Erling Aksdal
What I do
- Jazz pianist, composer
- Head of Jazz Performance Programme, NTNU (link unfortunately only to Norwegian page). Try this!
- Responsible for modules on Piano, Aural Training and Theory in the Jazz Performance Programme (link unfortunately only to Norwegian page). Try this! I have developed and keep developing an integrated aural/theory method as one of the pillars of the curriculum.
- Discography from
- Biography from
- Member of Working Group for The PopJazzPlatform (PJP) in European Association of Conservatoires (AEC)
- I also have Board positions in the following Norwegian enterprises:
- Granted Norsk jazzforum's Honorary Award May 10th 2022
- See recent interview in Norwegian with the laureate.
Ølnes, Njål;
Solli, Mattias;
Aksdal, Erling;
Engen, Dagrun Astrid Aarø.
Utarbeiding/Presentasjon av SFU-søknad 'Listen'.
Other product
Solli, Mattias;
Aksdal, Erling;
Inderberg, John Pål.
Learning jazz language by aural imitation: A usage-based communicative jazz theory (Part 2).
The Journal of Aesthetic Education
Academic article
Solli, Mattias;
Aksdal, Erling;
Inderberg, John Pål.
Learning Jazz Language by Aural Imitation: A Usage-Based Communicative Jazz Theory (Part 1).
The Journal of Aesthetic Education
Academic article
Aksdal, Erling.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fulgar.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fuglar 5.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fuglar 3.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
70 år som musiker.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fuglar 6.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert Jan Allan 2.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Bari-Bari 2.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konserter Stokkøya Sjøsenter 2.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fuglar 4.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fuglar 2.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert med Gilad Atzmon.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert med Kevin Dean.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Lanseringskonsert Østerdalsmusikk.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert 2 med Kevin Dean.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert 1 Jan Allan.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Før sola snur.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert Moskus Erling Aksdal Trio+John Pål Inderberg.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
BA 70-årsfeiring.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert BK5 Krokens Kafé.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert 2 Jan Allan.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Julejazz Asmund Bjørken.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert 3 Jan Allan.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konserter Stokkøya Sjøsenter.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Association of European Conservatoires
Aksdal, Erling.
Julejazz Erling Aksdal Trio + John Pål Indeberg.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
The Problem With Good Intentions.
Sounds in Europe
Aksdal, Erling.
Vrak VRAK og skyt MINK!.
Reader opinion piece
Eik, Espen A.;
Aksdal, Erling.
Kompetanseløse organisasjoner.
Interview Journal
Aksdal, Erling.
Kjønnsfordelingen i søkning og opptak ved Institut for musikk, NTNU - med spesielt fokus på jazzutdanningen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aksdal, Erling.
Final Report. Higher Music Education: A Global Perspective.
Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) Publications
Aksdal, Erling.
Veckan 44 SONCD 2020.
Music – recorded product
Aksdal, Erling.
My Funny Valentine. De beste fra Chet Baker.
Music – recorded product
Journal publications
Solli, Mattias;
Aksdal, Erling;
Inderberg, John Pål.
Learning jazz language by aural imitation: A usage-based communicative jazz theory (Part 2).
The Journal of Aesthetic Education
Academic article
Solli, Mattias;
Aksdal, Erling;
Inderberg, John Pål.
Learning Jazz Language by Aural Imitation: A Usage-Based Communicative Jazz Theory (Part 1).
The Journal of Aesthetic Education
Academic article
Aksdal, Erling.
The Problem With Good Intentions.
Sounds in Europe
Aksdal, Erling.
Vrak VRAK og skyt MINK!.
Reader opinion piece
Eik, Espen A.;
Aksdal, Erling.
Kompetanseløse organisasjoner.
Interview Journal
Artistic productions
Aksdal, Erling.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fulgar.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fuglar 5.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fuglar 3.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
70 år som musiker.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fuglar 6.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert Jan Allan 2.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Bari-Bari 2.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konserter Stokkøya Sjøsenter 2.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fuglar 4.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Kvite fuglar 2.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert med Gilad Atzmon.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert med Kevin Dean.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Lanseringskonsert Østerdalsmusikk.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert 2 med Kevin Dean.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert 1 Jan Allan.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Før sola snur.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert Moskus Erling Aksdal Trio+John Pål Inderberg.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
BA 70-årsfeiring.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert BK5 Krokens Kafé.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert 2 Jan Allan.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Julejazz Asmund Bjørken.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konsert 3 Jan Allan.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Konserter Stokkøya Sjøsenter.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Julejazz Erling Aksdal Trio + John Pål Indeberg.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Musical performance
Aksdal, Erling.
Musical performance
Part of book/report
Aksdal, Erling.
Kjønnsfordelingen i søkning og opptak ved Institut for musikk, NTNU - med spesielt fokus på jazzutdanningen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aksdal, Erling.
Association of European Conservatoires
Aksdal, Erling.
Final Report. Higher Music Education: A Global Perspective.
Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) Publications
Ølnes, Njål;
Solli, Mattias;
Aksdal, Erling;
Engen, Dagrun Astrid Aarø.
Utarbeiding/Presentasjon av SFU-søknad 'Listen'.
Other product
Aksdal, Erling.
Veckan 44 SONCD 2020.
Music – recorded product
Aksdal, Erling.
My Funny Valentine. De beste fra Chet Baker.
Music – recorded product
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureBandlien, Bjørn-Terje; Solli, Mattias; Aksdal, Erling. (2024) Planking as didactic design in Kulturskolen. Nord universitet Nordic network for research in music education conference , Bodø 2024-03-19 - 2024-03-21
LectureAksdal, Erling; Inderberg, John Pål; Solli, Mattias. (2021) Lytt for livet!. Norges musikkhøgskole Musikkpedagogdagen 2021 , Online 2021-01-07 - 2021-01-07
Popular scientific lectureSolli, Mattias; Aksdal, Erling. (2020) Musikalsk språklæring - imitasjon som utgangspunkt. Institutt for musikk NTNU Artistic Research Week – ‘Å forske med og på musikk’ , Dokkhuset Trondheim 2020-10-16 - 2020-10-16
LectureSolli, Mattias; Aksdal, Erling. (2020) Auditiv imitasjon og musikalsk språklæring. Norges musikkhøgskole Seminar for musikkforskning , Norges musikkhøgskole i Oslo 2020-09-24 - 2020-09-24
Academic lectureSolli, Mattias; Aksdal, Erling. (2020) Hva vil det si å lære seg jazz "på øret"? . NTNU Vitenskapsteoretisk forum , Dragvoll, NTNU Trondheim 2020-09-15 - 2020-09-15
Academic lectureÅse, Tone; Aksdal, Erling; Brandtsegg, Øyvind; Lie, Marianne Baudouin; Skogstad, Håkon Magnar. (2018) Paneldebatt om artistic knowledge . Grieg Research School/Institutt for musikk NTNU Knowing music- musical knowing , Trondheim 2018-10-25 - 2018-10-25
LectureAksdal, Erling. (2016) PJP Full Score. European Music Council European Music Council Educational Conference , Leiden 2016-02-10 -
LectureAksdal, Erling. (2015) Full Score. Europe Jazz Network Europe Jazz Network Conference , Budapest 2015-09-24 - 2015-09-26
LectureAksdal, Erling. (2014) Talespråklæringsanalogien og sanntidsgenerert musikk. Center of Excellence in Music Performance Education, NMH Åpning av Center of Excellence in Music Performance Education, NMH , Norges musikkhøgskole, Oslo 2014-05-14 - 2014-05-14
LectureAksdal, Erling. (2014) Improvisasjon?. Kulturskolene i Fosen Seminar for lærere ved Kulturskolene i Fosen , Kråkvåg 2014-08-13 - 2014-08-13
LectureAksdal, Erling. (2014) Energi, lidenskap og litt galskap. Olympiatoppen Prestasjonskonferansen 2014 , Operahuset i Oslo 2014-09-25 - 2014-09-26
LectureAksdal, Erling. (2013) Norwegian Jazz Education. Molde International Jazz Festival and Music Norway Jazz Expo during Molde International Jazz Festival , Håholmen 2013-07-16 - 2013-07-16
LectureAksdal, Erling. (2013) The Education of Jazz Musicians in the Light of Changes in the Music Business. Trondheim Jazz Festival and Midtnorsk Jazzsenter Europe Jazz Network Conference , Trondheim 2013-09-12 - 2013-09-15
Academic lectureAksdal, Erling. (2012) Emphasising the Aural Methodology in Music Pedagogy. Serious Take Five Young Professional European Musician's Seminar , Bore Place, Kent 2012-02-22 -
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2012) Challenges in Jazz Education. Scottish Jazz Federation Scottish Jazz Federation Jazz Education Conference , ROYAL CONSERVATOIRE OF SCOTLAND, Gasgow 2012-08-31 -
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling; Balke, Jon; Stendahl, Bjørn. (2012) Meet the Artists. Molde International Jazz Festival Meet the Artists , Molde 2012-07-19 -
InterviewAksdal, Erling. (2012) Solokonsert på MoldeJazz. Romsdals Budstikke Romsdals Budstikke [Newspaper] 2012-07-08
InterviewAksdal, Erling. (2012) Kjønn og musikerutdanning. NRK P2 Kulturnytt NRK P2 Kulturnytt [Radio] 2012-07-02
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2012) Studenters motivasjon. Gjennomstrømningserfaringer fra NTNU Jazzlinja. RENATE Nasjonalt senter for realfagsrekruttering Frafall fra realfag , Suhm-huset, NTNU 2012-02-16 -
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2012) What are the challenges in jazz education and how do we meet them in our institution?. Trondheim Jazz Festival Jazz Summit , Dokkhuset, Trondheim 2012-05-10 -
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2012) Kjønn og rekruttering til musikerutdanningene. MIC Norsk musikkinformasjon på vegne av Kulturdepartementet Innspillskonferanse til Kulturdepartementet , Nasjonalbiblioteket, Oslo 2012-03-20 -
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2012) Kommentarer til "Kunskap och lärande för musikbranschen – en evaluering av Norsk Kulturråds stöd till regionala nätverk för kompetensutveckling inom rytmisk musik". Norsk kulturråd Seminar og dialogmøte om kompetansenettverk for rytmisk musikk , Grev Wedels plass 1, Oslo 2012-09-03 -
Academic lectureAksdal, Erling. (2011) Jazz Education In Norway. Europe Jazz Network Annual Congress and General Assembly in Europe Jazz Network , Tallinn 2011-10-22 - 2011-10-24
InterviewAksdal, Erling. (2011) MIC's 99 Minutes Cheltenham Jazz Festival Special Podcast. Podcast Podcast [Internet] 2011-04-01
Academic lectureAksdal, Erling. (2011) Gehørforståelser og -metodikk. Norsk kulturskoleråd Kulturskoledagene 2011 , Rica Hell Hotel, Stjørdal 2011-10-15 - 2011-10-16
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2010) Fundamentalism vs. Cultural Relativity. The Problem of Genres In Music Education. European Association of Conservatoires AEC Pop & Jazz Platform Meeting , Tallinn 2010-02-05 - 2010-02-07
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2010) The Paradox of Teaching The Self Taught. Jazz Performance Education. NTNU ITovation NTNU , Trondheim 2010-04-27 - 2010-04-27
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2010) The Problem of Genres in Music Education. European Music Council EMC European Youth Forum on Music: Access! , Torino 2010-10-15 - 2010-10-17
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2010) Jazzutdanning. Kunnskapsbyen Musikkutdanning på mange måter , Trondheim 2010-04-21 - 2010-04-21
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2010) Manglende kjønnsbalanse i jazzutdanningen. Årsaker-tiltak. Institutt for musikkvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo Musikk, likestilling og rekruttering. Utdanningsinstitusjonenes ansvar og utfordringer , Oslo 2010-12-01 - 2010-12-01
InterviewAksdal, Erling. (2009) Trondheims jazzutbildning fokuserar på talang istället för skicklighet. Sveriges Radio P2 Mitt i musiken Sveriges Radio P2 Mitt i musiken [Radio] 2009-03-27
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2007) Mundus Musicalis. Music Education and Globalism. International Music Council (UNESCO) IMC 2nd WORLD FORUM ON MUSIC , Beijing 2007-10-14 - 2007-10-16
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2007) Mundus Musicalis. Music Education and Globalism. European Association of Conservatoires AEC Congress , Strasbourg 2007-11-08 - 2007-11-11
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2006) Mundus Musicalis. Globalized Music Education. AEC European Association of Conservatoires (AEC) Annual Congress , Salzburg 2006-11-08 - 2006-11-11
Popular scientific lectureAksdal, Erling. (2006) Nordic and American Jazz Education. A Comparison. International Association of Jazz Education International Association of Jazz Education Annual Congress , Sheraton Hotel New York City, New York 2006-01-11 - 2006-01-15
InterviewAksdal, Erling. (2005) Nei til improvisasjon. Musikk Kultur nr. 10 2005 Musikk Kultur nr. 10 2005 [Newspaper] 2005-09-01