Studies - Department of Mental Health
– Educational offers at the Department of Mental Health
Department of Mental Health educate bachelor's students in nursing, master's students, medical students and students in the Ph.D. programme. We offer continuing education and training for staff in the health services.
Bachelors's degree programme
Master's degree programme
Doctoral degree programme (Ph.d)
PhD courses
Continuing education
- Psykisk helsearbeid, videreutdanning, 1 år | Mental health work, continuing education, 1 year
- Barnevernledelse - Nasjonal videreutdanning for ledere i barnevernet | Child welfare management - National continuing education for leaders in child welfare
- Barn og unges psykiske helse | Mental health of children and youth
Head of Department
About us
NTNU Department of Mental Health
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Campus Øya, Olav Kyrres gate 9, Fred Kavli-building, 4. floor

Deputy Head of Education
Study inquiries
Studies at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Continuing education NTNU (English)
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Student information - Faculty of medicine and health sciences