Sigrid Nakrem
Key qualifications
Sigrid Nakrem is a Registred Nurse (RN) with a master's degree in Health Science and a PhD in Public Health from 2011. Her main area of research is quality of care and nursing sensitive quality measures, health promotion in older people, patient safety and elder abuse. Welfare Technology and eHealth is another main area of research, and she has gained experience from a large research project related to implementation of technology for home healthcare. Her educational and teaching competence is in the areas welfare technology and eHealth, nursing home care, quality management in organizations and innovations in health care. She has supervision experience, and is an experienced nurse in a diversity of nursing practice.
Research groups: Center for health promotion research, Ageing and older people's health, and Nursing research
Main research topics are patient safety and quality of care, elder abuse, health promotion in older adults, and eHealth
Solheim, Toril Johanne Knutshaug;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Velferdsteknologi - hva, hvorfor og hvordan?.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Velferdsteknologi i en helse- og omsorgstjeneste i endring.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Kleiven, Hanne Hestvik;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Å ta i bruk velferdsteknologi.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Kiran, Asle Helge;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Etiske perspektiver ved bruk av velferdsteknologi.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Høiseth, Marikken;
Sigurjónsson, Jóhannes B..
Velferdsteknologi i praksis. Perspektiver på teknologi i kommunal helse- og omsorgstjeneste. 2. utgave.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Haave, Randi Olsson;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Melby, Line Kari.
Healthcare professionals' experience with nutritional care beyond formal quality systems — A qualitative study.
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Academic article
Cavuoto, Marina G.;
Markusevska, Simona;
Stevens, Catriona;
Reyes, Patricia;
Renshaw, Gianna;
Peters, Micah D J.
The impact of elder abuse training on subacute health providers and older adults: study protocol for a randomized control trial.
Academic article
Angelsen, Aslaug;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Zotcheva, Ekaterina;
Strand, Bjørn Heine;
Strand, Linn B.
Health-promoting behaviors in older adulthood and intrinsic capacity 10 years later: the HUNT study.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Hynne, Astrid Synneve Bjørnerheim;
Paulsen, Bente;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Case-seminar kombinert med ressursforelesing i ei spesialutdanning i sjukepleie som kjelde til motivasjon og læring. .
Tevik, Kjerstin Elisabeth;
Helvik, Anne-Sofie;
Stensvik, Geir-Tore;
Nordberg, Marion Skallerud;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Incontinence and constipation among nursing home residents - a measure of quality of care? (ICS 2023 Toronto Abstracts).
Hynne, Astrid Synneve Bjørnerheim;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Paulsen, Bente.
Systematisk bruk av case letta læringa til studentar i spesialsjukepleie.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Leirvik, Åse Monica;
Bjørsland, Bente;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Erfaringer med en telemedisinsk tjeneste for pasienter med kols: en casestudie.
Sykepleien Forskning
Academic article
Tevik, Kjerstin Elisabeth;
Helvik, Anne-Sofie;
Stensvik, Geir-Tore;
Nordberg, Marion Skallerud;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Nursing-sensitive quality indicators for quality improvement in Norwegian nursing homes – a modified Delphi study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Stensvik, Geir-Tore;
Helvik, Anne-Sofie;
Haugan, Gørill;
Steinsbekk, Aslak;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
The short-term effect of a modified comprehensive geriatric assessment and regularly case conferencing on neuropsychiatric symptoms in nursing homes: a cluster randomized trial.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Saga, Susan;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Sandmoe, Astrid.
«Vi kjemper en kamp» - Pårørendes opplevelse av samarbeid med sykehjemstjenesten om vold, overgrep og forsømmelser.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Kvanneid, Katrine.
How Is Quality of Care in Home Healthcare Created? A Qualitative Study of Health Professionals’ Perspectives.
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Nutritional education for health professionals.
Website (informational material)
Saga, Susan;
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Sandmoe, Astrid.
Relatives’ experiences with abuse and
neglect in Norwegian nursing homes. A
qualitative study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Myhre, Janne;
Saga, Susan;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Ostaszkiewicz, Joan;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Elder abuse and neglect: an overlooked patient safety issue. A focus group study of nursing home leaders’ perceptions of elder abuse and neglect.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Myhre, Janne;
Saga, Susan;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Ostaszkiewicz, Joan;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
React and act: a qualitative study of how nursing home leaders follow up on staff-to-resident abuse.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Leirvik, Åse Monica;
Bjørsland, Bente;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Forprosjekt RFF Innlandet: KOLS og telemedisin i Kongsvinger. Erfaringer fra en kommunal telemedisinsk tjeneste for pasienter med KOLS – et utviklingsprosjekt. Rapport fra arbeidspakke 5.
Høgskolen i Innlandet
Høgskolen i Innlandet
Nakrem, Sigrid.
CareMatch - høyaktuelt i disse COVID-tider.
Website (informational material)
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Solbjør, Marit;
Pettersen, Ida Nilstad;
Kleiven, Hanne Hestvik.
Technology and relational trust in care interactions.
Myhre, Janne;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Saga, Susan;
Ostaszkiewicz, Joan;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Nursing home leaders’ perceptions of factors influencing the reporting of elder abuse and neglect: a qualitative study .
Journal of Health Organisation and Management
Academic article
Stensvik, Geir-Tore;
Helvik, Anne-Sofie;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Haugan, Gørill.
Cornell's Depression for Dementia Scale: A psychometric study among Norwegian nursing home residents.
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print)
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Kiran, Asle Helge.
Hvordan lykkes med velferdsteknologi?.
Sykepleien fag
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Stensvik, Geir-Tore;
Skjong, Rickard Johan;
Ostaszkiewicz, Joan.
Staff experiences with implementing a case conferencing care model in nursing homes: a focus group study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Solbjør, Marit;
Pettersen, Ida Nilstad;
Kleiven, Hanne Hestvik.
Care relationships at stake? Home healthcare professionals' experiences with digital medicine dispensers - a qualitative study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Velferdsteknologi i en helse- og omsorgstjeneste i endring.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Hynne, Astrid Bjørnerheim.
Family members as a conditional resource? A qualitative study of long-term nursing home residents' next-of-kin experience of their role.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Academic article
Kiran, Asle Helge;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Etiske perspektiver ved bruk av velferdsteknologi.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Knutshaug, Toril Johanne;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Velferdsteknologi - hva, hvorfor og hvordan?.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Wigum, Kristin Støren;
Nordlie, Rannveig;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Trygg og aktiv. En pilot for testing av lokaliseringsteknologi.
Gaia Trondheim, Økologisk produkt- og systemdesign/NTNU
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Sigurjónsson, Jóhannes B..
Velferdsteknologi i praksis.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Vinsnes, Anne G.;
Gjeilo, Kari Hanne;
Norton, Christine;
Mørkved, Siv;
Salvesen, Øyvind.
Exploring faecal incontinence in nursing home patients: a cross-sectional study of prevalence and associations derived from the Residents Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities.
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Academic article
Storli, Marit;
Ingebrigtsen, Oddbjørn;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Elstad, Toril Anne.
Sikkerhetstiltak for legemidler i sykehjem.
Sykepleien Forskning
Academic article
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Norton, Christine;
Mørkved, Siv;
Salvesen, Øyvind.
Constipation and Laxative Use among Nursing Home Patients: Prevalence and Associations Derived from the Residents Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities (interRAI LTCF).
Gastroenterology Research and Practice
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Kvalitetsindikatorer. Oversikt over internasjonal forskning og praksis.
Geriatrisk sykepleie
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Understanding organizational and cultural premises for quality of care in nursing homes: an ethnographic study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Gjeilo, Kari Hanne;
Mørkved, Siv;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Norton, Christine.
Effect of a multifaceted educational program for care staff concerning fecal incontinence in nursing home patients: Study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Gjeilo, Kari Hanne;
Norton, Christine;
Mørkved, Siv;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen.
Feasibility, acceptability, and adherence of two educational programs for care staff concerning nursing home patients' fecal incontinence: A pilot study preceding a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
Implementation Science
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Symposium 10 Health promoting nursing homes. Care quality and working environment in Norwegian nursing homes. C2: Quality of care in nursing homes from the nursing home residents' perspectives.
The journal of Nursing Home Research
Alexandersen, Ingeborg;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Kvello, Øyvind.
Konflikter i studiegrupper - forekomst og konsekvenser for læring og trivsel.
Academic article
Alexandersen, Ingeborg;
Mathisen, Gunn Trine;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
En ny praksismodell i sykepleierutdanningen for framtidens behov? En Q-metodisk studie av erfaringer med samarbeidslæring i praksisstudiene.
Vård i Norden
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Spilker, Kristin.
Velferdsteknologi som ressurs, mulighet og strategi i helse- og omsorgstjenesten i kommunene.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Harkless, Gene Elizabeth;
Paulsen, Bård;
Seim, Arnfinn.
Ambiguities: residents' experience of "nursing home as my home".
International Journal of Older People Nursing
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Harkless, GE;
Paulsen, Bård;
Seim, Arnfinn.
Ambiguities: residents' experience of 'nursing home as my home'.
International Journal of Older People Nursing
Academic article
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Harkless, Gene E.;
Seim, Arnfinn.
Quality of care in Norwegian nursing homes - typology of family perceptions.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Measuring quality of care in nursing homes - what matters?.
NTNU Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Seim, Arnfinn.
Residents' experiences of interpersonal factors in nursing home care: A qualitative study.
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Harkless, Gene E.;
Paulsen, Bård;
Seim, Arnfinn.
Nursing sensitive quality indicators for nursing home care: International review of literature, policy and practice.
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Patients with end-stage renal disease: The role of the Kidney School in promoting participation in treatment decision-making.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelig universitet, Det Medisinske Fakultet
Masters thesis
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Moderniseringens fallgruver.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Journal publications
Haave, Randi Olsson;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Melby, Line Kari.
Healthcare professionals' experience with nutritional care beyond formal quality systems — A qualitative study.
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Academic article
Cavuoto, Marina G.;
Markusevska, Simona;
Stevens, Catriona;
Reyes, Patricia;
Renshaw, Gianna;
Peters, Micah D J.
The impact of elder abuse training on subacute health providers and older adults: study protocol for a randomized control trial.
Academic article
Angelsen, Aslaug;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Zotcheva, Ekaterina;
Strand, Bjørn Heine;
Strand, Linn B.
Health-promoting behaviors in older adulthood and intrinsic capacity 10 years later: the HUNT study.
BMC Public Health
Academic article
Tevik, Kjerstin Elisabeth;
Helvik, Anne-Sofie;
Stensvik, Geir-Tore;
Nordberg, Marion Skallerud;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Incontinence and constipation among nursing home residents - a measure of quality of care? (ICS 2023 Toronto Abstracts).
Hynne, Astrid Synneve Bjørnerheim;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Paulsen, Bente.
Systematisk bruk av case letta læringa til studentar i spesialsjukepleie.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Leirvik, Åse Monica;
Bjørsland, Bente;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Erfaringer med en telemedisinsk tjeneste for pasienter med kols: en casestudie.
Sykepleien Forskning
Academic article
Tevik, Kjerstin Elisabeth;
Helvik, Anne-Sofie;
Stensvik, Geir-Tore;
Nordberg, Marion Skallerud;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Nursing-sensitive quality indicators for quality improvement in Norwegian nursing homes – a modified Delphi study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Stensvik, Geir-Tore;
Helvik, Anne-Sofie;
Haugan, Gørill;
Steinsbekk, Aslak;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
The short-term effect of a modified comprehensive geriatric assessment and regularly case conferencing on neuropsychiatric symptoms in nursing homes: a cluster randomized trial.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Saga, Susan;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Sandmoe, Astrid.
«Vi kjemper en kamp» - Pårørendes opplevelse av samarbeid med sykehjemstjenesten om vold, overgrep og forsømmelser.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Kvanneid, Katrine.
How Is Quality of Care in Home Healthcare Created? A Qualitative Study of Health Professionals’ Perspectives.
Academic article
Saga, Susan;
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Sandmoe, Astrid.
Relatives’ experiences with abuse and
neglect in Norwegian nursing homes. A
qualitative study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Myhre, Janne;
Saga, Susan;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Ostaszkiewicz, Joan;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Elder abuse and neglect: an overlooked patient safety issue. A focus group study of nursing home leaders’ perceptions of elder abuse and neglect.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Myhre, Janne;
Saga, Susan;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Ostaszkiewicz, Joan;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
React and act: a qualitative study of how nursing home leaders follow up on staff-to-resident abuse.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Solbjør, Marit;
Pettersen, Ida Nilstad;
Kleiven, Hanne Hestvik.
Technology and relational trust in care interactions.
Myhre, Janne;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Saga, Susan;
Ostaszkiewicz, Joan;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Nursing home leaders’ perceptions of factors influencing the reporting of elder abuse and neglect: a qualitative study .
Journal of Health Organisation and Management
Academic article
Stensvik, Geir-Tore;
Helvik, Anne-Sofie;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Haugan, Gørill.
Cornell's Depression for Dementia Scale: A psychometric study among Norwegian nursing home residents.
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print)
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Kiran, Asle Helge.
Hvordan lykkes med velferdsteknologi?.
Sykepleien fag
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Stensvik, Geir-Tore;
Skjong, Rickard Johan;
Ostaszkiewicz, Joan.
Staff experiences with implementing a case conferencing care model in nursing homes: a focus group study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Solbjør, Marit;
Pettersen, Ida Nilstad;
Kleiven, Hanne Hestvik.
Care relationships at stake? Home healthcare professionals' experiences with digital medicine dispensers - a qualitative study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Hynne, Astrid Bjørnerheim.
Family members as a conditional resource? A qualitative study of long-term nursing home residents' next-of-kin experience of their role.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Academic article
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Vinsnes, Anne G.;
Gjeilo, Kari Hanne;
Norton, Christine;
Mørkved, Siv;
Salvesen, Øyvind.
Exploring faecal incontinence in nursing home patients: a cross-sectional study of prevalence and associations derived from the Residents Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities.
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Academic article
Storli, Marit;
Ingebrigtsen, Oddbjørn;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Elstad, Toril Anne.
Sikkerhetstiltak for legemidler i sykehjem.
Sykepleien Forskning
Academic article
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Norton, Christine;
Mørkved, Siv;
Salvesen, Øyvind.
Constipation and Laxative Use among Nursing Home Patients: Prevalence and Associations Derived from the Residents Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities (interRAI LTCF).
Gastroenterology Research and Practice
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Kvalitetsindikatorer. Oversikt over internasjonal forskning og praksis.
Geriatrisk sykepleie
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Understanding organizational and cultural premises for quality of care in nursing homes: an ethnographic study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Gjeilo, Kari Hanne;
Mørkved, Siv;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Norton, Christine.
Effect of a multifaceted educational program for care staff concerning fecal incontinence in nursing home patients: Study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Blekken, Lene Elisabeth;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Gjeilo, Kari Hanne;
Norton, Christine;
Mørkved, Siv;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen.
Feasibility, acceptability, and adherence of two educational programs for care staff concerning nursing home patients' fecal incontinence: A pilot study preceding a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
Implementation Science
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Symposium 10 Health promoting nursing homes. Care quality and working environment in Norwegian nursing homes. C2: Quality of care in nursing homes from the nursing home residents' perspectives.
The journal of Nursing Home Research
Alexandersen, Ingeborg;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Kvello, Øyvind.
Konflikter i studiegrupper - forekomst og konsekvenser for læring og trivsel.
Academic article
Alexandersen, Ingeborg;
Mathisen, Gunn Trine;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
En ny praksismodell i sykepleierutdanningen for framtidens behov? En Q-metodisk studie av erfaringer med samarbeidslæring i praksisstudiene.
Vård i Norden
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Harkless, Gene Elizabeth;
Paulsen, Bård;
Seim, Arnfinn.
Ambiguities: residents' experience of "nursing home as my home".
International Journal of Older People Nursing
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Harkless, GE;
Paulsen, Bård;
Seim, Arnfinn.
Ambiguities: residents' experience of 'nursing home as my home'.
International Journal of Older People Nursing
Academic article
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Harkless, Gene E.;
Seim, Arnfinn.
Quality of care in Norwegian nursing homes - typology of family perceptions.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Seim, Arnfinn.
Residents' experiences of interpersonal factors in nursing home care: A qualitative study.
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen;
Harkless, Gene E.;
Paulsen, Bård;
Seim, Arnfinn.
Nursing sensitive quality indicators for nursing home care: International review of literature, policy and practice.
International Journal of Nursing Studies
Academic article
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Moderniseringens fallgruver.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Høiseth, Marikken;
Sigurjónsson, Jóhannes B..
Velferdsteknologi i praksis. Perspektiver på teknologi i kommunal helse- og omsorgstjeneste. 2. utgave.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Sigurjónsson, Jóhannes B..
Velferdsteknologi i praksis.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Solheim, Toril Johanne Knutshaug;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Velferdsteknologi - hva, hvorfor og hvordan?.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Velferdsteknologi i en helse- og omsorgstjeneste i endring.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Kleiven, Hanne Hestvik;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Å ta i bruk velferdsteknologi.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Kiran, Asle Helge;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Etiske perspektiver ved bruk av velferdsteknologi.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Velferdsteknologi i en helse- og omsorgstjeneste i endring.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Kiran, Asle Helge;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Etiske perspektiver ved bruk av velferdsteknologi.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Knutshaug, Toril Johanne;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Velferdsteknologi - hva, hvorfor og hvordan?.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Nakrem, Sigrid;
Spilker, Kristin.
Velferdsteknologi som ressurs, mulighet og strategi i helse- og omsorgstjenesten i kommunene.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hynne, Astrid Synneve Bjørnerheim;
Paulsen, Bente;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Case-seminar kombinert med ressursforelesing i ei spesialutdanning i sjukepleie som kjelde til motivasjon og læring. .
Leirvik, Åse Monica;
Bjørsland, Bente;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Forprosjekt RFF Innlandet: KOLS og telemedisin i Kongsvinger. Erfaringer fra en kommunal telemedisinsk tjeneste for pasienter med KOLS – et utviklingsprosjekt. Rapport fra arbeidspakke 5.
Høgskolen i Innlandet
Høgskolen i Innlandet
Wigum, Kristin Støren;
Nordlie, Rannveig;
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Trygg og aktiv. En pilot for testing av lokaliseringsteknologi.
Gaia Trondheim, Økologisk produkt- og systemdesign/NTNU
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Measuring quality of care in nursing homes - what matters?.
NTNU Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Patients with end-stage renal disease: The role of the Kidney School in promoting participation in treatment decision-making.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelig universitet, Det Medisinske Fakultet
Masters thesis
Nakrem, Sigrid.
Nutritional education for health professionals.
Website (informational material)
Nakrem, Sigrid.
CareMatch - høyaktuelt i disse COVID-tider.
Website (informational material)
- SYT3551 - Faglig ledelse og samhandling
- SYT3552 - Kvalitetsutvikling
- HELT6002 - Velferdsteknologi, ehelse og innovasjon
- MH2000 - Teknologiforståelse
- HLS3801 - Eksperter i team - Sov godt - Velferdsteknologi for bærekraftig søvnhelse
Geriatrics, gerontology, care of older people, organisation theory, management in health care services, nursing home services, elder abuse and neglect, quality of care and patient safety, welfare technology and e-health, innovation, nursing, research methods.
Please see CV for more information
Knowledge Transfer
PosterSaga, Susan; Nakrem, Sigrid; Blekken, Lene Elisabeth. (2024) “We are fighting a battle” - How relatives experience NH collaboration on issues of abuse/neglect . 2024 USC Judith D. Tamkin International symposium on elder abuse , Los Angeles 2024-02-22 - 2034-02-23
Academic lectureGardulf, Ann; Berg, Marit; Nakrem, Sigrid; Martinsen, Randi Elisabeth. (2023) Norwegian Nursing Students' Self-Reported Competence Related to Fortcoming Work as Nursing During the COVID-19 Pandemic - a Cross Sectional Study. Høgskolen i Innlandet CABNEI International Conference , Banda Aceh, Indonesia 2023-06-06 - 2023-06-08
LectureTevik, Kjerstin Elisabeth; Nakrem, Sigrid. (2023) Sykepleiesensitive kvalitetsindikatorer. Helsedirektoratet Workshop i Helsedirektoratet , Oslo 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-26
Academic lectureKouvari, Matina; Andreassi, Alice; Olufsen, Vibeke; Følling, Ingrid Sørdal; Martin-Calvo, Nerea; Altunsoy, Mustafa. (2022) Hands-on nutrition training for pediatric primary health care practitioners: the experience of 5-day face-to-face training program in Athens . Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Teaching Kitchen Research Conference , Los Angeles, California/Online 2022-10-18 - 2022-10-19
LectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2022) Presentasjon av Dr. PED-Chef – et Erasmus+ prosjekt. NTNU Nasjonal informasjonsdag og erfaringskonferanse Dr. PED-Chef , Trondheim 2022-11-30 - 2022-11-30
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2022) Presentation of Dr. PED-Chef – an Erasmus+ project. Fondazione Andrologia Pediatrica e dell’Adolescenza European symposium Dr. PED-Chef European project: Hands-on nutrition for paediatric and adolescent health care practitioners , Milano 2022-11-18 - 2022-11-18
LectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2022) Helsefremming - hvor står vi og hvor går vi?. NOEN AS Fagsamling for ansatte i NOEN , Stjørdal 2022-08-27 - 2022-08-28
Academic lectureTevik, Kjerstin Elisabeth; Nakrem, Sigrid. (2021) Kvalitet og sykepleiesensitive kvalitetsindikatorer i sykehjem . NTNU Samfunnsforskning, NTNU og Senter for Omsorgsforskning MASQ Dialogseminar om kvalitetsarbeid og kvalitetsindikatorer i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester , Trondheim 2021-11-29 - 2021-11-29
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2021) Elder abuse and neglect in Norwegian nursing homes - a research project. Novodia, Fundacao Calouste Gulbengan, Fundacao Bissay Barret Seminar for the human rights of the elderly. The ENVOLVi-project , The Azores 2021-12-09 - 2021-12-10
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2020) Technology and relational trust in care interactions. Symposium 12: Conceptualizing trust and AAL-technology. International Society of Gerontechnology ISG's 12th World Conference of Gerontechnology: “Measures to achieve better quality of life and active healthy aging” , Trondheim/Virtual 2020-10-06 - 2020-10-09
Programme participationNakrem, Sigrid. (2020) CCSDI 2020: Oppsummering og avslutning av konferansen. [Internet] 2020-11-02
Academic lectureMyhre, Janne; Saga, Susan; Malmedal, Wenche Karin; Ostaszkiewicz, Joan; Nakrem, Sigrid. (2019) Nursing home leaders perception of elder abuse and neglect- A qualitative study . European Conference on Domestic Violence , Oslo 2019-09-01 - 2019-09-04
PosterStorli, Marit; Nakrem, Sigrid; Elstad, Toril Anne. (2019) Overuse of medication -a risk factor that should be prevented. NOVO - network (nordisk forskningsnettverk) The 13th NOVO - Symposium. Sustainable work and inter professional collaboration in health care , Danmarks tekniske universitet, København 2019-12-10 - 2019-12-13
LectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2019) Panelsamtale: Tjenestedesign i helse - hvordan samskaper vi fremtidens løsninger?. Cluster for Co-Creative Service Design and Innovation CCSDI-konferansen , DOGA, Oslo 2019-06-05 - 2019-06-05
LectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2019) Vold og overgrep overfor eldre med kognitiv svikt. Utviklingssenter for sykehjem og hjemmetjenester/Fylkesmanne Årskonferanse for Demenskoordinatorer i Buskerud , Norefjell 2019-10-21 - 2019-10-21
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2019) 'The triple (quadruple) aim' as a measure for sustainable health care?. NTNU HEIKO Pre-symposium to the NOVO-symposium , DTU copenhagen 2019-12-11 - 2019-12-11
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2019) Quality improvements in nursing homes. ICS International Continence Society Annual Meeting , Gothenburg 2019-09-03 - 2019-09-06
PosterStorli, Marit; Nakrem, Sigrid. (2018) Sykepleiestudenters erfaringer med legemiddelhåndtering i sykehjem. Norsk Sykepleierforbund Utdanning- og forskningskonferansen. Læring for livet i praksis og akademia , Oslo 2018-10-18 - 2018-10-19
PosterNakrem, Sigrid; Stensvik, Geir-Tore. (2018) Structured case conference meetings in nursing homes – “timely rowing towards common goals”. NSF Norsk sykepleierforbunds utdannings- og forskningskonferanse 2018 , Oslo 2018-10-18 - 2018-10-19
LectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2017) "Man trenger ikke å være dårlig for å bli bedre". Pasientsikkerhet med teknologistøtte. Cappelen Damm Akademisk Brukerforum VARnett , Oslo 2017-11-16 - 2017-11-16
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2016) Improving quality of care and quality of life for nursing home residents through organizational culture change. Center for Health Promotion Reserach NTNU Health Promotion Research International Forum 2016 , Trondheim 2016-09-28 - 2016-09-30
PosterNakrem, Sigrid; Hynne, Astrid Synneve Bjørnerheim. (2016) Facilitating involvement of residents' Next-of-kin in long-term care facilities - the relatives perspectives. Nursing Home Research International Working Group Annual Conference for Nursing Home Research International Working Group 2016 , Barcelona 2016-11-09 - 2016-11-10
PosterStensvik, Geir-Tore; Haugan, Gørill; Steinsbekk, Aslak; Nakrem, Sigrid. (2016) Integrating comprehensive geriatric assessment and case conferencing to improve quality of care in nursing homes. 3rd Nursing Home Research International Working Group Conference , Barcelona 2016-12-09 - 2016-12-10
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2015) Quality of care in nursing homes from the nursing home residents' perspective. Nursing Home Research International Working Group 2nd Nursing Home Research International Working Group Conference , Toulouse 2015-12-02 - 2015-12-03
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2014) "The Medical Home": Tjenesteinnovasjon for sikker og bærekraftig hjemmemedisinering. Norsk Sykepleierforbund eHelse og innovasjon - for morgendagens helsetjeneste , Hamar 2014-06-12 - 2014-06-13
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2012) Kvalitetsforbedring og kvalitetsmåling i helse- og omsorgstjenesten. Voss kommune Fagdag for helse- og omsorgstjenesten , Voss 2012-11-12 - 2012-11-12
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2012) Hvordan sikre brukersentrerte mål? Kvalitetsmål i pleie- og omsorgstjenesten. Standard Norge Temadag for helse- og omsorgstjenesten , Lysaker 2012-03-14 - 2012-03-14
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2012) Incontinence care as a viable quality indicator for nursing home care quality: Looking at the past, present and the future. Nursing Forum ICS 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society 2012 Nursing Forum , Beijing 2012-10-14 - 2012-10-19
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2012) Kvalitetsmål i pleie- og omsorgstjenesten. Sykehjemsetaten i Oslo Ledermøte , Oslo 2012-05-09 - 2012-05-09
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid; Redzovic, Skender. (2012) Innovasjon og entreprenørskap i helse- og sosialfagutdanningene - erfaringer fra prosjekt ved HiST. Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag og NTNU Innovasjon i helse- og sosialfagutdanningene , Trondheim 2012-05-03 - 2012-05-03
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2012) Kvalitetsmåling i sykehjem – hva er av betydning?. Norsk Sykepleierforbund Sør-Trøndelag Norsk sykepleierforbunds fagkonferanse , Trondheim 2012-05-11 - 2012-05-11
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2011) Sykehjemmet - en tvetydig organisasjon. Midt-Norsk nettverk for helse- og sosialfagutdanningene Seminar i Midt-Norsk nettverk for helse- og sosialfagene , Trondheim 2011-03-09 - 2011-03-10
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2010) Kvalitetsindikatorer for pleie og omsorg ved langtidsopphold i sykehjem God praksis i førstelinjen - kunnskap og kvalitet i kommunehelsetjenesten. Kunnskapssenterets årskonferanse 2010 , Oslo 2010-09-16 - 2010-09-16
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2010) Kvalitetsforbedring og kvalitetsmåling i helse- og omsorgstjenesten. Kvalitetsindikatorer i helse- og omsorgssektoren. Kvalitetssikring av prosjekter , Ålesund 2010-12-01 - 2010-12-01
PosterNakrem, Sigrid. (2010) Elektronisk hjelpemiddel i medisinhåndtering. Sykepleie i elektronisk samspill , Bergen 2010-04-24 - 2010-04-25
PosterNakrem, Sigrid. (2010) Nursing-sensitive quality indicators for long-term care in nursing homes. E-Qalin quality management and result-oriented performance indicators - Towards benchmarking in residential care for older people , Gøteborg 2010-05-26 - 2010-05-27
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2009) Kvalitetsindikatorer for pleie og omsorg i sykehjem Presentasjon av doktorgradsprosjekt. Regional samling for undervisningssykehjem og undervisningshjemmetjeneste , Verdal 2009-11-18 - 2009-11-19
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2009) Dokumentasjon i pasientjournal - hva og hvordan. Temadag elektronisk pasientjournal distriktpsykiatrisk senter , Trondheim 2009-05-26 - 2009-05-26
PosterNakrem, Sigrid; Vinsnes, Anne Guttormsen; Harkless, Gene E.; Paulsen, Bård; Seim, Arnfinn. (2008) Kvalitetsindikatorer for pleie og omsorg i sykehjem - finnes de?. Den 8. nasjonale sykepleierkongressen , Trondheim 2008-09-17 - 2008-09-19
PosterNakrem, Sigrid; Vinsnes, Anne G; Paulsen, Bård; Seim, Arnfinn. (2008) Kvalitetsindikatorer for pleie og omsorg til pasienter med langtidsopphold i sykehjem – finnes de?. Norsk sykepleierforbund Sykepleierkongressen 2008 , Trondheim 2008-09-17 - 2008-09-19
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2007) Nyreskolen - systematisk informasjons- og opplæringsprogram. Midt-Norsk Forum for Sykepleieforskning og Fagutvikling , Trondheim 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-05
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2006) Kvalitetsmåling i sykehjem. Jubileumskonferansen Sykepleierutdanningen 100 år , Trondheim 2006-06-06 - 2006-06-07
Academic lectureNakrem, Sigrid. (2004) Modernisering i eldreomsorgen- to skritt fram og ett tilbake. Høgskolen i Molde, videreutdanning i eldreomsorg utenTitteltekst , Molde 2004-08-24 - 2004-08-24