Elena Marianne Pummer
Vassbygget, 438, Valgrinda, S. P. Andersens veg 5
- Dr.-Ing., RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2016
- Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing., TU Darmstadt, Germany, 2011
- IAHR Committee on Hydraulic Structures (Leadership Team)
- IAHR Europe Division (Leadership Team)
- EERA JP Hydropower SP2: Hydraulic Structures (Vice-Coordinator)
- IAHR YPN Scandinavia (Advisor)
- ICOLD Technical Committee on Sedimentation of Reservoirs (Co-opted)
Distinctions and Honours
- DTK & WasserWirtschaft (journal) - Studienpreis „Wasser- und Talsperrenbau“ 2019 (3rd)
- Young European Talent 2018
- Friedrich-Wilhelm Award 2017
- ICOLD Young Engineers Award 2017
- Borchers Badge 2017
- Hydrodynamics
- Flow and Sediment Interaction/ Sediment transport
- Geomorphological Processes
- Hydraulic Structures
- Ethohydraulics
- Experimental Modeling
- CFD Modeling
PhD students
- Jan Hrebrina: GLOF hydraulics
- Nils Solheim: InSpillyFish (co-supervision)
Former PhD students
HydroCen - WP1.3
The main objective of HydroCen is to enable the Norwegian hydropower sector to meet complex challenges and exploit new opportunities through innovative technological solutions. Work pakage 1.3 focuses on hydraulic structures and sediment handling.
The COST Action aims to specify the hydropower potential in the modern energy system with technological developments, state-of-the-art climate projections, environmental and societal conditions for implementation tools for legislation and governance.
The project aims is to develop a new methodology for the analysis and evaluation of modernizing / equipping existing non-powered dams with hydropower production.
Underground pumped storage plants
Hydraulic research on underground pumped storage plants
Structural mitigation measures for GLOFS
Research on the hydrodynamic characteristics of structural mitigation measures for GLOFS.
Culvert hydraulics
Research on culvert hydraulics.
Research on hydraulic improvements of spillways, including fish passage.
Kajak waves
Nature-based solutions to create waves for kajaking
Valero, Daniel;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Heller, Valentin;
Kramer, Matthias;
Bung, Daniel B.;
Mulligan, Sean.
The unspoken value of water infrastructure.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Lia, Leif;
Albayrak, Ismail;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
The effect of cross-sectional geometry on the high-speed narrow open channel flows: An updated Reynolds stress model study.
Computers & Fluids
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Larsson, Sofia;
Billstein, Mats;
Lia, Leif;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Experimental and numerical investigations of the water surface profile and wave extrema of supercritical flows in a narrow channel bend.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Piroton, Valentine;
Emmer, Adam;
Schlögel, Romy;
Hrebrina, Jan;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Mergili, Martin.
Geomorphological processes and landforms in the Alpine Sulzenau Valley (Tyrol, Austria): Glacier retreat, glacial lake evolution and the 2017 glacial lake outburst flood.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Academic article
Boariu, Costel;
Roman, Costica;
Istrate, Marcel;
Bakken, Tor Haakon;
Harby, Atle;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Peculiarities of the run-off-river hydropower potential in Romania.
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Albayrak, Ismail;
Lia, Leif;
Rüther, Nils;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Reynolds Stress Model Study Comparing the Secondary Currents and Turbulent Flow Characteristics in High-Speed Narrow Open Channel and Duct Flows.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Larsson, I.A. Sofia;
Billstein, Mats;
Rüther, Nils;
Lia, Leif;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Investigating supercritical flow characteristics and movement of sediment particles in a narrow channel bend using PTV and video footage.
Advances in Water Resources
Academic article
Bento, Ana Margarida;
Cordier, Florian;
Dewals, Benjamin;
El Kadi Abderrezzak, Kamal;
Ferradosa, Tiago;
Corrado, Gisonni.
Lessons learnt from recent flood disasters in Europe: Indicative cases.
The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smith, Nils Solheim;
Hedberg, Mikael;
Lunde, Hanne N.;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Lia, Leif.
Modified Guide Walls for Incremental Increase of Spillway Capacity.
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Academic article
Olsen, Nils Reidar Bøe;
Kadia, Subhojit;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Hillebrand, Gudrun.
An OpenFOAM solver for computing suspended particles in water currents.
Journal of Hydroinformatics
Academic article
Hrebrina, Jan;
Conevski, Slaven;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Review of Structural Mitigation Measures for Glacial Lake Outburst Floods
The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sellevold, Joakim Carlsønn;
Norem, Harald;
Bruland, Oddbjørn;
Rüther, Nils;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Effects of Bottom-Up Blockage on Entrance Loss Coefficients and Head-Discharge Relationships for Pipe Culvert Inlets: Comparisons of Theoretical Methods and Experimental Results.
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering
Academic article
Sellevold, Joakim Carlsønn;
Bruland, Oddbjørn;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Hydraulic efficiency and optimization of pipe culvert inlet edges.
Academic article
Becker, Bernhard;
Kim, Jiyoung;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Reservoir operations under uncertainty with moving-horizon approach and ensemble forecast optimization.
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research
Academic article
Richter, Wolfgang;
Zenz, Gerald;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Vereide, Kaspar Vatland;
Lia, Leif;
Pikl, Franz Georg.
Pumpspeicherkraftwerke als wirtschaftliche Assets für Regelleistung und Speicher in erneuerbaren Energiesystemen.
Berichte des Lehrstuhls und der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft
Academic article
Dunca, Georgiana;
Bucur, Diana Maria;
Bakken, Tor Haakon;
Harby, Atle;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Istrate, Marcel.
Mapping Sites for Retrofitting non-Powered Dams in Romania as Renewable Power Sources.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mulligan, Sean;
Felder, Stefan;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Valero, Daniel;
Heller, Valentin;
Erpicum, Sebastien.
Hydraulic Structures- At the Heart of 21st Century Global Sustainable Development.
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Kumar, Binit;
Rüther, Nils;
Ahmad, Zulfequar.
A Reformed Empirical Equation for the Discharge Coefficient of Free-Flowing Type-A Piano Key Weirs.
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Rüther, Nils;
Ismail, Albayrak;
Pummer, Elena.
Reynolds stress modeling of supercritical narrow channel flows using OpenFOAM: Secondary currents and turbulent flow characteristics.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Pummer, Elena.
Hybrid modelling of the hydrodynamic processes in underground pumped storage plants - Short version and follow-up developments.
Academic article
Klopries, Elena-Maria;
Wilmink, Anna;
Pummer, Elena;
Böckmann, Imke;
Hoffmann, Andreas;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Development and evaluation of an empirical equation for the screening effect of bar racks.
Journal of Ecohydraulics
Academic article
Pummer, Elena;
Richter, Wolfgang.
Surge Mitigation for Pumped Storage Hydropower.
Academic article
Voßkämper, Berit;
Kowalski, Julia;
Dufresne, Anja;
Pummer, Elena.
Physikalische Modellversuche zur Bestimmung von Geschwindigkeitsprofilen granularer Murgänge.
Shaker Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Voßkämper, Berit;
Kowalski, Julia;
Dufresne, Anja;
Schüttrumpf, Holger;
Pummer, Elena.
Dynamics of Debris Flow: Reproducible Initial and Boundary Conditions in Scaled Laboratory Experiments to Determine Velocity Distributions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Reflection Phenomena in Underground Pumped Storage Reservoirs.
Academic article
Pedersen, Øyvind;
Fleit, Gabor;
Pummer, Elena;
Tullis, Blake P.;
Ruther, Nils.
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Modeling of Submerged Ogee Weirs.
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering
Academic article
Pummer, Elena.
Water and Air Waves in very long Underground Pumped Storage Reservoirs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Die Wellenbildung in unterirdischen Pumpspeicherreservoirs.
Wasser und Abfall
Academic article
Pummer, Elena.
Hybrid Modeling of the Hydrodynamic Processes in Underground Pumped Storage Plants.
RWTH Aachen University
Doctoral dissertation
Kreyenschulte, Moritz;
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Analyse der Strömungsprozesse in unterirdischen Tiefspeichern von Pumpspeicherwerken mit Telemac2D.
Academic article
Madlener, Reinhard;
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Energy in the underground! Alternative technologies to pumped storage plants.
RWTH - Themen
Popular scientific article
Henkel, Sebastian;
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger;
Schmitz, Martin;
Schulz, S.-U..
Nutzungsmöglichkeiten und wirtschaftliches Potenzial deutscher Talsperrensedimente.
DERA Rohstoffinformationen (23)
Schüttrumpf, Holger;
Pummer, Elena.
Unterirdische Pumpspeicherwerke - eine Alternative.
Academic article
Plenker, Desiree;
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Tiefspeicherdimensionierung unterirdischer Pumpspeicherwerke - Numerische Modellierung.
Academic article
Pummer, Elena;
Lorke, Stefanie;
Evers, Frederic;
Nelihsen, Winand;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Hybride Modellierung zur Analyse der Strömungsphänomene in Pumpspeicherwerken mit unterirdischem Tiefspeich.
Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft
Academic article
Journal publications
Valero, Daniel;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Heller, Valentin;
Kramer, Matthias;
Bung, Daniel B.;
Mulligan, Sean.
The unspoken value of water infrastructure.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Lia, Leif;
Albayrak, Ismail;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
The effect of cross-sectional geometry on the high-speed narrow open channel flows: An updated Reynolds stress model study.
Computers & Fluids
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Larsson, Sofia;
Billstein, Mats;
Lia, Leif;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Experimental and numerical investigations of the water surface profile and wave extrema of supercritical flows in a narrow channel bend.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Piroton, Valentine;
Emmer, Adam;
Schlögel, Romy;
Hrebrina, Jan;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Mergili, Martin.
Geomorphological processes and landforms in the Alpine Sulzenau Valley (Tyrol, Austria): Glacier retreat, glacial lake evolution and the 2017 glacial lake outburst flood.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Academic article
Boariu, Costel;
Roman, Costica;
Istrate, Marcel;
Bakken, Tor Haakon;
Harby, Atle;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Peculiarities of the run-off-river hydropower potential in Romania.
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Albayrak, Ismail;
Lia, Leif;
Rüther, Nils;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Reynolds Stress Model Study Comparing the Secondary Currents and Turbulent Flow Characteristics in High-Speed Narrow Open Channel and Duct Flows.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Larsson, I.A. Sofia;
Billstein, Mats;
Rüther, Nils;
Lia, Leif;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Investigating supercritical flow characteristics and movement of sediment particles in a narrow channel bend using PTV and video footage.
Advances in Water Resources
Academic article
Smith, Nils Solheim;
Hedberg, Mikael;
Lunde, Hanne N.;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Lia, Leif.
Modified Guide Walls for Incremental Increase of Spillway Capacity.
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Academic article
Olsen, Nils Reidar Bøe;
Kadia, Subhojit;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Hillebrand, Gudrun.
An OpenFOAM solver for computing suspended particles in water currents.
Journal of Hydroinformatics
Academic article
Sellevold, Joakim Carlsønn;
Norem, Harald;
Bruland, Oddbjørn;
Rüther, Nils;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Effects of Bottom-Up Blockage on Entrance Loss Coefficients and Head-Discharge Relationships for Pipe Culvert Inlets: Comparisons of Theoretical Methods and Experimental Results.
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering
Academic article
Sellevold, Joakim Carlsønn;
Bruland, Oddbjørn;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Hydraulic efficiency and optimization of pipe culvert inlet edges.
Academic article
Becker, Bernhard;
Kim, Jiyoung;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Reservoir operations under uncertainty with moving-horizon approach and ensemble forecast optimization.
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research
Academic article
Richter, Wolfgang;
Zenz, Gerald;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Vereide, Kaspar Vatland;
Lia, Leif;
Pikl, Franz Georg.
Pumpspeicherkraftwerke als wirtschaftliche Assets für Regelleistung und Speicher in erneuerbaren Energiesystemen.
Berichte des Lehrstuhls und der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft
Academic article
Mulligan, Sean;
Felder, Stefan;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Valero, Daniel;
Heller, Valentin;
Erpicum, Sebastien.
Hydraulic Structures- At the Heart of 21st Century Global Sustainable Development.
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Kumar, Binit;
Rüther, Nils;
Ahmad, Zulfequar.
A Reformed Empirical Equation for the Discharge Coefficient of Free-Flowing Type-A Piano Key Weirs.
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering
Academic article
Kadia, Subhojit;
Rüther, Nils;
Ismail, Albayrak;
Pummer, Elena.
Reynolds stress modeling of supercritical narrow channel flows using OpenFOAM: Secondary currents and turbulent flow characteristics.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Pummer, Elena.
Hybrid modelling of the hydrodynamic processes in underground pumped storage plants - Short version and follow-up developments.
Academic article
Klopries, Elena-Maria;
Wilmink, Anna;
Pummer, Elena;
Böckmann, Imke;
Hoffmann, Andreas;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Development and evaluation of an empirical equation for the screening effect of bar racks.
Journal of Ecohydraulics
Academic article
Pummer, Elena;
Richter, Wolfgang.
Surge Mitigation for Pumped Storage Hydropower.
Academic article
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Reflection Phenomena in Underground Pumped Storage Reservoirs.
Academic article
Pedersen, Øyvind;
Fleit, Gabor;
Pummer, Elena;
Tullis, Blake P.;
Ruther, Nils.
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Modeling of Submerged Ogee Weirs.
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering
Academic article
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Die Wellenbildung in unterirdischen Pumpspeicherreservoirs.
Wasser und Abfall
Academic article
Kreyenschulte, Moritz;
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Analyse der Strömungsprozesse in unterirdischen Tiefspeichern von Pumpspeicherwerken mit Telemac2D.
Academic article
Madlener, Reinhard;
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Energy in the underground! Alternative technologies to pumped storage plants.
RWTH - Themen
Popular scientific article
Schüttrumpf, Holger;
Pummer, Elena.
Unterirdische Pumpspeicherwerke - eine Alternative.
Academic article
Plenker, Desiree;
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Tiefspeicherdimensionierung unterirdischer Pumpspeicherwerke - Numerische Modellierung.
Academic article
Pummer, Elena;
Lorke, Stefanie;
Evers, Frederic;
Nelihsen, Winand;
Schüttrumpf, Holger.
Hybride Modellierung zur Analyse der Strömungsphänomene in Pumpspeicherwerken mit unterirdischem Tiefspeich.
Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft
Academic article
Part of book/report
Bento, Ana Margarida;
Cordier, Florian;
Dewals, Benjamin;
El Kadi Abderrezzak, Kamal;
Ferradosa, Tiago;
Corrado, Gisonni.
Lessons learnt from recent flood disasters in Europe: Indicative cases.
The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hrebrina, Jan;
Conevski, Slaven;
Pummer, Elena Marianne.
Review of Structural Mitigation Measures for Glacial Lake Outburst Floods
The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dunca, Georgiana;
Bucur, Diana Maria;
Bakken, Tor Haakon;
Harby, Atle;
Pummer, Elena Marianne;
Istrate, Marcel.
Mapping Sites for Retrofitting non-Powered Dams in Romania as Renewable Power Sources.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Voßkämper, Berit;
Kowalski, Julia;
Dufresne, Anja;
Pummer, Elena.
Physikalische Modellversuche zur Bestimmung von Geschwindigkeitsprofilen granularer Murgänge.
Shaker Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Voßkämper, Berit;
Kowalski, Julia;
Dufresne, Anja;
Schüttrumpf, Holger;
Pummer, Elena.
Dynamics of Debris Flow: Reproducible Initial and Boundary Conditions in Scaled Laboratory Experiments to Determine Velocity Distributions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pummer, Elena.
Water and Air Waves in very long Underground Pumped Storage Reservoirs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pummer, Elena.
Hybrid Modeling of the Hydrodynamic Processes in Underground Pumped Storage Plants.
RWTH Aachen University
Doctoral dissertation
Henkel, Sebastian;
Pummer, Elena;
Schüttrumpf, Holger;
Schmitz, Martin;
Schulz, S.-U..
Nutzungsmöglichkeiten und wirtschaftliches Potenzial deutscher Talsperrensedimente.
DERA Rohstoffinformationen (23)
PosterEmmer, Adam; Vilca, Oscar; Salazar Checa, Cesar; Li, Sihan; Cook, Simon; Pummer, Elena Marianne. (2024) Causes, consequences and implications of the 2023 Lake Rasac GLOF, Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru. EGU EGU General Assembly 2024 2024-04-14 - 2024-04-19
LecturePummer, Elena Marianne; Richter, Wolfgang. (2024) Hydraulikk og realisering av underjordiske pumpekraftverk. Fornybar Norge Produksjonsteknisk konferanse , Oslo 2024-03-05 - 2024-03-07
Popular scientific lectureKadia, Subhojit; Larsson, I. A. Sofia; Billstein, Mats; Lia, Leif; Pummer, Elena Marianne. (2023) Supercritical Flow Characteristics in a Narrow Channel Bend. IAHR 40th IAHR World Congress , Vienna 2023-08-21 - 2023-08-25
PosterSmith, Nils Solheim; Bor Türkben, Asli; Lia, Leif; Pummer, Elena Marianne. (2023) Recreating a stationary wave for kayaking in Trondheim, Norway. International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) Symposium “Management for Safe Dams” - 91st Annual ICOLD Meeting , Gothenburg, Sweden 2023-06-11 - 2023-06-15
Popular scientific lectureKadia, Subhojit; Rüther, Nils; Pummer, Elena Marianne. (2022) Reynolds Stress Modelling of Supercritical Flow in a Narrow Channel. IIT Roorkee 9th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures , Roorkee, India 2022-10-24 - 2022-10-27
Popular scientific lectureKadia, Subhojit; Kumar, Binit; Pummer, Elena; Ruther, Nils; Ahmad, Zulfequar. (2021) Experimental and CFD Simulation Studies on the Flow Approaching a Type-A Piano Key Weir. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021 , online 2021-04-19 - 2021-04-30
Academic lectureDoujak, Eduard; Hocevar, Marko; Pummer, Elena; Di Federico, Vittorio; Finger, David Christian. (2021) A concept for sustainable and digitalized hydropower going beyond the sustainable hydropower sustainability tool. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021 , online 2021-04-19 - 2021-04-30
Popular scientific lectureKadia, Subhojit; Pummer, Elena; Rüther, Nils. (2021) CFD Simulation of Supercritical Flow in Narrow Channels Including Sediment Bypass Tunnels. National University of Ireland; IAHR 8th International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS 2021) , Online, Galway 2021-07-05 - 2021-07-08
LectureRichter, Wolfgang; Vereide, Kaspar; Pikl, Franz Georg; Pummer, Elena; Zenz, Gerald; Lia, Leif. (2020) Economic and Sustainable Energy Transition Enabled by Pumped-Storage Hydropower Plants. Aqua Media HYDRO2020 , Online 2020-10-26 - 2020-10-28
PosterPummer, Elena; Voßkämper, Berit; Dufresne, Anja; Kowalski, Julia. (2019) Debris flows modeling using reproducible initial and boundary conditions. EGU General Assembly 2019 , Vienna 2019-04-08 - 2019-04-13
PosterPummer, Elena; Voßkämper, Berit; Dufresne, Anja; Kowalski, Julia. (2019) Hybrid modeling of debris flows – Focusing on initial and boundary conditions. The Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland (VFI) International Symposium on Mitigation Measures against Snow Avalanches and other Rapid Gravity Mass Flows , Siglufjörður 2019-04-02 - 2019-04-06
Academic lecturePummer, Elena; Schüttrumpf, Holger. (2017) Waves in underground pumped storage plants. 85th Annual Meeting of International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) 2017-07-03 - 2017-07-07
Popular scientific lecturePummer, Elena. (2016) Underground Pumped Storage Plants: Hydrodynamic Processes in a new Technology. Hydropower Infrastructure Opportunities - Mexico & Central America 2016-09-07 - 2016-09-08