Kjersti Kjos Longva
Kjersti Kjos Longva
Kjersti Kjos Longva is an associate professor at the Department of International Business at NTNU. She holds a PhD in social science from UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, a MSc in logistics from Molde University College and several years of industry experience in maritime sector. Her research interests relate to entrepreneurship, innovation, sustainability and management education. She is project manager of InnoPraksis, a project that has received funding from the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills in Norway to develop innovative internship solutions for business education.
Kjersti Kjos Longva is study program leader for the MSc in Management of Innovation and Sustainable Business Development and is head of the research group Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
Research interest
- Entrepreneurship education
- Entrepreneurial learning
- Entrepreneurial ecosystems
- Innovation management
- Sustainable business models
- University-industry collaboration
- Supply chain management
Research projects
- InnoPraksis - Industry collaboration through innovative internships in business education
- ERASMUS+ project BLUEWBC Sustainable development of BLUE Economics through higher education and innovation in Western Balkan Countries.
- StudEntrepreneur - From student to entrepreneur
Kjersti Kjos Longva holds a PhD in social science from UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. Her research interests include:
- Entrepreneurship education
- Entrepreneurial learning
- Entrepreneurial ecosystems
- Innovation management
- Sustainable business models
- University-industry collaboration
- Supply chain management
InnoPraksis - Industry collaboration through innovative internships in business education
ERASMUS+ project BLUEWBC - Sustainable development of BLUE Economics through higher education and innovation in Western Balkan Countries.
StudEntrepreneur - From student to entrepreneur
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
Frå student til entreprenør: Kva fremmar og hemmar studententreprenørskap i høgare utdanning?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
Student venture creation: developing social networks within entrepreneurial ecosystems in the transition from student to entrepreneur.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research
Academic article
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
Fra student til entreprenør: Muligheter, utfordringer og fasilitatorer i økosystemet for nyskaping.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskaplige universitet
Longva, Kjersti Kjos;
Strand, Øivind;
Pasquine, Mark.
Entrepreneurship education as an arena for career reflection: the shift of students' career preferences after a business planning course.
Education + Training
Academic article
Lynch, Matthew Patrick James;
Kamovich, Uladzimir;
Longva, Kjersti Kjos;
Steinert, Martin.
Combining technology and entrepreneurial education through design thinking: Students' reflections on the learning process.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Academic article
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
The impact of entrepreneurship education on students' career reflections.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Longva, Kjersti Kjos;
Foss, Lene.
Measuring impact through experimental design in entrepreneurship education: A literature review and research agenda.
Industry & higher education
Academic article
Longva, Kjersti Kjos;
Strand, Øivind.
Comparing career preferences of regionally oriented and internationally oriented students – A mixed methods study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
Hope for the future? : Students’ attitudes towards entrepreneurship, innovation, and international mobility.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Longva, Kjersti Kjos;
Foss, Lene.
A systematic literature review of experimental impact studies on entrepreneurship education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kamovich, Uladzimir;
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
When theory is invisible and hidden in practice: a qualitative study of one entrepreneurship course.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
Student venture creation: developing social networks within entrepreneurial ecosystems in the transition from student to entrepreneur.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research
Academic article
Longva, Kjersti Kjos;
Strand, Øivind;
Pasquine, Mark.
Entrepreneurship education as an arena for career reflection: the shift of students' career preferences after a business planning course.
Education + Training
Academic article
Lynch, Matthew Patrick James;
Kamovich, Uladzimir;
Longva, Kjersti Kjos;
Steinert, Martin.
Combining technology and entrepreneurial education through design thinking: Students' reflections on the learning process.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Academic article
Longva, Kjersti Kjos;
Foss, Lene.
Measuring impact through experimental design in entrepreneurship education: A literature review and research agenda.
Industry & higher education
Academic article
Part of book/report
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
Frå student til entreprenør: Kva fremmar og hemmar studententreprenørskap i høgare utdanning?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Longva, Kjersti Kjos;
Strand, Øivind.
Comparing career preferences of regionally oriented and internationally oriented students – A mixed methods study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
Hope for the future? : Students’ attitudes towards entrepreneurship, innovation, and international mobility.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Longva, Kjersti Kjos;
Foss, Lene.
A systematic literature review of experimental impact studies on entrepreneurship education.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kamovich, Uladzimir;
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
When theory is invisible and hidden in practice: a qualitative study of one entrepreneurship course.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
Fra student til entreprenør: Muligheter, utfordringer og fasilitatorer i økosystemet for nyskaping.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskaplige universitet
Longva, Kjersti Kjos.
The impact of entrepreneurship education on students' career reflections.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Doctoral dissertation
- AI521216 - Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice
- AI522418 - Event internship
- AM530250 - Master Thesis - Management of Innovation and Sustainable Business Development
- AI201312 - Entreprenørskap og forretningsutvikling
- AI522420 - Innovasjonspraksis
- AM530210 - Sustainable Business Development Project
- AI302416 - Internship
- AI302414 - Semester internship
- AM101221 - Ledelse av kreative prosesser
Kjersti Kjos Longva teaches courses related to entrepreneurship, innovation, sustainable business models and is responsible for internship courses in collaboration with industry partners.
Supervision of PhD students, master students, bachelor students and interns.
Academic lectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2024) Internship-rettleiing sett frå eit industriperspektiv. Fjordkonferansen Fjordkonferansen 2024 , Loen 2024-06-06 - 2024-06-07
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2024) Veilederrollen - utfordringer og erfaringer med praksisveiledning for studenter. NTNU Samling for praksisbedrifter vår 2024 , Ålesund 2024-05-27 - 2024-05-27
Academic lectureAhmed, Sardar Wasi Uddin al; Longva, Kjersti Kjos. (2023) Understanding the value of digital entrepreneurial ecosystems - a study of international born digitals in emerging economies. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management RENT Conference 2023 , Gdansk 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-17
Academic lectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos; Holm, Mari Liavaag; Strand, Øivind. (2023) University-industry collaboration – towards a collaboration continuum in first mission activities . UIIN UIIN conference University-Industry Engagement , Budapest 2023-05-09 - 2023-05-11
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2023) Interdisciplinarity and industry collaboration in innovation and entrepreneurship education. NTNU Visit from Romanian embassy , Ålesund 2023-06-05 - 2023-06-05
Academic lectureAhmed, Sardar Wasi Uddin al; Longva, Kjersti Kjos. (2023) Understanding the digital networking capabilities of international born digitals. NORSI & Stockholm School of Entrepreneuership NORSI Research Conference , Stockholm 2023-01-26 - 2023-01-27
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2023) Internship med retning og meining - erfaringar frå InnoPraksis-prosjektet. NTNU Tverrfaglig læringsforum , Ålesund 2023-04-20 - 2023-04-20
Popular scientific lectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2023) Digitalisering og omstilling - sluttrefleksjon og erfaringsdeling. Næringsforeningen Ålesundsregionen Talent Sunnmøre , Ålesund 2023-04-26 - 2023-04-26
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2023) Work-Integrated Learning in Business Education. CIRMAN Manufacturing Schools CIRMAN fall school , Aalesund 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-04
LectureHolm, Mari Liavaag; Longva, Kjersti Kjos. (2023) Forretningsmodellinnovajson og innovasjonskultur. Jets Maritime Strategisamling , Runde Panorama 2023-09-25 -
LectureHolm, Mari Liavaag; Longva, Kjersti Kjos. (2023) Næringslivet på Sunnmøre, forretningsmodellinnovajson og innovasjonskultur. Næringsforeningen Ålesundsregionen Talent Sunnmøre , Ålesund 2023-09-26 -
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2022) InnoPraksis – samskaping av praksis . NTNU - Institutt for havromsoperasjoner og byggteknikk Seminar - Abelia & NTNU , Ålesund 2022-08-30 - 2022-08-30
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2022) Innovasjon i utdanning, samskaping og systematisk samarbeid. Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse Erasmusseminaret for høyere utdanning 2022 , Trondheim 2022-11-29 - 2022-11-30
Academic lectureAhmed, Sardar Wasi Uddin Al; Andersen, Njål; Strand, Øivind; Longva, Kjersti Kjos; Grimstad, Siv Marina Flø. (2022) Unlocking the Structure of the International Entrepreneurship Research – A Bibliometric Review. NORSI NORSI Research Conference 2022 , Nordic Research School in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2022-04-21 - 2022-04-21
Academic lectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2022) Bærekraft fra starten av. Sparebanken Møre Næringsteft gründerkonkurranse , Ålesund 2022-01-12 - 2022-01-12
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2022) Samskaping av praksis. Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse Prosjektdag for HK-dir , Digital 2022-04-22 - 2022-04-22
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2022) Samskaping og samarbeid med arbeids- og næringsliv . Høgskolen i Volda Seminar om arbeidsrelevans i utdanning , Volda 2022-12-05 - 2022-12-05
Academic lectureAhmed, Sardar Wasi Uddin Al; Andersen, Njål; Strand, Øivind; Longva, Kjersti Kjos; Grimstad, Siv Marina Flø. (2022) Unlocking the structure of the international entrepreneurship research – a bibliometric review. European International Business Academy EIBA conference 2022 , Oslo 2022-12-08 - 2022-12-10
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2022) Samarbeid mellom utdanning og arbeidsliv. Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse HK-dir Prosjektdag for arbeidsrelevans i utdanning , Bergen 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-29
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2022) Fra student til entreprenør - et økosystemperspektiv. NTNU - work group on student innovation Workshop on student innovation , Trondheim 2022-10-07 - 2022-10-07
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2022) Entreprenørskap - hva kan vi lære av forskningen på feltet?. Sparebanken Møre Næringsteft gründerkonkurranse , Ålesund 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-08
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos; Fjørtoft, Barbro Elisabeth. (2022) Vurderingsformer for praksisordninger. Nasjonalt nettverk for praksisordninger i høyere utdanning Digital nettverkssamling , Digital 2022-06-02 - 2022-06-02
LectureHolm, Mari Liavaag; Strand, Øivind; Longva, Kjersti Kjos. (2022) Innovasjon, forretningsmodeller og bærekraft. Næringsforeningen Ålesundsregionen Talent Sunnmøre , Ålesund 2022-11-29 - 2022-11-29
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2021) InnoPraksis - næringsnær innovasjonspraksis i økonomisk-administrativ utdanning - innlegg på søkerseminar. Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse Seminar , Digital 2021-06-02 - 2021-06-02
InterviewLongva, Kjersti Kjos; Fjørtoft, Barbro Elisabeth. (2021) Digitalt seminar i InnoPraksis-prosjektet. NTNU NTNU [Internet] 2021-11-19
PosterAhmed, Sardar Wasi Uddin Al; Andersen, Njål; Strand, Øivind; Longva, Kjersti Kjos; Grimstad, Siv Marina Flø. (2021) Unlocking the structure of the international entrepreneurship –A bibliometric approach to mapping the literature . European International Business Academy EIBA conference 2021 , Madrid 2021-12-10 - 2021-12-12
Academic lectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2020) Fra student til entreprenør: Utfordringer og fasilitatorer for studententreprenørskap i høyere utdanning. Høgskolen i Vestlandet Fjordkonferansen 2020 , Sogndal/digitalt 2020-11-12 - 2020-11-12
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2020) Entreprenørskap og karriereutvikling i høgare utdanning. Sparebanken Møre Frokostmøte , Ålesund 2020-03-02 - 2020-03-02
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2020) Fra student til entreprenør: muligheter, utfordringer og fasilitatorer i økosystemet for nyskaping. Stab for prorektor for nyskaping Lunsjmøte , Trondheim 2020-11-09 - 2020-11-09
Academic lectureHolm, Mari Liavaag; Longva, Kjersti Kjos; Strand, Øivind; Rice, Paula Maria. (2020) Moving the castle in the air closer to the ground - A study of nascent entrepreneurs’ interaction with ecosystem actors and its influence on entrepreneurial learning. NORSI - Norwegian Research School in Innovation NORSI Research School Conference , Stavanger 2020-01-27 - 2020-01-28
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2020) Innovation and entrepreneurship in education at NTNU in Aalesund. Project group BLUEWBC Kick-off Erasmus+ BLUEWBC , Ålesund 2020-02-18 - 2020-02-19
Academic lectureHolm, Mari Liavaag; Longva, Kjersti Kjos. (2019) Boundary crossing theory – a fruitful theoretical perspective to introduce to the field of entrepreneurial learning. NORSI NORSI Conference 2019 , Oslo 2019-01-17 - 2019-01-18
Academic lectureHolm, Mari Liavaag; Longva, Kjersti Kjos; Strand, Øivind; Rice, Paula Maria. (2019) Moving the castle in the air closer to the ground - A study of nascent entrepreneurs’ interaction with ecosystem actors and its influence on entrepreneurial learning. European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) 2019 , Berlin 2019-11-28 - 2019-11-29
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2019) Entreprenørskapsutdanning ved NTNU i Ålesund. Norsk forum for entreprenørskap i høyere utdanning Seminar , Trondheim 2019-10-11 - 2019-10-11
Academic lectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2018) Utdanning for fremtiden: Kan entreprenørskapsutdanning fremme evnen til karrieretilpasning og evnen til å få arbeid?. Fjordkonferansen 2018 2018-06-21 - 2018-06-22
Academic lectureHolm, Mari Liavaag; Longva, Kjersti Kjos; Strand, Øivind. (2018) Exploring entrepreneurial learning in a multilevel perspective through boundary crossing theory - a case of Norwegian nascent entrepreneurs. ISSN 2219-5572. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management EIASM RENT XXXII , Toledo 2018-11-15 - 2018-11-16
Academic lectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos; Strand, Øivind. (2018) From entrepreneurship to intrapreneurship: the shift of students' intentions for entrepreneurial behavior after a business planning course. BI Norwegian Business School NORSI Research School Conference 2018 , Oslo 2018-01-11 - 2018-01-12
LectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2018) Utdanning for framtiden: Kan entreprenørskapsutdanning bidra til å fremme studenters evne til karrieretilpasning og "employability"?. Lærernettverket for entreprenørskap og markedsføring i M&R Nettverkssamling for lærere på videregående: "Fremtidens/morgendagens entreprenører og Markedsførere" , Ålesund 2018-08-15 - 2018-08-15
Academic lectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos. (2017) Students' preferences for entrepreneurship, innovation, and internationalization - a mixed-method study of undergraduate students at NTNU in Aalesund. Fjordkonferansen 2017 , Loen 2017-06-20 - 2017-06-21
Academic lectureLynch, Matthew Patrick James; Kamovich, Uladzimir; Longva, Kjersti Kjos; Steinert, Martin. (2017) Combining Technology and Entrepreneurial Education Through Design Thinking: Students’ Reflections on the Learning Process. Toulouse Business School International Research Conference on Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Education , Toulouse 2017-04-27 - 2018-04-28
Academic lectureLongva, Kjersti Kjos; Strand, Øivind. (2017) The impact of a business planning course on students’ career preferences. ISSN 2219-5572. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management EIASM RENT XXXI , Lund 2017-11-16 - 2017-11-17
LectureKamovich, Uladzimir; Lynch, Matthew Patrick James; Longva, Kjersti Kjos. (2016) Encouraging Entrepreneurial Behavior through Design Thinking: Students' Reflections on the Learning Process. ISBN 978-1-900862-29-5. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship ISBE Conference 2016 , Paris 2016-10-27 - 2016-10-28
Academic lectureKamovich, Uladzimir; Longva, Kjersti Kjos. (2015) A design-driven approach to teaching corporate entrepreneurship. Fjordkonferansen 2015 , Loen 2015-06-18 - 2015-06-19