Norwegian Centre of Excellence (SFF)

Hosts and partnerships at NTNU

Norwegian Centre of Excellence (SFF)

Centre of Excellence (CoE/SFF)

SFF logo

The Research Council of Norway provides long-term funding for targeted research on complex problems in research environments with ambitious ideas.

Researcher training and international collaboration are important. The SFF scheme, advertisements, and current and former centres.


NTNU hosts SFFs

NTNU hosts 3 SFFs

SFF CAC – Centre for Algorithms of the Cortex with research on how the neurons in the cerebral cortex work together (2023-2033).

CFF PoreLab – Porous Media Laboratory calculates fluid flow in porous media. CoE PoreLab is shared between NTNU and UiO – University of Oslo (2017-2027).

SFF QuSpin – Center for Low Dissipation Quantum Spintronics will create a revolution in low power communication technology (2017-2027).

NTNU is partner in SFFs

NTNU is partner in 3 SFFs

SFF CBC – Center for Biomedical Computing develops simulation technologies for physical processes in human health. Simula Research Laboratory hosts the Centre.

SFF ESOP – Centre for the study of Equality, Social Organization and Performance studies economic policy, growth, development, income, employment, welfare. UiO – University of Oslo hosts the Centre.

SFF MultiLing – Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, UiO – University of Oslo hosts the Centre (2013-2024).

Former SFF

Former SFF

NTNU has hosted 7 SFFs

SFF AMOS – Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (2002-2023)

SFF CBD – Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (2013-2023)

SFF CBM – Centre for the Biology of Memory (2002-2013)

SFF CEMIR – Centre for Molecular Inflammation Research (2013-2024)

SFF CeSOS  – Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (2002-2013)

SFF CNC – Centre for Neural Computation (2013-2023)

SFF Q2S  – Center for Quantifiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems (2002-2013)

NTNU has been partner in 1 SFF

SFF BCSS – Birkeland Centre for Space Science (2013-2023)