Nora Johanne Klungseth
Are you interested in developing projects on real estate (RE), facility management (FM) or service management (SM)? Do you have an idea or challenge which is global, european, nordic or national? If so, I would be very interested in talking with you!
My everyday research and teaching focus revolves around sustainable business, value creation and digital transformation within a variety of industries. When possible, I tune my focus toward real estate, facility management (which is part of the AEC industry) and the ICT industry, as my education and experience are from these industries.
I am always on the lookout to increase and deepen collaborations with and between industry/practice, students, and research, and work steadily to advance practice-near education and research, enabling quicker transformation.
I am an associate professor in project management who is passionate about both project management and facility management (FM, incl. facility services) in the broadest sense, ranging from strategic to operational perspectives. I enjoy developing good ideas and are on a constant outlook for new connections and opportunities. I am eager to collaborate and develop on any idea you might have, whether your need is consultancy, development or research. I am particularly interested in projects related to innovation.
I have a special interest for all themes that relate to REFM + SM, ranging from market dynamics to peoples' balance between work and life, and I am keen to contribute to practice, research and education. I enjoy supervising students and eager to develop and collaborate on research projects.
My interests include innovation, sustainability, use of new technology (e.g. BIM, IoT, big data, robotics, AI, AR) and themes that touch upon disciplines such as engineering, chemistry, sociology, management/economics, ergonomics, health, history and more. I have a particular passion for usability of workplaces, especially for operational personnel. My background is from the cleaning industry, which is reflected in my work.
As a person, I like to inspire and to motivate people and organizations. I enjoy making peoples eyes sparkle, to bring forth curiosity and joy. I love enabling them to accomplish tasks, and overcome thresholds, they never imagined they would be able to.
If you would like to collaborate, I am happy to schedule a meeting with you.
Roles and other committee works
Conference chair, and initioator of, CIB W070 Conference for Facility Management and Maintenance, “FM and Standards in a sustainable world”, 8th-12th May 2023, Trondheim Norway
Committee chair for Norway's National Standardisations Body's committee SN/K226 Facility management
Elected observatory memeber NBEF board (Norwegian Building and Real Estate Association)
Board memeber NFSR (Norwegian Association for Services and Cleaning)
Board member CREON (Construction Researchers on Economics and Organisation in the Noridc Region)
Editorial Advisory board member Facilities
TPK 4200 Creating value and sustainable business through digital transformation (DIGTRANS)
Research project involvement
Centre for Green shift in the Built Environment
Bridging the gap (NRC, 2021-2024); Digital twin for FM and datause in operation phase
ProDiT (Erasmus+); Projects for Digital transformation
DT4HEALTH (EEA); Digital twin platform for intelligent and sustainable management of hospital facilities
Current PhD candidates
Bejtush Ademi; Sustainable business model innovation
Alessia Bellini; Innovative procurement as a driver of supply chain innovation for achieving circular economy in the construction sector
Reynaldo Conedera; Sustainable decission making and business models relation to project business cases
Jørgen Kjøsen Lindgren; Integration of sustainaiblity reporting into performance measurmenet systems
Current MSc students
Aleksander Kristensen; Leading digital transformation of entire industries - consulting and finance industry
Phillip Blindern Myhre; Leading sustainable tranformation of entire industries - service industry, focus on change management
Frederik August Jomaas; Leading sustainable tranformation of entire industries - service industry, focus on strategic management
Truls-Petter Tofting; Consequences of major cost cuts on projects sustainability ambitions
Sinthur Ponnuthurai; How to succeed with real estate
Recently graduated students
Kaja Jørgensen; Digital transformations and leaders technical competences' influence on sustainability ambitions
Stephanie Dias Chelliah; Leading digital transformation focus on data governance and change management
Dibakar Saker; Achieving Digital Transformation Success: Interplay of Performance, Business Models and Digital Twins in Supply Chain Management
Abdul Ahad Anwar; Roadmaps and frameworks for sustainable transformations
Ilaria Guardiero (exchange student UNITO, Italy); Digital transformation and the process of internationalization
Sofie Sunde; Measuring sustainability
Conrad W Tønsberg; Maschine readable standards
Navid Elyasi; The State of BIM, IOT and ML in BCRE industry
Hanh-Thien Vo; Corona digitalis
Arslan Zahid; Overcoming Barriers for Sustainability
Mathias Irgens; Overgangen til sirkulære verdikjeder
Reyhane B Raja; Role of digitalization towards circular economy
Patrick J Penacerreda; Improvement in handover from project team to operations team
Kristian Sandaa; Project cost estimations biggest uncertainties
Conedera Aguirre, Reynaldo Antonio;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot;
Aarseth, Wenche Kristin;
Ahola, Tuomas Julius;
Aaltonen, Kirsi.
Project Sustainability Strategies and Societal Grand Challenges.
Proceedings of EURAM (European Academy of Management)
Academic article
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Rekve, Anders;
Ghalandar, Toomaj;
McCormack, Amy Anne;
Haugen, Tore.
Bridging the Gap Information Management Platforms across the Lifecycle of buildings Status Rapport - Vår 2024.
Ademi, Bejtush;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Review and Categorisation of Support Types for Business Model Innovation for Sustainability.
management revue - Socio-Economic Studies
Academic article
Bellini, Alessia;
Tadayon, Allen;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
The role of data when implementing circular strategies in the built environment: A literature review.
Cleaner Environmental Systems
Academic literature review
Bellini, Alessia;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Tadayon, Allen;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot.
The role of data when implementing circular strategies in the built environment: A literature review.
Cleaner Environmental Systems
Academic article
Bellini, Alessia;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Tadayon, Allen.
Achieving a circular economy through the effective reuse of construction products, A case study of a residential building.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Ademi, Bejtush;
Sætre, Alf Steinar;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Advancing the understanding of sustainable business models through organizational learning.
Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE)
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Nielsen, Susanne Balslev;
Alves da Graca, Moacyr Eduardo;
Lavy, Sarel.
Research and evidence-based standards paving the way for digital and sustainable transformation of the built environment.
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Nielsen, Susanne Balslev;
Alves da Graca, Moacyr Eduardo;
Lavy, Sarel.
Guest editorial: Role of research for standards within the built environment.
Short communication
Elyasi, Navid;
Bellini, Alessia;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Digital transformation in facility management: An analysis of the challenges and benefits of implementing digital twins in the use phase of a building.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Ademi, Bejtush;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Addressing sustainability: setting and governing sustainability
goals and targets.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Tønsberg, Conrad Wilhelm.
Digitally transforming FM standards and their development process: Allowing experts to focus on what matters.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Lavy, Sarel.
Preface for the CIB W070 Facility Management and Maintenance 2023 Conference proceeding.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Zahid, Arslan;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot.
The Role of Sustainable Project Management in Facilities Management.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Conedera Aguirre, Reynaldo Antonio;
Zahid, Arslan;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Overcoming sustainability barriers in facilities management by a project management framework for project governance.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Schultz, Audrey;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Lean and visual managements contribution to sustainable facilities management.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Nielsen, Susanne Balslev;
Alves da Graca, Moacyr Eduardo;
Lavy, Sarel.
Research and Evidence-based standards: Research and standards in combined efforts for a sustainable transformation of the built environment.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Ademi, Bejtush;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Does it pay to deliver superior ESG performance? Evidence from US S&P 500 companies.
Journal of Global Responsibility
Academic article
Ademi, Bejtush;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Olsson, Nils.
Strategic Flexibility and Business Model Innovation: A Literature Review.
Proceedings of EURAM (European Academy of Management)
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Bokomtale: Fagboka i Eiendomsforvaltning / Facility Management.
Website (informational material)
Danivska, Vitalija;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Service management – focus on customer experience.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Haugen, Tore.
Damman, Sigrid;
Hatling, Morten Arnt;
Skarholt, Kari;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Bull-Berg, Heidi.
Svart renhold hjemme må tas på alvor.
LO-aktuelt : organ for Landsorganisasjonen i Norge
Feature article
Bull-Berg, Heidi;
Damman, Sigrid;
Hatling, Morten Arnt;
Skarholt, Kari;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Status og tiltak for bedre forhold i forbrukermarkedet for renhold.
Haugen, Tore;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
In-house or Outsourcing FM Services in the Public Sector: A Review of 25 Years Research and Development.
Journal of Facilities Management
Academic literature review
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Blakstad, Siri Hunnes.
Organising in-house cleaning services in public FM.
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Kommunalt renhold: et 200års perspektiv.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Moe, Anne Charlotte.
Modne FM-organisasjoner - er de profesjonelle?.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Graff, Carl Henrik.
Kan eiendomsutvikleres risiko optimaliseres?.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Cleaning services in local authorities.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (274)
Doctoral dissertation
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Doktorgrad. Cleaning services in local authorities.
Arkitektur N
Short communication
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Organising cleaning in Norwegian public FM.
Journal of Facilities Management
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Norsk renholdsforskning - Kort oppsumert.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
En oversikt og kategorisering av norsk renholdsforskning.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Olsson, Nils.
Norwegian cleaning research: an overview and categorization.
Academic literature review
Nygard, Ellen;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Staverløkk, Åshild.
Berit Tyldum 70 år - en hyllest fra tre tidligere studenter.
Reader opinion piece
Rise, Even;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Drømmen er å jobbe som forsker.
Interview Journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Shadowing : a valuable approach to facility management research.
Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Blakstad, Siri Hunnes.
The Silent Army: A Story From Practice.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Jobber mot doktorgrad i renhold.
Interview Journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Folk vil ha utdanning.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Interview Journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Brattås, Hans.
Anbefaler IKS som selskapsmodell.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Interview Journal
Hansen, Geir Karsten;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Bygningers brukskvalitet.
Norsk VVS
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hansen, Geir Karsten;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
What is a building's usability?.
European FM Insight
Popular scientific article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
How to Evaluate Usability.
European FM Insight
Popular scientific article
Hansen, Geir Karsten;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Hva er en bygnings brukskvalitet, og hvordan vurdere den?.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Gissinger, Håkon Kvåle;
Brattås, Hans.
IKS i Kommunal Eiendomsforvaltning. En mulighet i et mylder av kommunale og interkommunale organisasjonsløsninger?.
NTNU Norges tekniske-naturvitenskaplige universitet
Non-fiction book
Hansen, Geir Karsten;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
What is a Building's Usability?.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Journal publications
Conedera Aguirre, Reynaldo Antonio;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot;
Aarseth, Wenche Kristin;
Ahola, Tuomas Julius;
Aaltonen, Kirsi.
Project Sustainability Strategies and Societal Grand Challenges.
Proceedings of EURAM (European Academy of Management)
Academic article
Ademi, Bejtush;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Review and Categorisation of Support Types for Business Model Innovation for Sustainability.
management revue - Socio-Economic Studies
Academic article
Bellini, Alessia;
Tadayon, Allen;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
The role of data when implementing circular strategies in the built environment: A literature review.
Cleaner Environmental Systems
Academic literature review
Bellini, Alessia;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Tadayon, Allen;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot.
The role of data when implementing circular strategies in the built environment: A literature review.
Cleaner Environmental Systems
Academic article
Bellini, Alessia;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Tadayon, Allen.
Achieving a circular economy through the effective reuse of construction products, A case study of a residential building.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Ademi, Bejtush;
Sætre, Alf Steinar;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Advancing the understanding of sustainable business models through organizational learning.
Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE)
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Nielsen, Susanne Balslev;
Alves da Graca, Moacyr Eduardo;
Lavy, Sarel.
Research and evidence-based standards paving the way for digital and sustainable transformation of the built environment.
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Nielsen, Susanne Balslev;
Alves da Graca, Moacyr Eduardo;
Lavy, Sarel.
Guest editorial: Role of research for standards within the built environment.
Short communication
Elyasi, Navid;
Bellini, Alessia;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Digital transformation in facility management: An analysis of the challenges and benefits of implementing digital twins in the use phase of a building.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Ademi, Bejtush;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Addressing sustainability: setting and governing sustainability
goals and targets.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Tønsberg, Conrad Wilhelm.
Digitally transforming FM standards and their development process: Allowing experts to focus on what matters.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Lavy, Sarel.
Preface for the CIB W070 Facility Management and Maintenance 2023 Conference proceeding.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Zahid, Arslan;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot.
The Role of Sustainable Project Management in Facilities Management.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Conedera Aguirre, Reynaldo Antonio;
Zahid, Arslan;
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Overcoming sustainability barriers in facilities management by a project management framework for project governance.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Schultz, Audrey;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Lean and visual managements contribution to sustainable facilities management.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Nielsen, Susanne Balslev;
Alves da Graca, Moacyr Eduardo;
Lavy, Sarel.
Research and Evidence-based standards: Research and standards in combined efforts for a sustainable transformation of the built environment.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Ademi, Bejtush;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Does it pay to deliver superior ESG performance? Evidence from US S&P 500 companies.
Journal of Global Responsibility
Academic article
Ademi, Bejtush;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Olsson, Nils.
Strategic Flexibility and Business Model Innovation: A Literature Review.
Proceedings of EURAM (European Academy of Management)
Academic article
Damman, Sigrid;
Hatling, Morten Arnt;
Skarholt, Kari;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Bull-Berg, Heidi.
Svart renhold hjemme må tas på alvor.
LO-aktuelt : organ for Landsorganisasjonen i Norge
Feature article
Haugen, Tore;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
In-house or Outsourcing FM Services in the Public Sector: A Review of 25 Years Research and Development.
Journal of Facilities Management
Academic literature review
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Blakstad, Siri Hunnes.
Organising in-house cleaning services in public FM.
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Kommunalt renhold: et 200års perspektiv.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Moe, Anne Charlotte.
Modne FM-organisasjoner - er de profesjonelle?.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Graff, Carl Henrik.
Kan eiendomsutvikleres risiko optimaliseres?.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Doktorgrad. Cleaning services in local authorities.
Arkitektur N
Short communication
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Organising cleaning in Norwegian public FM.
Journal of Facilities Management
Academic article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Norsk renholdsforskning - Kort oppsumert.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
En oversikt og kategorisering av norsk renholdsforskning.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Olsson, Nils.
Norwegian cleaning research: an overview and categorization.
Academic literature review
Nygard, Ellen;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Staverløkk, Åshild.
Berit Tyldum 70 år - en hyllest fra tre tidligere studenter.
Reader opinion piece
Rise, Even;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Drømmen er å jobbe som forsker.
Interview Journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Jobber mot doktorgrad i renhold.
Interview Journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Folk vil ha utdanning.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Interview Journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Brattås, Hans.
Anbefaler IKS som selskapsmodell.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Interview Journal
Hansen, Geir Karsten;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Bygningers brukskvalitet.
Norsk VVS
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hansen, Geir Karsten;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
What is a building's usability?.
European FM Insight
Popular scientific article
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
How to Evaluate Usability.
European FM Insight
Popular scientific article
Hansen, Geir Karsten;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Hva er en bygnings brukskvalitet, og hvordan vurdere den?.
FDVnytt : Forvaltning Drift Vedlikehold
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Gissinger, Håkon Kvåle;
Brattås, Hans.
IKS i Kommunal Eiendomsforvaltning. En mulighet i et mylder av kommunale og interkommunale organisasjonsløsninger?.
NTNU Norges tekniske-naturvitenskaplige universitet
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Danivska, Vitalija;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Service management – focus on customer experience.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Haugen, Tore.
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Shadowing : a valuable approach to facility management research.
Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Blakstad, Siri Hunnes.
The Silent Army: A Story From Practice.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hansen, Geir Karsten;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
What is a Building's Usability?.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Rekve, Anders;
Ghalandar, Toomaj;
McCormack, Amy Anne;
Haugen, Tore.
Bridging the Gap Information Management Platforms across the Lifecycle of buildings Status Rapport - Vår 2024.
Bull-Berg, Heidi;
Damman, Sigrid;
Hatling, Morten Arnt;
Skarholt, Kari;
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Status og tiltak for bedre forhold i forbrukermarkedet for renhold.
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Cleaning services in local authorities.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (274)
Doctoral dissertation
Klungseth, Nora Johanne.
Bokomtale: Fagboka i Eiendomsforvaltning / Facility Management.
Website (informational material)
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureConedera Aguirre, Reynaldo Antonio; Zahid, Arslan; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot; Klungseth, Nora Johanne. (2023) Overcoming sustainability barriers in facilities management by a project management framework for project governance. Norwegian University of Science and Technology CIB W070 2023 Conference on Facility Management and Maintenance , Trondheim 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-12
Academic lectureBellini, Alessia; Elyasi, Navid; Klungseth, Nora Johanne. (2023) Digital transformation in facility management: An analysis of the challenges and benefits of implementing digital twins in the use phase of a building. CIB W070 Conference on Facility Management and Maintenance 2023 , Trondheim 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-11
Academic lectureZahid, Arslan; Klungseth, Nora Johanne; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot. (2023) The Role of Sustainable Project Management in Facilities Management. CIB W070 Conference on Facility Management and Maintenance 2023 , Trondheim 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-11
Academic lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Tønsberg, Conrad Wilhelm. (2023) Digitally transforming FM standards and their development process: Allowing experts to focus on what matters. CIB - International Council for Research and Innovation CIB W070 Conference on Facility Management and Maintenance 2023 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-11
Academic lectureAdemi, Bejtush; Klungseth, Nora Johanne. (2023) Addressing sustainability: setting and governing sustainability goals and targets. CIB W070 Conference on Facility Management and Maintenance 2023 , Trondheim 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-11
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2022) Livslang læring og evne til omstilling. Viken Fylkeskommune Renholderens Dag - Viken Fylkeskommune , Lillestrøm 2022-12-05 -
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Østad, Gunnar Slinning. (2022) Standarder - språket som gjør digital utvikling mulig. NKF - Norsk Kommunalteknisk Forening DIKT (Digitalisering av kommunalteknikk)-konferansen 2022 , Oslo 2022-12-06 - 2022-12-08
InterviewHillestad, Trond Erik; Klungseth, Nora Johanne. (2022) Internasjonale FM-samlinger til Norge. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2022-11-29
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Furulund, Petter. (2022) Bærekraft fra ulike perspektiv. NFSR - Norsk forening for service og renhold NFSR Årskonferanse 2022 , Bergen 2022-10-19 - 2022-10-21
Academic lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Schultz, Audrey. (2022) Lean and visual managements contribution to sustainable facilities management. CIB - International Council for Research and Innovation CIB World Building Congress 2022 , Melbourne 2022-06-27 - 2022-06-30
LectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Nielsen, Susanne Balslev; Alves da Graca, Moacyr Eduardo; Lavy, Sarel. (2022) Research and Evidence-based standards: Research and standards in combined efforts for a sustainable transformation of the built environment. CIB - International Council for Research and Innovation CIB World Building Congress 2022 , Melbourne 2022-06-27 - 2022-06-30
InterviewFiksdal, Baard; Klungseth, Nora Johanne. (2021) Arbeidslivsrelevansen styrkes med nytt NTNU-samarbeid. [Internet] 2021-09-14
InterviewKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Hillestad, Trond Erik. (2021) Skal bygge bro mellom næringsliv og forskning. [Journal] 2021-09-15
InterviewPlassen, Pål Hovengen; Klungseth, Nora Johanne. (2021) Programmet «Plassen». Seksjonene: «Trenger vi ta vårrengjøringen?» og «Spørsmål og svar om rengjøring». [Radio] 2021-04-04
LectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2021) Løsninger som forenkler driften - Mange muligheter, men hva er optimalt?. Norges bygg og eiendomsforening (NBEF) FM konferansen 2021 , Oslo 2021-10-21 - 2021-10-21
InterviewKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Hillestad, Trond Erik. (2021) Skaff deg selv et forsprang!. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2021-08-30
InterviewKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Oldeide, Erlend Blaalid . (2020) Gjest: Nora Johanne Klungseth. Sogn og Fjordane i dag 25.03.2020. NRK Distriktsprogram Sogn og fjordane NRK Distriktsprogram Sogn og fjordane [Radio] 2020-03-25
InterviewHillestad, Trond Erik; Klungseth, Nora Johanne; Blekastad, Jonas Fossnes; Bogevik, Terje. (2020) Krypmper papiravfallet til en tidel. Renholdsnytt Renholdsnytt [Business/trade/industry journal] 2020-09-04
InterviewKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2015) Norges første doktorgrad i renhold. [Internet] 2015-12-09
InterviewKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Soot-Ryen, Tron. (2014) Dagens gjest: Nora Johanne Klungseth. Her og Nå, NRK Radio P1 Her og Nå, NRK Radio P1 [Radio] 2014-07-03
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2014) Norsk renholdsforskning fra 1814 – 2009. Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon (DDS) NfN (Norsk forum for Næringseiendom), Renholdsgruppen (benchmarkgruppe) , Oslo, DDS, Fellestjenesteavdelingen, Renhold og miljø 2014-03-06 -
InterviewHaugan, Idun; Klungseth, Nora Johanne; Olsson, Nils. (2014) Vasker uten vann. [Internet] 2014-05-21
InterviewKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Olsson, Nils; Haugan, Idun. (2014) Mot en grønnere vasking. [Internet] 2014-05-21
InterviewRavnestad, Gro; Klungseth, Nora Johanne. (2014) Gjest: Nora Johanne Klungseth. God ettermiddag Sogn og Fjordane (NRK Sogn og Fjordane) God ettermiddag Sogn og Fjordane (NRK Sogn og Fjordane) [Radio] 2014-07-10
LectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2013) Når er det rent?. Ernst and Young AS BenchLearning samling , Trondheim 2013-09-17 -
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2013) Norsk renholdsforskning fra 1814 – 2009. Norsk Kommunalteknisk Forening NKF's Drifts- og renholdsleder konferanse , DFDS Seaways/København-Oslo 2013-09-18 - 2013-09-20
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Staverløkk, Åshild. (2013) Master i Eiendomsutvikling og -forvaltning. NFSR - Norsk Forening for Service og Renhold Årskonferanse 2013 , Trondheim 2013-04-19 -
Academic lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2012) The Silent Army: A Story From Practice. Norsk nettverk for Næringseiendom (NfN) Renholdsgruppe Nettverksmøte NfN Renholdsgruppe , Asker 2012-10-30 -
Academic lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2012) Shadowing - a valuable approach to Facility Management research. EuroFM EFMC 2012 - European FM Conference 2012 , København 2012-05-24 - 2012-05-25
Academic lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne; Blakstad, Siri Hunnes. (2012) The Silent Army: A Story From Practice. Univeristy of Cape Town & CIB Joint CIB W070, W092 & TG72 International Conferene on Facilities Management, Procurements Systems and Public Private Partnership, 23-25 January 2012 , Cape Town 2012-01-23 - 2012-01-25
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2012) Renhold og byggutforming. Trondheim Kommune Faglig bidrag , Trondheim 2012-03-21 -
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2012) Den Kommunale Renholdstjenesten. Norsk Forum for Næringsutvikling (NfN) Nettverksmøte NfN Renholdsgruppe 2012-03-01 -
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2012) Peer review - Boken "Alt om Renhold". Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (HiOA) Boklansering "Alt om renhold" , Kjeller 2012-10-16 - 2012-10-16
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2011) Comparing Norwegian & English Local Authorities. APSE - Association for Public Service Excellence APSE Building Cleaning Advisory Group Meeting , Mancherster 2011-06-23 - 2011-06-23
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2011) Renholderen og det bygde miljø. Norsk Kommunalteknisk Forening (NKF) NKFs Drifts‐og renholdsleder konferanse 2011 , Trondheim 2011-09-28 - 2011-09-29
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2010) Masterstudiet i Trondheim - Eiendomsutvikling og forvaltning. Høgskolen i Akershus Forelesning - Informasjon , Lillestrøm / Kjeller 2010-10-18 -
Popular scientific lectureKlungseth, Nora Johanne. (2009) Renholdernes dag. Kristiansand Kommune Renholderenes dag i Kristiansand Kommune , Kristiansand 2009-11-07 -