History (master's programme)

History - Master's Programme
The discipline of history contains a variety of special fields embracing cultural history, medieval history, political history and history of technology. The fields may be approached from different angles and different viewpoints. The master's programme in history is designed to give students an introduction to historical research through their own experience and practice.
The students are to gain insight into the development of historical research in order to understand how different historical comprehensions are related in time and social conditions. Critical approaches to historical sources are basic requirements in historical research.
History as an academic discipline also implies an insight into the process of research. The master's thesis is a fixed topic within the field of history. In addition, it is an apprentice's piece of work within applied historical methods of research. The master's thesis is normally written in connection with a research project. Furthermore, the programme of study consists of courses of various historical fields at an advanced level.
The Faculty of Humanities gives the opportunity to complete a master's degree within most fields of the discipline. The scholarly staff includes specialists within medieval research, African history and local history. Moreover, modern history, especially European and American politics, constitutes vital parts of the research activity, alongside Norwegian history in its entirety.
The students are to gain insight into the development of historical research in order to understand how different historical comprehensions are related in time and social conditions. Critical approaches to historical sources are basic requirements in historical research.
History as an academic discipline also implies an insight into the process of research. The master's thesis is a fixed topic within the field of history. In addition, it is an apprentice's piece of work within applied historical methods of research. The master's thesis is normally written in connection with a research project. Furthermore, the programme of study consists of courses of various historical fields at an advanced level.
The Faculty of Humanities gives the opportunity to complete a master's degree within most fields of the discipline. The scholarly staff includes specialists within medieval research, African history and local history. Moreover, modern history, especially European and American politics, constitutes vital parts of the research activity, alongside Norwegian history in its entirety.
The language of instruction in this programme is Norwegian
You have to meet the Norwegian language requirements, or have a Scandinavian language as your mother tongue, if you want to apply to any of NTNU’s degree programmes taught in Norwegian.
You also must meet the basic requirement for admission, and demonstrate that you meet the English language requirements.
The application deadline for the programme is March 1st for students with an international degree, and April 15th for Norwegian and Nordic degree students. Students apply through NTNU søknadsweb.
The faculty of Humanities offer a wide range of courses taught in English in our various fields of studies, both at bachelor's and master's level.
You can contact us at studieveiledning-ihs@hf.ntnu.no or directly to the advisor for the study programme:
Espen Andresen, Silje Maria Fagervoll or Ingrid Lønset Solemdal
Department of historical and classical studies
(+47) 73 59 64 40
Department of modern history and society
(+47) 73 59 64 41