat pumps.
International journal of refrigeration
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Frydenlund, Frode.
Electricity use in two low energy office buildings in Norway.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Nord, Natasa.
Dokumentering av energianlegg BD Klimasenter Ringdalskogen.
Popular scientific article
Djuric, Natasa;
Huang, G;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Data fusion heat pump performance estimation.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Correlation between standards and the lifetime commissioning.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Review of possibilities and necessities for building lifetime commissioning.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Frydenlund, Frode.
Heating system performance estimation using optimization tool and BEMS data.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Holst, Johnny N.;
Mitrovic, Z.
Optimization of energy consumption in buildings with hydronic heating systems considering thermal comfort by use of computer-based tools.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Holst, Johnny N.;
Mitrovic, Zoran.
Optimization of energy consumption in buildings with hydronic heating systems considering thermal comfort by use of computer-based tools.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Djuric, Natasa.
EnergyPlus and GenOpt in thermotechnical installation design.
KGH. Klimatizacija, grejanje, hladjenje
Academic article
Mohseni Pahlavan, Hamed;
Nord, Natasa.
Developing a Multi-Building Scale Energy Model for a university
campus using URBANopt.
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings (200)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Nord, Natasa.
Proceedings of CLIMA 2013.
Society of Environmental Engineering (STP), REHVA member association
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Nord, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Frydenlund, Frode.
Lifetime commissioning for efficient operation of buildings.
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Li, Haoran;
Hou, Juan;
Nord, Natasa.
A fast and effective method for modelling and optimizing district heating systems in the Modelica language.
Linköping University Electronic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Torgersen, Jørgen;
Nord, Natasa.
Parametric analysis of ground source heat pump system for heating of office buildings in Nordic climate.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord, Natasa;
Skrautvol, Ola;
Fossmo Eliassen, Stian;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii.
Energy Pathways for Future Residential Building Areas in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rabani, Mehrdad;
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera;
Nord, Natasa.
CFD study on the effect of Archimedes number and heating rate on the thermal stratification of a
ventilated office.
Linköping University Electronic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord, Natasa.
Building Energy Efficiency in Cold Climates.
Nord, Natasa;
Schmidt, Dietrich;
Kallert, Anna Maria;
Svendsen, Svend.
Improved Interfaces for Enabling Integration of Low Temperature and Distributed Heat Sources – Requirements and Examples.
Aalborg Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Guan, Jun;
Nord, Natasa;
Mathisen, Hans Martin.
Occupants’ perceptions and responses to energy use and indoor climate from the newly occupied passive houses in Norway: a questionnaire survey.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord, Natasa;
Ingebretsen, Maren;
Tryggestad, Ivar Stoltenberg.
Possibilities for Transition of Existing Residential Buildings to Low Temperature District Heating System in Norway.
Aalborg Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rohde, Daniel;
Andresen, Trond;
Nord, Natasa.
Interaction Between a Building Complex with an Integrated Thermal Energy System and a District Heating System.
Aalborg Universitetsforlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rohde, Daniel;
Bantle, Michael;
Andresen, Trond;
Nord, Natasa.
Documentation of an integrated thermal energy system for a building complex.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kauko, Hanne;
Stavset, Ole;
Bantle, Michael;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy use in Norwegian non-Residential buildings : building regulations, calculations and measurements.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schmidt, Dietrich;
Kallert, Anna Maria;
Blesl, Markus;
Svendsen, Svend;
Nord, Natasa;
Sipil, Kari.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nord, Natasa;
Wall, Jostein.
Energy Supply Solution for Low-Energy Commercial Buildings in Cold Climates.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djuric, Natasa;
Mathisen, Hans Martin.
Freeze protection method in ventilation system using two hydronic circuits.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav;
Frydenlund, Frode;
Handal, Bjarne.
Lifetime Commissioning as a Tool for Improving Heat Recovery Using Heat Pumps.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Malvik, Bjarne;
Mathisen, Hans Martin;
Djuric, Natasa;
Frydenlund, Frode.
Air to air residential heat pumps - impacts on indoor climate.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Efficient Building Operation as a Tool to Achieve Zero Emission Building.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ciampo, Giorgia;
Verda, Vittorio;
Guelpa, Elisa;
Nord, Natasa;
Pour Ahmadiyan, Ali.
Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage Systems in Trondheim: Possibilities and Challenges.
Politecnico di Torino
Masters thesis
Borovski Rasmussen, Sofia;
Nord, Natasa;
Pour Ahmadiyan, Ali.
Energy system and long-term thermal storage at Nyhavna in Trondheim.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Aalmen, Simon Holtet;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Enhanced energy efficiency in school buildings - A case study of Bærum municipality.
Masters thesis
Song, Ge;
Nord, Natasa;
Madsen, Henrik;
Thorsen, Jan Eric;
Shahabaldin Tohidi, Seyed;
Mokhtari, Reza.
D.7.6 Guidelines on description of smartness and flexibility.
European Commission
European Commission
Hadley, Adam;
Nord, Natasa;
Brækken, August.
Energy Use and Energy Efficiency Measures for a Passenger Ferry.
Masters thesis
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Nord, Natasa.
Identifying important variables and profiles of domestic hot tap water energy use in Norwegian buildings by using statistical methods.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Brækken, August;
Nord, Natasa;
Gabrielii, Cecilia H.
Energy Use and Energy Efficiency
Potential on Passenger Ships.
Masters thesis
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Nord, Natasa;
Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg;
Lausselet, Carine;
Woszczek, Aleksandra.
Neighbourhood building stock model for long-term dynamic analyses of energy demand and GHG emissions.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (2)
Tokbolat, Serik;
Calay, Rajnish K;
Nord, Natasa;
Al-Zubaidy, Sarim.
Building design strategy for cold climate using passive design and renewable technologies.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Nord, Natasa.
Funksjonskontroll rapport ved Professor Brochs gate 2Resultat av utprøving av funksjonskontroll prosedyrene.
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A7098)
Nord, Natasa.
Funksjonskontroll rapport ved Vassbotnen 23 i StavangerResultat av utprøving av funksjonskontroll prosedyrene.
SINTEF Energi. Rapport (TR A7094)
Djuric, Natasa;
Novakovic, Vojislav.
Real-time supervision of Building HVAC system performance.
tapir uttrykk
Doctoral dissertation
Nord, Natasa.
Fjerde generasjons fjernvarme: hva forsker vi på?.
Website (informational material)
- TET4135 - Energy Systems Planning and Operation
- TEP4530 - Energy and Indoor Environment, Specialization Project
- TEP4320 - Engineering Energy Storage
- TEP4235 - Energy Management in Buildings
- TEP4245 - HVAC Engineering
- EP8302 - Simulation and Optimization of Thermal Systems
- EP8301 - Advanced Building Performance Simulation
- TEP4225 - Energy and Environment
- TEP4910 - Energy and Indoor Environment, Master's Thesis
- TEP4535 - Thermal Energy and Indoor Environment, Specialization Course
Academic lecturePour Ahmadiyan, Ali; Nord, Natasa. (2024) Simulation and optimization of high temperature waste heat storage and recovery through a city scale borehole storage field . Energy Cluster Denmark and Aalborg University 10th edition of the Smart Energy Systems Conference , Aalborg, Denmark 2024-09-10 - 2024-09-11
LectureNord, Natasa. (2024) Kombinerte varme- og kjølesystemer og kort- og langtidslagre i fjernvarme. Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi NTVA seminar , Trondheim 2024-05-30 - 2024-05-30
LectureNord, Natasa. (2023) Definitions of Zero Emission Buildings (ZEB). SINTEF Energy Research Seminar on defining zero-emission passenger ships , Online 2023-09-26 - 2023-09-26
Academic lectureNord, Natasa; Tereshchenko, Tymofii; Mohseni, Hamed; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Sandberg, Nina Holck; Brattebø, Helge. (2022) Future Energy Pathways for a University Campus Considering Possibilities for Energy Efficiency Improvements. The Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia The VIII Regional Conference "Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection in the Countries of Southeast Europe" , Beograd 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-10
Academic lectureLi, Haoran; Hou, Juan; Nord, Natasa. (2022) Optimal design and operation for heat prosumer- based district heating systems. CLIMA 2022 The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress 2022-05-22 - 2022-05-25
Academic lectureHou, Juan; Li, Haoran; Nord, Natasa. (2022) Model predictive control for a data centre waste heat-based heat prosumer in Norway. BuildSim Nordic 2022 2022-08-22 - 2022-08-23
Academic lectureLi, Haoran; Hou, Juan; Nord, Natasa. (2022) Thermal energy storage for data centre waste heat recovery in district heating systems. the VIII Regional Conference IEEP’22 in 2022 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-10
Academic lectureNord, Natasa; Ding, Yuemin; Ivanko, Dmytro; Walnum, Harald Taxt. (2021) DHW tank sizing considering dynamic energy prices. Tallinn University of Technology Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 202 , Tallinn 2021-04-20 - 2021-04-21
Academic lectureLi, Haoran; Hou, Juan; Ding, Yuemin; Nord, Natasa. (2021) Presentation: Techno-economic analysis of implementing thermal storage for peak load shaving in a campus district heating system with waste heat from the data centre. Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 2021-04-20 - 2021-04-21
Academic lectureShakerin, Mohammad; Eikeskog, Vilde; Li, Yantong; Nord, Natasa; Harsem, Trond Th.. (2021) Sizing and performance analyses of a combined heating and cooling system with the integration of short- and long-term storages. Tallinn University of Technology Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 202 , Tallinn 2021-04-20 - 2021-04-21
Academic lectureLi, Haoran; Hou, Juan; Nord, Natasa. (2021) Optimize prosumers' economic performance by using water tank as thermal energy storage. Nottingham Trent University 17th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling , Nottingham 2021-09-06 - 2021-09-09
LectureSørensen, Åse Lekang; Nord, Natasa. (2021) Potensial for energifleksibilitet - To vinklinger. SINTEF Sluttseminar VarmtVann2030 2021-06-03 -
Academic lectureLi, Yantong; Nord, Natasa; Rekstad, Inge Håvard; Skånøy, Stein Kristian; Sørensen, Lars Konrad. (2021) Effect of electronic expansion valve opening on discharge pressure of a water-source CO2 heat pump: An experimental study. International institute of refrigeration 9th Conference on Ammonia and CO2 Refrigeration Technologies , Ohrid 2021-09-16 - 2021-09-17
Academic lectureIvanko, Dmytro; Nord, Natasa. (2019) Identifying typical hourly DHW energy use profiles in a hotel in Norway by using statistical methods . REHVA HVAC world Congress, CLIMA 2019 CLIMA 2019 CONGRESS , Bucharest, National Library of Romania 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-29
Academic lectureRabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Nord, Natasa; Schild, Peter. (2019) Performance analysis of an active diffuser in mixing ventilation for cell office by using numerical approach . CLIMA conference 2019 , Bucharest, Romania 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-29
Academic lectureDing, Yiyu; Brattebø, Helge; Nord, Natasa. (2019) Energy analysis and energy planning for kindergartens based on data analysis. NTNU conference 1st Nordic Conference On Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings 2019 , Trondheim 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
Academic lectureDing, Yiyu; Brattebø, Helge; Nord, Natasa. (2019) Energy analysis and energy planning for kindergartens based on data analysis. Journal of Applied Energy International Conference On Applied Energy 2019 , Västerås 2019-08-12 - 2019-08-15
LectureNord, Natasa; Hou, Juan. (2019) Optimal control of secondary side supply water temperature for substation in district heating systems. REHVA 13th HVAC World Clima Congress , Bucharest 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-29
Academic lectureNord, Natasa. (2019) Future energy pathways for a university campus considering possibilities for energy efficiency improvements. NTNU 1st Nordic Conference On Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings , Trondheim 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
Academic lectureTereshchenko, Tymofii; Nord, Natasa. (2019) Analysis of energy signatures and planning of heating and domestic hot water energy use in buildings in Norway. REHVA 13th HVAC World Clima Congress , Bucharest 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-29
Academic lectureZhuravchak, Ruslan; Nord, Natasa; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Control strategy for battery-supported photovoltaic systems aimed at peak load reduction. REHVA 13th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2019 , Bucharest 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-29
Academic lectureZhuravchak, Ruslan; Nord, Natasa; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Influence of emerging technologies deployment in residential built stock on electric energy cost and grid load. NTNU 1st Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings 2019 , Trondheim 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
Academic lectureLi, Haoran; Hou, Juan; Nord, Natasa. (2019) Using Thermal Storages to Solve the Mismatch between Waste Heat Feed-in and Heat Demand: A Case Study of a District Heating System of a University Campus. 11th International Conference on Applied Energy 2019-08-12 - 2019-08-15
Academic lectureLi, Haoran; Nord, Natasa. (2019) Clima conference- Operation strategies to achieve low supply and return temperature in district heating system . Clima conference 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-29
Popular scientific lectureDing, Yiyu; Ngo, Huy; Nesgård, Eirik Andre; Woszczek, Aleksandra; Sandberg, Nina Holck; Nord, Natasa. (2018) Energy efficiency measures at NTNU campus Gløshaugen by use of BPS. VVS Dagene 2018-10-18 - 2018-10-18
Popular scientific lectureDing, Yiyu; Nord, Natasa. (2018) How to plan energy flexible areas?. Fjernvarmedagene, Urban energi 2018 , Fornebu 2018-10-16 - 2018-10-17
LectureNord, Natasa. (2017) How to make good input data to ensure simulation results?. Norsk VVS IBPSA Nordic - Praktisk bruk av simuleringsverktøy for beregning av energi og inneklima i bygninger , Trondhiem 2017-11-02 - 2017-11-02
LectureNord, Natasa. (2017) Muligheter for lavtemperatur fjernvarme og framtidens utvikling. SINTEF Byggforsk Workshop innen ZEN prosjekt WP 4: Termiske energisystemer i nullutslippsområder , Olso 2017-08-24 - 2017-08-24
Academic lectureKauko, Hanne; Kvalsvik, Karoline Husevåg; Rohde, Daniel; Nord, Natasa; Utne, Åmund. (2017) Dynamic modelling of local DH grids with multiple heat sources and thermal storage. Aalborg University The 3rd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating , København 2017-09-12 - 2017-09-13
Academic lectureSretenovic, Aleksandra; Jovanovic, Radisa; Novakovic, Vojislav; Nord, Natasa; Zivkovic, Branislav. (2017) Prediction of Hourly Heating Energy Use for HVAC Using Feedforward Neural Networks. Singidunum University The 4th International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and , Belgrade 2017-07-21 - 2017-07-21
Academic lectureKauko, Hanne; Kvalsvik, Karoline Husevåg; Rohde, Daniel; Hafner, Armin; Nord, Natasa. (2016) Modelling local low-temperature heating grids: a case study for Norway. 4DH Research Centre 2nd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating , Aalborg 2016-09-27 - 2016-09-28
LectureMustafa, Mahmoud F.; Nord, Natasa; Calay, Rajnish K; Mustafa, Mohamad. (2016) A hybrid Biomass Hydrothermal Gasification - Solid Oxide Fuel Cell system combined with improved CHP plant for sustainable power generation. Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest EENVIRO 2016 , Bucharest 2016-10-26 - 2016-10-28
Academic lectureNord, Natasa. (2016) Development of energy efficiency requirements in buildings in Norway. The Finnish Association of HVAC Societies Seminar , Hesinki 2016-09-20 - 2016-09-20
Academic lectureNord, Natasa. (2016) Necessary Measures to Include more Distributed Renewable Energy Sources into District Heating System. Korea District Heating Corporation The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling , Seoul 2016-09-04 - 2016-09-07
Academic lectureTereshchenko, Tymofii; Nord, Natasa; Tryggestad, Ivar Stoltenberg; Qvistgaard, Live Holmedal. (2016) Influence of occupant behavior and operation on performance of a residential Zero Emission Building in Norway Buildsim 2016. IBPSA - Nordic BuildSim-Nordic 2016 , Trondheim 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-27
Academic lectureTereshchenko, Tymofii; Nord, Natasa. (2016) District Heating Interfaces for Enabling Integration of Low Temperature and Distributed Heat Sources . Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, Germany Industry and R&D Workshop on "Realization of Innovative Low Temperature District Heating Systems in Communities" , Frankfurt am Main 2016-04-21 - 2016-04-22
Academic lectureRohde, Daniel; Bantle, Michael; Andresen, Trond; Nord, Natasa. (2015) DOCUMENTATION OF AN INTEGRATED THERMAL ENERGY SYSTEM FOR A BUILDING COMPLEX. IIR the 24th International Congress of Refrigeration , Yokohama 2015-08-16 - 2015-08-22
Academic lectureNord, Natasa. (2015) Integration of decentralized energy sources – possibilities and obstacles. SINTEF Energi AS Workshop i INTERACT Prosjekt , Trondheim 2015-10-28 - 2015-10-28
Academic lectureNord, Natasa. (2015) Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems, Subtask C – Interfaces and communities - status . IEA DHC Annex TS1 5th working phase meeting in IEA DHC Annex TS1 “Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems” , Trondheim 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
Academic lectureKauko, Hanne; Stavset, Ole; Bantle, Michael; Nord, Natasa. (2015) Energy use in Norwegian non-residential buildings: building regulations, calculations and measurements. Cold Climate HVAC , Dalian 2015-10-20 - 2015-10-23
Academic lectureNord, Natasa. (2015) Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems, Subtask C – Interfaces and communities . IEA DHC Annex TS1 6th working phase meeting in IEA DHC Annex TS1 “Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems” , Nordborg 2015-10-24 - 2015-10-25
LectureCalay, Rajnish K; Nord, Natasa; Tokbolat, Serik. (2015) Energy performance of passive houses in cold climate: A case study. Dalian University China & VTT Finland The 8th International Cold Climate HVAC 2015 Conference , Dalian 2015-10-20 - 2015-10-23
LectureNord, Natasa. (2014) Ventilation and air conditioning inspection in Norway. REHVA Workshop on “Ventilation and Air-Conditioning inspections in cold climate countries” , Dusseldorf 2014-04-28 - 2014-04-28
LectureTereshchenko, Tymofii; Nord, Natasa. (2014) The allocation factors of heat and electricity production of combined cycle power plant. SDEWES 9th CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY, WATER AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS , Venice - Istanbul 2014-09-20 - 2014-09-27
Academic lectureTereshchenko, Tymofii; Nord, Natasa. (2014) Presentation of research work. Norsk Fjernvarme District Heating Days , Fornebu, Oslo 2014-10-14 - 2014-10-15
Academic lectureNord, Natasa; Tereshchenko, Tymofii. (2014) Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy SystemsSubtask C – Interfaces and communities. Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics Annex TS1: “Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems” , Watford/UK 2014-05-13 - 2014-05-14
Academic lectureNord, Natasa. (2013) What can we learn from case study buildings?. REHVA CLIMA 2013 - 11th REHVA World Congress and the 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings , Praha 2013-06-16 - 2013-06-19
Academic lectureNord, Natasa. (2013) Energy Supply Solution for Low-Energy Commercial Buildings in Cold Climates. REHVA CLIMA 2013 - 11th REHVA World Congress and the 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings , Praha 2013-06-16 - 2013-06-19
Academic lectureNord, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav; Frydenlund, Frode. (2012) Performance estimation and documentation of an integrated energy supply solution. NTNU and SINTEF Renewable Energy Research Conferance - Technoport 2012 , Trondheim 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18
Academic lectureNord, Natasa. (2012) Hvilke programmer fins – brukbarhet og brukerterskel. Norsk VVS Energi- og Miljøteknisk Forening VVS dagene i Lillestrøm , Lillestrøm 2012-10-17 - 2012-10-19
Academic lectureMalvik, Bjarne; Mathisen, Hans Martin; Djuric, Natasa; Frydenlund, Frode. (2011) Air to air residential heat pumps – impacts on indoor climate. International Institute of Refrigeration The 23rd International Congress of Refrigeration , Prague 2011-08-21 - 2011-08-26
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav. (2010) Lifetime Commissioning as a Tool to Achieve Efficient Building Operation. Serbian HVAC Society 41st International Congress on Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning , Belgrade, Serbia 2010-12-01 - 2010-12-03
Academic lectureLalovic, Milenka; Djuric, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav. (2010) Assessment of Risk of Increased Energy Consumption Due to Climate Change and Change of Building Purpose. Serbian HVAC Society 41st International Congress on Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning , Belgrade, Serbia 2010-12-01 - 2010-12-03
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa. (2010) Utprøving av FK-prosedyrene. Norsk VVS Energi og Miljøteknisk Forening Landsmøtet i Norsk VVS Energi og Miljøteknisk Forening , Trondheim 2010-05-28 - 2010-05-28
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav; Frydenlund, Frode. (2010) Test Results of Norwegian Lifetime Commissioning Procedures. REHVA 10th REHVA World Congress "Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings" , Anlatlya 2010-05-09 - 2010-05-12
PosterHaase, Matthias; Sartori, Igor; Djuric, Natasa; Høseggen, Rasmus Z.. (2009) Simulation of energy-efficient office buildings in Norway. IBPSA Building Simulation , Glasgow 2009-07-27 - 2009-07-30
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa. (2009) Assessment of energy-efficiency measures and Norwegian case studies. Annex 53 Total Energy Use in Buildings: Analysis and Evaluation Methods, The third expert meeting of preparation phase , Nanjing 2009-11-05 - 2009-11-06
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa. (2008) Datastøttet kontinuerlig funksjonskontroll i praksis. Norsk VVS energi- og miljøteknisk forening VVS dagene , Oslo 2008-10-29 - 2008-10-31
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa. (2008) Cost-benefit survey in Norway. ECBCS IEA ECBCS Annex 47 Cost-Effective Commissioning for Existing and Low Energy Building, The 6th Meeting , Redondo Beach 2008-04-16 - 2008-04-18
PosterDjuric, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav. (2008) FDD algorithm for an AHU reverse-return system. Texas A&M University 8th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operation – ICEBO 2008 , Berlin 2008-10-20 - 2008-10-21
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa. (2007) Use of EXPRESS-G for the commissioning tool presentation. IEA-ECBCS Annex 47: Cost Effective Commissioning of Existing and Low Energy Buildings, 3th working meeting , Kyoto 2007-10-22 - 2007-10-24
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa. (2007) Commissioning tools for hydronic heating system and domestic hot water. IEA-ECBCS Annex 47: Cost Effective Commissioning of Existing and Low Energy Buildings, 2nd working meeting , Budapest 2007-04-22 - 2007-04-24
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav; Frydenlund, Frode. (2007) Existing building commissioning using computer based tools. Federation of European Heating and Air-Condidtioning Associa The 9th REHVA World Congress - Clima 2007 , Helsinki 2007-06-10 - 2007-06-14
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa; Frydenlund, Frode; Novakovic, Vojislav; Holst, Johnny N.. (2007) Preliminary step in collecting data for commissioning of existing buildings (Characterization of buildings, systems and problems). Federation of European Heating and Air-conditioning Associat The 9th REHVA World Congress - Clima 2007 , Helsinki 2007-06-10 - 2007-06-14
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav; Frydenlund, Frode. (2006) Existing building commissioning using computer based tools. The 6th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operation – ICEBO 2006 , Shenzhen 2006-11-06 - 2006-11-08
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav; Holst, Johnny N.. (2006) Optimizing the building envelope and HVAC system for an inpatiant room by using simulation and optimization tools. SCANVAC The 5th International Conference on Cold Climate Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning , Moscow 2006-05-21 - 2006-05-24
Academic lectureNovakovic, Vojislav; Djuric, Natasa; Holst, Johnny N.; Frydenlund, Frode. (2006) Norwegian national program for lifetime commissioning and energy efficient operation of buildings. The 6th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operation – ICEBO 2006 , Shenzhen 2006-11-06 - 2006-11-08
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa; Frydenlund, Frode; Novakovic, Vojislav; Holst, Johnny N.; Aarlien, Rune. (2006) Preliminary step for commissioning of existing buildings. IEA – ECBCS; Annex 47 Second expert meeting , Trondheim 2006-04-03 - 2006-04-05
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa. (2005) Optimization application and commissioning of existing buildings by using the simulation and optimization tools. IEA – ECBCS Annex 47: Cost-Effective Commissioning for Existing and Low Energy Buildings, 1st meeting , Prague, Czech Republic 2005-10-24 - 2005-10-26
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav; Holst, Johnny N.. (2005) Optimization of Energy Consumption in Building with Hydronic Heating System by use of Computer based tools. REHVA The 8th REHVA World Congress - Clima 2005 , Lausanne 2005-10-09 - 2005-10-12
Academic lectureDjuric, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav; Holst, Johnny N.. (2005) Optimization of the design for an inpatient room using simulation and optimization tools. SMEITS The 36th International Congress of heating, refrigerating and air-conditioning , Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro 2005-11-30 - 2005-12-02