Master of War and Society (MKRIG)

War and Society
Master's Programme (2 years)
The student gains an insight into the impact military power has had on social development since the French Revolution. Starting from the nation-state this study programme gives a historical understanding of various moments affecting military force and the society impacted by it. This includes economy, resources, social and political relations, gender, and so forth.
This study programme offers extensive knowledge about war as a phenomenon. Additionally, it explains how war impacts other spectres of politics.
The programme is completed with a master’s thesis, which is an independent work of research.
War and Society
You have to meet the Norwegian language requirements, or have a Scandinavian language as your mother tongue, if you want to apply to any of NTNU’s degree programmes taught in Norwegian.
You also must meet the basic requirement for admission, and demonstrate that you meet the English language requirements.
The application deadline for the programme is March 1st for students with an international degree, and April 15th for Norwegian and Nordic degree students. Students apply through NTNU søknadsweb.
You can contact by email or directly to the advisor for the study programme:
Karl Erik Haug or Ingrid Lønset Solemdal
Department of modern History and Society
(+47) 73 59 64 41