Animal Physiology

Animal Physiology

Collage with coral, butterfly, octopus and fish. Photos

The ecological aspect is prominent in most activities within the department of biology. Hence, ecophysiological questions are central in the activities by the animal physiology section. We want to understand central physiological mechanisms, their function in different species and importance in changing environments.

By asking questions about the animals and plants around us we learn more about who we are. The answers provide insight into principles of life and survival.


Research groups

Comparative Animal Physiology
(PI: Kang Nian (Jeff) Yap)

Jutfelt Fish Ecophysiology Lab
(PI: Fredrik Jutfelt)

Insect Neuroecology
(PI: Basil el Jundi)

Marine invertebrates
(PI: Lena van Giesen)


Research focus

  • Sensory systems in insects
  • Ecophysiology in birds
  • Fish ecophysiology and responses to climatic changes
  • Bioluminescence
  • Marine neuroscience