Programme for involvement
Programme for involvement
Programme for involvement
A user involvement programme ensures that the process is predictable and accountable for staff members, students, managers and other stakeholders. At the same time, it helps to ensure that Campus Development has the knowledge it needs about the activities for which the campus is being built.
Read more: The programme for involvement (PDF, in Norwegian)
The plan for involvement is aimed at four main groups: End-users, experts, staff and student representatives, and decision-makers. The stakeholders included in each of these groups will vary. For example, in some cases it will be relevant to draw on academic communities at NTNU in the role of experts, while in other cases the same academic community is involved as an end-user. The survey of stakeholders is continuously updated throughout the project.
The purposes of the stakeholder involvement programme include gaining knowledge about:
• Desired strategic direction.
• Organizational needs.
• The needs of different disciplines and academic groups.
• The potential of buildings and design.
• The best way to take advantage of new buildings.
• How the campus is functioning and what could be improved.
Four primary target groups
Four primary target groups
The Programme for Involvement targets four primary groups. It will vary which stakeholders that are included in each target group. For example, NTNU's academic communities will be relevant to draw in as "experts" in some cases, while in other cases the same academic communities will be involved in the role as "end-users".
The stakeholder overview is continuously updated throughout the project process.
End-users have unique experience-based competence, and often have valuable knowledge about how the organization functions and the challenges it faces.
The group primarily consists of employees, students and partners on campus. End-users are involved in various phases of the project through representative participation, through the management structure of the organization and through broader involvement events. Mass communication and information sharing will be the main channels for reaching most end-users. Continuous assessment takes place on whether and how potential users such as visitors, the city’s population and the working world should receive information and opportunities for involvement.
- Staff
- Students
- Cooperating parties
- Residents of the city
- Visitors
- Business and the working world
Experts have competence that the campus project needs, in addition to their role as people with insight into the university’s activities. Experts are often involved as a source of information, or to work together with the campus project on specific topics. This may apply to aspects ranging from strategies and function descriptions to solutions. NTNU experts will sometimes be involved in a double role, both as experts in their discipline, and as users of the campus.
- International research frontier/knowledge frontier
- Interdisciplinary communities of knowledge and expertise
- Academic communities at NTNU and SINTEF
- Student volunteer activities • Communities of innovation
- Local employers and the business community Partners
- Official public policy system • Architects
- Urban planners
- Entrepreneurs
- External advisers
Employee and student representatives are elected members of formal consultation or participation bodies. They include safety representatives, working environment committee and learning environment committee members, student government and other student representatives as well as LOSAM/SESAM (the Central Works Council) and union representatives. These representatives are involved both through formal participation forums and through participation in multipartite groups. Even in phases where there is no statutory involvement of formal forums, the campus project wants to gain acceptance from, communicate with and inform different groups of representatives.
- Union representatives
- Safety representatives
- Works councils (SESAM, the Central Works Council / LOSAM, local works councils)
- Working environment committee
- Learning environment committee
- Student government
- Student representatives
There are many different decision-making levels in the campus development project. In addition to decisions and reporting, it will be important to involve decision-making levels in various activities to familiarize them with and create ownership of work and approaches in the campus development project.
- The Storting
- The Government
- Ministry of Education and Research
- Local politicians
- The municipality
- The Board of NTNU
- Rector with the project steering committee and management group
User involvement in the various phases
User involvement in the various phases

During a development and construction project, different types of involvement will be needed. The involvement work follows the phases in NTNU's campus development.
Involvement in this phase was on an exploratory or decision-making basis and primarily involved decision-makers, elected representatives and leaders from various stakeholder groups.
The main purpose was to gather the knowledge needed to decide on the strategic framework for the project.
The phase ended with an open hearing on the strategic framework from 12 August to 21 September 2016.
The purpose of involvement in this phase is to obtain the knowledge needed to define individual projects and to develop concepts for the design of NTNU’s campuses. In this phase, it is important for the project to become familiar with the end-users’ situation. It is important to understand the activities for which the buildings are intended.
In addition, at NTNU we have professional expertise in many areas relevant to the campus and development of buildings. These experts should also be involved in this phase, making it possible to design buildings that are well adapted to the activities that will take place there. At the same time, the areas should be innovative, effective and sustainable.
In 2017 and 2018, the main activities in the phase are concentrated on the unification of the campus in Trondheim and consist of:
- Physical plan
- Mapping and concept development
- Location of academic functions
This is the phase where the units that will use specific buildings are linked to “their” project. End-users describe their needs in a space and facility plan. The involvement should also result in precise figures about students, employees and other end-users who will use the building.
The space and facility plan is the “requirements specification” that architects and contractors used to design specific buildings and create a construction programme that describes how the organization’s requirements can be met through physical design.
In this phase, involvement has two main purposes:
- An important part of this phase will be quality assurance and transfer of competence from NTNU’s organization, which will use the premises, to the contractors who will construct the buildings. This is especially relevant for areas or equipment with special requirements, such as laboratories or teaching spaces designed for a particular discipline.
- In addition, this is the phase in which the organization must prepare to start using the new premises. This includes organizing who should sit where, packing and moving equipment, and moving in.
In preparation, end-users should establish rules for the use of the different types of space. For example, allocation of teaching space, workplace-related rules for use, and use of shared facilities.
After the move into new premises, there will be a period of trial operation, and responsibility for the premises will be transferred from the project organization to the operating organization.
In this phase, they will be tests and opportunities to evaluate and reveal any need for adaptations. There may be a need for technical adjustments, or to adapt the use of the premises.
Together with safety representatives and the HR line, local managers will have a particular responsibility for any organizational measures during this period.