Cellular and molecular imaging core facility - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Cellular & Molecular Imaging Core Facility (CMIC)
Cellular & Molecular Imaging Core Facility (CMIC)
CMIC offers the combination of instruments and competence that you need to image and quantify biological processes.
We provide services, training, and scientific consultation in advanced light microscopy and histology.
Our labs
CMIC is a collaboration between two different laboratories:
The Advanced Light Microscopy Lab at CMIC provides access to a range of imaging systems for superresolution, live-cell, and high-throughput imaging. The facility is equipped with STED superresolution, confocal, high-speed, and high-throughput fluorescence microscopes, as well as TIRF microscopy. Training and technical support are available for both basic and advanced microscopy techniques. The facility also offers image analysis services, with dedicated workstations and support for developing custom pipelines in Python.
The Histology Lab offers a full range of services from tissue processing to digital imaging. We provide tissue embedding, sectioning (cryo and paraffin), routine and special stainings, immunohistochemistry (IHC), and digital slide scanning in bright field, fluorescence, phase contrast, or polarized light. Researchers are encouraged to consult us early in their project planning to ensure optimal sample preparation and workflow.
Contact us
Contact CMIC Advanced Light Microscopy lab
Contact and Service Request
Contact and Service Request
Bjørnar Sporsheim
Phone: +47 93033045
Email: bjornar.sporsheim@ntnu.no
CMIC-ALM location
Kunnskapssenteret, 3rd Floor (3. etg.)
St. Olavs Hospital
Olav Kyrres gate 10
7030 Trondheim
CMIC-Histology location
Laboratoriesenteret, 4th Floor East (4. etg)
St. Olavs Hospital
Erling Skjalgsons gate 1
7030 Trondheim
Mailing address
Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine,
Cellular & Molecular Imaging Core Facility
Post box 8905
7491 Trondheim