Nicole Louise Busby
Nicole Louise Busby
I’m interested in second language acquisition, particularly in vocabulary acquisition and reading in a second language. My research has mainly focused on the acquisition of English in Norway, and whether learning English through informal out-of-class activities such as watching movies and playing computer games has an impact on how well Norwegian students are prepared for reading academic texts in English at university. I am also interested in language practices in higher education more generally.
I am a member of the research groups VOCLEX (VOCabulary and the multilingual mental LEXicon), LPE (Language Practices in Education), L-Later (Language Learner and Teacher Research) and ForMAAL (Formal, Mental, and Acquisitional Approaches to Language). I am also a member of Flere Språk til Flere, the Trondheim branch of Bilingualism Matters.
Experiences of Norwegian and English among international staff at NTNU
AELPP: Attitudes and Experiences toward Language Policies and Practices at NTNU
Learning and Assessment in Linguistics
Mahan, Karina Rose;
Hammer, Svenja;
Lorenz, Eliane;
De Angelis, Gessica Luisa;
Flikke, Julie Katrine;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
Skal alle stipendiater lære seg norsk? Vi er bekymret.
Feature article
Lund, Tilde Holm;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
“If we are going to encounter lots of these words, then I am not prepared.”: Academic vocabulary knowledge and attitudes towards English courses among upper secondary students in Norway.
Masters thesis
Mahan, Karina Rose;
Busby, Nicole Louise;
de Angelis, Gessica Luisa;
Flikke, Julie Katrine;
Hammer, Svenja;
Lorenz, Eliane.
Hvordan tilrettelegge for norskopplæring til internasjonalt ansatte i akademia?.
Feature article
Busby, Nicole Louise;
Angelsen, Anja Katrine;
Nygård, Gro;
Dahl, Anne;
Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet.
Experiences of Norwegian and English among international staff at NTNU.
Ringrose, Miriam;
Busby, Nicole Louise;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
ChatGPT and differentiated reading materials:
The possibilities and limitations of AI-generated
graded readers for an ESL context.
Masters thesis
Verkerk, Eline;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
The use of extramural English among French youth and its impact on listening comprehension.
Masters thesis
Busby, Nicole Louise.
Exploring the Effects of Early Extramural English Exposure on the Vocabulary Size of University Students.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Skaug, Anne Kristine;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
Is gaming the key to vocabulary mastery? Exploring Norwegian upper secondary school students’ vocabulary knowledge in relation to gaming inside and outside the classroom .
Masters thesis
Busby, Nicole Louise;
Angelsen, Anja Katrine.
Teaching the teachers: Designing digital assessment for language teachers which both evaluates and educates.
Conference Proceedings of the ALTE 8th International Conference
Academic article
Mahan, Karina Rose;
Busby, Nicole Louise;
Flikke, Julie Katrine;
De Angelis, Gessica Luisa;
Hammer, Svenja;
Lorenz, Eliane.
Forskergruppe vil kartlegge språk ved NTNU.
Reader opinion piece
Veiesund, Marita;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
A multimodal classroom: A study on teachers' use of multimodal ensembles in the Norwegian English as an Additional Language classroom.
Masters thesis
Kalhagen, Maren Helene;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
Norwegian first-graders’ English vocabulary knowledge and exposure to Extramural English.
Masters thesis
Kvithyll, Ina Marie;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
A novel approach: Investigating factors that predict and impact vocabulary acquisition through fiction literature in the Norwegian ESL classroom.
Masters thesis
Angelsen, Anja Katrine;
Busby, Nicole.
Assessing assessment: The development of a portfolio assessment in a linguistics course for in-service language teachers at a Norwegian university .
Testing, Evaluation & Assessment Today
Popular scientific article
Busby, Nicole;
Dahl, Anne.
Reading Rate of Academic English Texts: Comparing L1 and Advanced L2 Users in Different Language Environments.
Nordic Journal of English Studies (NJES)
Academic article
Busby, Nicole.
Words from where? Predictors of L2 English vocabulary among Norwegian university students.
ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Academic article
Busby, Nicole;
Dahl, Anne;
Hellekjær, Glenn Ole.
Presumptions, proficiencies, and parallel languages: Investigating academic English reading among Norwegian university students.
Doctoral dissertation
Busby, Nicole.
Comparing first and second language reading: the use of metacognitive strategies among Norwegian university students
Acta Didactica Norge
Academic article
Dahl, Anne;
Busby, Nicole.
Too cool for school? Sources of English language acquisition, attitudes, and academic reading ability among Norwegian university students.
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Mahan, Karina Rose;
Hammer, Svenja;
Lorenz, Eliane;
De Angelis, Gessica Luisa;
Flikke, Julie Katrine;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
Skal alle stipendiater lære seg norsk? Vi er bekymret.
Feature article
Mahan, Karina Rose;
Busby, Nicole Louise;
de Angelis, Gessica Luisa;
Flikke, Julie Katrine;
Hammer, Svenja;
Lorenz, Eliane.
Hvordan tilrettelegge for norskopplæring til internasjonalt ansatte i akademia?.
Feature article
Busby, Nicole Louise.
Exploring the Effects of Early Extramural English Exposure on the Vocabulary Size of University Students.
Education Sciences
Academic article
Busby, Nicole Louise;
Angelsen, Anja Katrine.
Teaching the teachers: Designing digital assessment for language teachers which both evaluates and educates.
Conference Proceedings of the ALTE 8th International Conference
Academic article
Mahan, Karina Rose;
Busby, Nicole Louise;
Flikke, Julie Katrine;
De Angelis, Gessica Luisa;
Hammer, Svenja;
Lorenz, Eliane.
Forskergruppe vil kartlegge språk ved NTNU.
Reader opinion piece
Angelsen, Anja Katrine;
Busby, Nicole.
Assessing assessment: The development of a portfolio assessment in a linguistics course for in-service language teachers at a Norwegian university .
Testing, Evaluation & Assessment Today
Popular scientific article
Busby, Nicole;
Dahl, Anne.
Reading Rate of Academic English Texts: Comparing L1 and Advanced L2 Users in Different Language Environments.
Nordic Journal of English Studies (NJES)
Academic article
Busby, Nicole.
Words from where? Predictors of L2 English vocabulary among Norwegian university students.
ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Academic article
Busby, Nicole.
Comparing first and second language reading: the use of metacognitive strategies among Norwegian university students
Acta Didactica Norge
Academic article
Lund, Tilde Holm;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
“If we are going to encounter lots of these words, then I am not prepared.”: Academic vocabulary knowledge and attitudes towards English courses among upper secondary students in Norway.
Masters thesis
Busby, Nicole Louise;
Angelsen, Anja Katrine;
Nygård, Gro;
Dahl, Anne;
Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet.
Experiences of Norwegian and English among international staff at NTNU.
Ringrose, Miriam;
Busby, Nicole Louise;
Greenall, Annjo Klungervik.
ChatGPT and differentiated reading materials:
The possibilities and limitations of AI-generated
graded readers for an ESL context.
Masters thesis
Verkerk, Eline;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
The use of extramural English among French youth and its impact on listening comprehension.
Masters thesis
Skaug, Anne Kristine;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
Is gaming the key to vocabulary mastery? Exploring Norwegian upper secondary school students’ vocabulary knowledge in relation to gaming inside and outside the classroom .
Masters thesis
Veiesund, Marita;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
A multimodal classroom: A study on teachers' use of multimodal ensembles in the Norwegian English as an Additional Language classroom.
Masters thesis
Kalhagen, Maren Helene;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
Norwegian first-graders’ English vocabulary knowledge and exposure to Extramural English.
Masters thesis
Kvithyll, Ina Marie;
Busby, Nicole Louise.
A novel approach: Investigating factors that predict and impact vocabulary acquisition through fiction literature in the Norwegian ESL classroom.
Masters thesis
Busby, Nicole;
Dahl, Anne;
Hellekjær, Glenn Ole.
Presumptions, proficiencies, and parallel languages: Investigating academic English reading among Norwegian university students.
Doctoral dissertation
Dahl, Anne;
Busby, Nicole.
Too cool for school? Sources of English language acquisition, attitudes, and academic reading ability among Norwegian university students.
Masters thesis
Courses in spring 2025:
- ENG1101 - English Linguistics
Teaching experience:
- ENG1001 - Varieties of English/Global English
- ENG1101 - English Linguistics
- SPRÅK1200 - Foreign Languages and Society
- ENG1201 - Proficiency and Grammar
- ENG2153 - First and Second Language Acquisition
- ENG2910 - Bachelor's thesis in English
- SPRÅK3001 - Research Methods in Linguistics
- SPRÅK3501 - Scientific Communication for Engineers
- SPRÅL3800 - Unspecified Topic/ Independent Study
- ENG3900 - Master's Thesis in English (60 credits)
- ENG3901 - Master's Thesis in English (30 credits)
- ENG3920 - Master's Thesis in English Linguistics and Language Acquisition
- ENG6020 and ENG6025 - Linguistics and Language Acquisition
- ENG6023 and ENG6026 - Global English
- ENG6010 - English Proficiency
- SPRÅK6101 - Informal Language Learning
- Graduate and undergraduate human anatomy courses (University of Wollongong)
- Undergraduate human anatomy, nutrition and sports medicine courses (University of Canberra)
I supervise master's projects relating to second language acquisition inside and outside the classroom, as well as topics related to reading and writing of academic texts.
I would be happy to supervise master projects related to the following topics:
- Second language acquisition
- Extramural (out-of-class) language exposure
- Reading in a second language
- Academic language
- Vocabulary
- Reading strategies
- Language practices in higher education
European Commission webinar on: Language acquisition inside and outside the classroom
Multilingualism in Norwegian universities: research, realities, and role models
Insights from reflections on early extramural English: Benefits for teaching and research
Popular scientific lectureBusby, Nicole Louise; Dahl, Anne; Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet; Nygård, Gro; Angelsen, Anja Katrine. (2025) Experiences of Norwegian and English among international staff at NTNU. NTNUs språkpolitiske utvalg Må alle snakke norsk? Erfaringer med bruk av norsk og engelsk ved NTNU , Trondheim 2025-01-15 -
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise; Dahl, Anne; Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet; Nygård, Gro; Angelsen, Anja Katrine. (2025) The role of patience in interactions between Norwegian and international staff at a Norwegian university. De norske interaksjonsdagene , Oslo 2025-01-09 - 2025-01-10
InterviewOksholen, Tore; Busby, Nicole Louise. (2025) Halvparten sier de ikke kan godt nok norsk etter endt kurs. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Newspaper] 2025-01-16
Academic lectureArnold, Brittany Mason; Sikveland, Rein Ove; Busby, Nicole Louise. (2025) Why other-repetitions are so fun—so fun: Scoping out a comprehensive embodied-prosodic approach to human sociality—the drag edition. De norske interaksjonsdagene , Oslo, Norway 2025-01-09 - 2025-01-10
Academic lectureMahan, Karina Rose; Hammer, Svenja; De Angelis, Gessica Luisa; Busby, Nicole Louise; Lorenz, Eliane; Flikke, Julie Katrine. (2024) Holdninger og erfaringer med språkpolitikken ved NTNU. Språkutvalget NTNU Styremøte , Trondheim 2024-02-07 - 2024-02-07
Academic lectureMahan, Karina Rose; Busby, Nicole Louise; de Angelis, Gessica Luisa; Flikke, Julie Katrine; Hammer, Svenja; Lorenz, Eliane. (2024) Experiences and attitudes toward language policy at NTNU. International Forum at ILU Styremøte , Kalvskinnet 2024-04-24 - 2024-04-24
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise; Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet; Angelsen, Anja Katrine; Dahl, Anne; Nygård, Gro. (2024) What we have learned about language practices and language learning among international staff at NTNU. ISL-dagen , NTNU Trondheim 2024-05-29 -
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise; Angelsen, Anja Katrine; Dahl, Anne; Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet; Nygård, Gro. (2024) Language practices and language learning among international staff at a Norwegian university. Swedish Applied Linguistics Association ASLA Symposium , Falun, Sweden 2024-04-18 - 2024-04-19
Popular scientific lectureBusby, Nicole Louise. (2024) Language acquisition inside and outside the classroom. European Commission European Commission webinar 2024-09-17 -
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise; Lund, Tilde Holm. (2024) Investigating academic English vocabulary among Norwegian upper secondary students. ForMAAL ForMAAL colloquium , Trondheim 2024-10-01 -
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise; Dahl, Anne; Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet; Nygård, Gro; Angelsen, Anja Katrine. (2024) Discussion of experiences of Norwegian and English among international staff at NTNU. C-LaBL – AcqVA-Nor reading group , Tromsø (digital) 2024-10-23 -
Academic lectureNygård, Gro; Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet; Dahl, Anne; Busby, Nicole Louise; Angelsen, Anja Katrine. (2024) Språklæring og språkbruk blant internasjonalt ansatte i norsk akademia. Universitetet i Oslo Møter om norsk språk (MONS) , Oslo 2024-11-27 - 2024-11-29
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise; Dahl, Anne; Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet; Angelsen, Anja Katrine; Nygård, Gro. (2024) Norwegian at NTNU preliminary report. ForMAAL ForMAAL colloquium , Trondheim 2024-03-07 -
PosterBusby, Nicole Louise. (2023) Insights from reflections on early extramural English: Benefits for teaching and research. Vocab@Vic , Wellington, New Zealand 2023-12-13 - 2023-12-15
Academic lectureListhaug, Kjersti Faldet; Dahl, Anne; Nygård, Gro; Angelsen, Anja Katrine; Busby, Nicole Louise. (2023) Experiences of Norwegian and English among international staff at NTNU - some preliminary findings . Norsk i akademia (NINjA), UiB Forskningssamling om språk i høgare utdanning , Bergen 2023-12-07 - 2023-12-07
Academic lectureListhaug, Kjersti Faldet; Angelsen, Anja Katrine; Dahl, Anne; Nygård, Gro; Busby, Nicole Louise. (2023) Erfaring med norsk og engelsk blant internasjonalt ansatte ved NTNU - forskningsbaserte råd til institusjonene. Språkpolitisk utval ved UiB, Norsk i akademia (NINJA), UiB Språkpolitikk i UH-sektoren. Norskkompetanse i akademia – frå ord til handling , Bergen 2023-12-06 - 2023-12-06
Academic lectureMahan, Karina Rose; Busby, Nicole Louise; De Angelis, Gessica Luisa; Flikke, Julie Katrine; Hammer, Svenja; Lorenz, Eliane. (2023) A language needs analysis at NTNU. Universitetet i Bergen FORSKERSAMLING OM SPRÅK I HØGARE UTDANNING , Bergen 2023-12-07 - 2023-12-07
LectureBusby, Nicole Louise. (2023) Supervision and academic writing. FORUT - Forum for Utdanning 2023-06-13 -
LectureBusby, Nicole Louise; Angelsen, Anja Katrine; Dahl, Anne; Nygård, Gro; Listhaug, Kjersti Faldet. (2023) Experiences of Norwegian and English among international staff at NTNU. Språkpolitisk utvalg, NTNU 2023-12-01 - 2023-12-01
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise. (2023) Flere Språk til Flere presentation: Multilingualism in the Norwegian higher education context. Bilingualism Matters Bilingualism Matters Knowledge Exchange Forum 2023-05-24 -
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise. (2023) Multilingualism in Norwegian universities: Research, realities, and role models. European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism (ECSPM) symposium , Strasbourg, France 2023-03-22 - 2023-03-24
PosterBusby, Nicole Louise. (2023) Exploring effects of early extramural English exposure on university students’ current L2 vocabulary. European Second Language Association EuroSLA32 , Birmingham, UK 2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise; Angelsen, Anja Katrine. (2023) Teaching the teachers: Designing digital assessment for language teachers which both evaluates and educates. Association of Language Testers in Europe ALTE 8th International Conference , Madrid, Spain 2023-04-26 - 2023-04-28
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise. (2023) Discussing multilingualism in the Norwegian university context. AcqVA lunch seminar 2023-03-17 -
Academic lectureEriksson, Linda; Busby, Nicole Louise; Warnby, Marcus. (2023) Preparing students for academic reading in English: A comparative study of Swedish and Norwegian university-preparatory curricula. International Symposium on Comparative Didactics (ISCOD) , Örebro, Sweden 2023-01-11 - 2023-01-12
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2022) Presumptions, proficiencies, and parallel languages: Investigating academic English reading among Norwegian university students. Örebro University Högre seminarium i Enheten för humaniora , Örebro, Sweden 2022-01-12 -
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole; Dahl, Anne. (2022) Reading speed of academic English texts: How do Norwegian university students compare with L1 and L2 readers in the UK?. NAES 2022: Nordic Association of English Studies Triennial Conference , Stockholm, Sweden 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-13
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole; Angelsen, Anja Katrine. (2022) Assessing the validity of a new portfolio assessment design for language teachers. European Association for Language Testing and Assessment 18th EALTA Conference , Budapest, Hungary 2022-05-31 - 2022-06-05
PosterBusby, Nicole; Dahl, Anne. (2022) On the same page? Reading speed of academic texts by university students with different language backgrounds. EuroSLA31 , Fribourg, Switzerland 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-27
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2022) Effects of Early Extramural English Exposure. AcqVA lunch seminar 2022-11-30 -
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole; Dahl, Anne. (2021) Reading rate of academic English texts: How do Norwegian university students compare with L1 and L2 readers in the UK?. English and Foreign Language Research Seminar Series 2021-07-02 -
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2020) Preparing to publicly defend a PhD on 'Presumptions, proficiencies and parallel languages'. AcqVA lunch seminar 2020-11-09 -
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2019) Acquiring L2 English vocabulary – are hobbies getting students through university?. AcqVA half-day seminar in Trondheim 2019-04-10 - 2019-04-10
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2019) English vocabulary knowledge among Norwegian university students – is everyone equally prepared for reading academic texts in English?. English and Foreign Language Research Seminar Series , Trondheim, Norway 2019-05-23 - 2019-05-23
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2019) English vocabulary knowledge and academic reading among Norwegian university students – do they know what they need to know?. Vocab@Leuven 2019 , Leuven, Belgium 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-03
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2019) English vocabulary knowledge among Norwegian university students – Do they know what they need to know to say what they want to say?. NFEAP Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes (NFEAP) , Oslo, Norway 2019-06-06 - 2019-06-07
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2019) Acquiring L2 English vocabulary: Are hobbies getting students through university?. AcqVA AcqVA Retreat 2019 , Tromsø, Norway 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-04
PosterBusby, Nicole. (2019) Acquiring L2 English vocabulary – are hobbies getting students through university?. EuroSLA29 , Lund, Sweden 2019-08-28 - 2019-08-31
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2019) Comparing reading strategies in L1 and L2 academic reading. 3rd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use , Osaka, Japan 2019-10-13 - 2019-10-15
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2018) Comparing L1 and L2 reading: The use of metacognitive strategies among Norwegian university students. LingPhil Norwegian Graduate Student Conference in Linguistics and Philology (NoSLiP) , Oslo, Norway 2018-02-15 - 2018-02-16
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2018) Academic English reading among Norwegian university students. Nettverkssamling for studieverksteder og skrivesentre , Oslo, Norway 2018-11-08 - 2018-11-09
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole. (2018) Studying in a second language: How does the use of English language teaching resources in Norwegian universities affect students?. EuroSLA 28 , Munster, Germany 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
Academic lectureBusby, Nicole Louise. (2016) How does the use of English language teaching resources in Norwegian universities affect students?. Norwegian Graduate Student Conference in Linguistics and Philology (NoSLiP) 2016 , Trondheim, Norway 2016-10-06 - 2016-10-07