Research - Department of Architecture and Planning

The research activities aim to contribute to the development of good, comprehensive and sustainable architecture and planning through working on research topics that correspond to the areas where the institute also has teaching responsibility. The projects are here presented thematically, but many of the projects have an interdisciplinary participation.
The Department collaborates closely with other disciplines at NTNU and SINTEF, with industry, various public and private enterprises and institutions and other universities both nationally and internationally.
- Designing and building process in a lifetime
- Living arrangements and quality in residential environments
- Sustainability and Energy
- Architecture and Health
- Property development and management
- Local development, urban settlement and landscape planning
- Physical Planning
- Planning in Developing Countries
- Urban Design
- Urban Renewal
- Development of planning methodologies and use of information systems (GIS)
Centres and Strategic areas
Tone Woie Alstadheim Senior Research/EU Adviser
+4793630028 AD Faculty Administration -
Eli Støa Professor, vicedean research
+4793209345 Department of Architecture and Planning -
Yu Wang Senior Researcher, Head of Research
+47-73595212 +4747374534 Department of Architecture and Planning
Research on architecture
In the future, our houses will have built-in solar cells
A new EU project will provide greener cities through cheaper and simpler solar cell systems.
Living with zero emission technology
How does technology change people, and how do people change in response to technology? Sixteen people volunteered to live in a high-tech, zero-emission house to help researchers answer those excact questions.
One radiator to heat a whole floor
What happens to people's comfort level when the heating system in a super-insulated building is simplyfied by installing only one radiator per floor?