Jørn Vatn
Verkstedteknisk, P518, Gløshaugen, Richard Birkelands vei 2 B
Research groups
- Maintenance management
- Maintenance optimisation
- Reliability Technology
- Risk and safety analysis
- Statistical methods
- Risk influence modelling
- Data analysis
- Safety Culture
- Societal security
- Reliability of Safety Instrumented systems (IEC 61508)
Professional career:
- 2002 -Professor, Dept of Production and Quality Engineering, NTNU
- 2002 - Senior Engineer adviser at the Norwegian Rail Administration
- 2002 -Scientific Advisor, SINTEF Safety and Reliability
- 2000 - 2002 Associated Professor, Dept of Production and Quality Engineering, NTNU
- 1997 - 2002 Senior Scientist at SINTEF Industrial Management, dept. Safety & Reliability
- 1991 - 1996 PhD student at NTNU
- 1987 - 1997 Scientist at SINTEF Industrial Management, dept. Safety and Reliability
- 1986 - 1991 Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematical Statistics, NTNU
- 1985 - 1986 Scientific assistant, Dept. of Mathematical Statistics, NTNU
Membership in academic and professional committees:
- Coordinator of evaluation committee of Mary Ann Lundteigen (Professorship at NTNU)
- Member of examination committee of Eirik Bjorheim Abrahamsen (PhD-work)
- Member of examination committee of Vidar Kristensen (PhD-work)
- Coordinator of evaluation committee of Leif T. Sunde (Professorship at NTNU)
- Member of pre-examination committee of Tony Rosqvist (PhD-work)
- Coordinator of evaluation committee of Lesley Walls (Professorship at NTNU)
- Member of examination committee of Sigve Apeland (PhD-work)
Publications listed in the Frida database
MSc courses at NTNU:
- TPK4120 Safety and Reliability Analysis
- RAMS optimization
PhD courses
- PK8200 Risk Influence Modelling and Risk Indicators
Continuing Education Courses:
- Maintenance Optimization
- Safety and Reliability in Railway Applications
- Project Risk Management
- Priorisation of Risk Reducing Measures - Modeling and Concepts
Zhang, Wanwan;
Vatn, Jørn;
Rasheed, Adil.
Gearbox pump failure prognostics in offshore wind turbine by an integrated data-driven model.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Liu, Xingheng;
Lunde, Erling;
Diehl, Fabio;
Zhang, Aibo;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
Degradation modeling under time-varying operating conditions: Inference and prognosis with particle filter.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Semwogerere, David;
Sangesland, Sigbjørn;
Vatn, Jørn;
Pavlov, Alexey;
Colombo, Danilo.
Well integrity and late life extension - A current industry state of practice and literature review.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Academic literature review
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn;
Naseri, Masoud.
Optimizing the maintenance threshold in presence of shocks: A numerical framework for systems with non-monotonic degradation.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Liu, Jie;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
A Case Study for Enhancing Maintenance of Cyber-Physical Systems with Digital Twin.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
Academic article
Liu, Jie;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
Advanced Battery Health Management in Electric UAVs Through Digital Twins.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Optimizing ultrasonic inspection regimes of railway rails.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn;
Johnsen, Roy.
Kjernekraft. Det er fali’ det – eller?.
Reader opinion piece
Zhang, Wanwan;
Vatn, Jørn;
Rasheed, Adil.
Statistical analysis of offshore wind turbine failures.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Tianqi;
Vatn, Jørn;
Zhao, Yixin;
Liu, Yiliu.
A phase-type maintenance model considering condition-based inspections and delays before the repairs.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Tianqi;
Vatn, Jørn.
A phase-type maintenance model considering condition-based inspections and maintenance delays.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Alfarizi, Muhammad Gibran;
Ustolin, Federico;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen;
Paltrinieri, Nicola.
Towards accident prevention on liquid hydrogen: A data-driven approach for releases prediction.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn.
Adaptive remaining useful life prediction framework with stochastic failure threshold for experimental bearings with different lifetimes under contaminated condition.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Academic article
Semini, Marco Giovanni;
Patek, Clara;
Brett, Per Olaf;
Agis, Jose Jorge Garcia;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola;
Vatn, Jørn.
Some relationships between build strategy and shipbuilding time in European shipbuilding.
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M)
Academic article
Islam, Abu Md Ariful;
Vatn, Jørn.
Condition-based multi-component maintenance decision support under degradation uncertainties.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Academic article
Yang, Ruochen;
Vatn, Jørn;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Dynamic maintenance planning for autonomous marine systems (AMS) and operations.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Pedersen, Tom Ivar;
Liu, Xingheng;
Vatn, Jørn.
Maintenance optimization of a system subject to two-stage degradation, hard failure, and imperfect repair.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Laskowska, Ewa Maria;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
Prognostic model for reliability assessment of emergency shutdown valves used in oil & gas facility.
International Journal of Reliability and Safety
Academic article
Liu, Jie;
Vatn, Jørn;
Pedersen, Viggo Gabriel Borg;
Yin, Shen;
Tajiani, Bahareh.
A comparison study for bearing remaining useful life prediction by using standard stochastic approach and digital twin.
International Journal of Reliability and Safety
Academic article
Zhao, Yixin;
Cozzani, Valerio;
Sun, Tianqi;
Vatn, Jørn;
Liu, Yiliu.
Condition-based maintenance for a multi-component system subject to heterogeneous failure dependences.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Liu, Jie;
Liu, Xingheng;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
A generic framework for qualifications of digital twins in maintenance.
Journal of Automation and Intelligence (JAI)
Academic article
Semini, Marco;
Brett, Per Olaf;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola;
Vatn, Jørn.
Comparing Offshore Support Vessel Production Times between Different Offshoring Strategies Practiced at Norwegian Shipyards.
Journal of Ship Production and Design
Academic article
Alfarizi, Muhammad Gibran;
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
Optimized Random Forest Model for Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Experimental Bearings.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Academic article
Welte, Thomas Michael;
Gustavsen, Morten Andre;
Vatn, Jørn;
Zhupanova, Liliya;
Lillehammer, Grethe;
Ganz, Robert.
RiskBIM - Risikostyring i BIM-drevne offentlige samferdselsprosjekter.
IFE/E (2022/012)
Pedersen, Tom Ivar;
Vatn, Jørn.
Optimizing a condition-based maintenance policy by taking the preferences of a risk-averse decision maker into account.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Sun, Tianqi;
Vatn, Jørn.
A Markov-based Bridge Maintenance Optimization Model Considering User Costs.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Islam, Abu Md Ariful;
Vatn, Jørn.
A Survey of Multi-Component Maintenance Optimization Subject to Condition-Based Maintenance.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhang, Wanwan;
Vatn, Jørn;
Rasheed, Adil.
A review of failure prognostics for predictive maintenance of offshore wind turbines.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn.
BIM and Digital Twins - Application in maintenance and operation.
NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Liu, Xingheng;
Vatn, Jørn.
Erosion State Estimation for Subsea Choke Valves Considering Valve Openings.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Jie;
Liu, Yiliu;
Yin, Shen;
Vatn, Jørn.
Evaluation of Remain Useful Life Prediction Models from a Resilience Perspective.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alfarizi, Muhammad Gibran;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
An Extreme Gradient Boosting Aided Fault Diagnosis Approach: A Case Study of Fuse Test Bench.
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (TAI)
Academic article
Pedersen, Tom Ivar;
Størdal, Håkon Grøtt;
Bjørnebekk, Håvard Holm;
Vatn, Jørn.
A Survey on the Use of Digital Twins for Maintenance and Safety in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Tianqi;
Vatn, Jørn.
Modelling of Condition-Based Inspections and Deterministic Maintenance Delays for Bridge Management.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Xingheng;
Vatn, Jørn.
Filtering Noisy Gamma Degradation Process: Genz Transform Versus Gibbs Sampler.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn.
RUL Prediction of Bearings using Empirical Wavelet Transform and Bayesian Approach.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Amiri, Razieh;
Vatn, Jørn.
Risk Assessment of Fires in Residential Buildings -- A Case Study in Norway.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Xingheng;
Assumpcao Matias, Jose Otavio;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Vatn, Jørn.
Gibbs sampler for noisy Transformed Gamma process: Inference and remaining useful life estimation.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Liu, Xingheng;
Finkelstein, Maxim;
Vatn, Jørn;
Dijoux, Yann.
Steady-state imperfect repair models.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Liu, Xingheng;
Vatn, Jørn;
Dijoux, Yann;
Toftaker, Håkon.
Unobserved heterogeneity in stable imperfect repair models.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Liu, Xingheng;
Dijoux, Yann;
Vatn, Jørn;
Toftaker, Håkon.
Probability in the engineering and informational sciences (Print)
Academic article
Islam, Abu Md Ariful;
Vatn, Jørn.
Condition-based maintenance model for a single component subject to long preparation time and limited maintenance opportunities.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Islam, Abu Md Ariful;
Vatn, Jørn.
Data Analysis to Facilitate Offshore Seawater Ultrafiltration Membrane Replacement Decision and Scheduling of Chemical Wash.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn;
Pedersen, Viggo Gabriel Borg.
Remaining Useful Life Estimation Using Vibration-based Degradation Signals.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn;
Pedersen, Frank Børre.
An External Shock -- Internal Barrier Degradation Model to Account for Operational Loads.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Laskowska, Ewa Maria;
Vatn, Jørn.
Degradation Modelling using a Phase Type Distribution (PHD).
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Tom Ivar;
Vatn, Jørn;
Jørgensen, Kim.
Degradation Modelling of Centrifugal Pumps as Input to Predictive Maintenance
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Phase Type Modelling for Approximation of the Geometric Brownian Motion.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Xingheng;
Dijoux, Yann;
Vatn, Jørn.
Unobserved Heterogeneity in Imperfect Maintenance Models.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn.
Degradation Modelling of Roller Bearings using Two Different Health Indicators.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tveit, Guro Møen;
Salomonsen, Cecilie;
Misimi, Ekrem;
Lillienskiold, Aleksander;
Greiff, Kirsti;
Aursand, Marit.
iPROCESS innovation - Innovative and Flexible Food Processing Technology in Norway - 2020:00981 A.
Olaitan, Oladipupo;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Vatn, Jørn;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
CONWIP implementation in a system with cross-trained teams.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Vatn, Jørn.
Målsank 2 - indikatorer for driftsstabilitet i jernbanen
SINTEF Rapport (2019:01495)
Welte, Thomas Michael;
Vatn, Jørn;
Sanz-Bobi, Miguel A.;
Srivastav, Himanshu.
Lifetime and maintenance modelling utilizing monitoring data
MonitorX report L8.
Fornybar Norge (447-2019)
Vatn, Jørn.
Cyber-physical Threats and Real-time Monitoring of Critical Infrastructure.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xingheng, Liu;
Yann, Dijoux;
Vatn, Jørn.
On Approximation of Superposition of Renewal Process.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Islam, Abu Md Ariful;
Srivastav, Himanshu;
Vatn, Jørn;
Barros, Anne;
Lundteigen, Mary Ann.
Time-dependent Unavailability Assessment of Final Element of Safety Instrumented Systems- an Application of Multiphase Markov Process.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Arismendi, Renny;
Barros, Anne;
Vatn, Jørn;
Grall, Antoine.
Prognostics and Maintenance Optimization in Bridge Management.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Laskowska, Ewa Maria;
Vatn, Jørn.
State Modelling and Prognostics of Safety Valves used in the Oil and Gas Industry.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Industry 4.0 and real-time synchronization of operation and maintenance.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aarsland, Dag Wilhelm;
Vatn, Jørn.
Contributors to successful safety level in the Norwegian railway sector.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bhalla, Swapnil;
Vatn, Jørn.
Identifying the Effects of Eliminating Replenishment for Nonexistent Backorders, on the Performance of Perishable Inventories - A Simulation Study.
Masters thesis
Olaitan, Oladipupo;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Vatn, Jørn;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Achieving Balanced Workload Distribution Amongst Cross-Trained Teams.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Seim, Andreas Røsland;
Vatn, Jørn.
Måling og overvåking av ytelse i infrastruktur.
Stiftelsen SINTEF
Hahn, Berthold;
Welte, Thomas Michael;
Faulstich, Stefan;
Bangalore, Pramod;
Boussion, Cyril;
Harrison, K.
Recommended practices for wind farm data collection and reliability assessment for O&M optimization.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn.
Structuring contributors to successful operation.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hokstad, Per Richard;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Vatn, Jørn.
Risk and interdependencies in critical infrastructures. Chinese translation.
Springer Series in Reliability Engineering (2015)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Vatn, Jørn.
Risikobasert vedlikehold – hva betyr det i praksis?.
HMT - Helsetjenesten Medisinsk Teknikk : helse, medisin, teknikk
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Okstad, Eivind Halvard;
Hauge, Stein;
Tinmannsvik, Ranveig Kviseth;
Vatn, Jørn.
Monitoring the risk picture by using QRA and barrier based indicators.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Mathematical methods and approaches to PFD-calculation by the PDSTool.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Principles for dynamic updating and visualization of the risk picture with a QRA-basis.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn;
Haugen, Stein.
On the Usefulnes of Risk Analysis in the Light of Deepwater Horizon and Gullfaks C.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Steps and Principles for Assessing and Expressing Major Accident Risk in an Integrated Operations Setting.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hameed, Zafar;
Vatn, Jørn.
State based models applied to offshore wind turbine maintenance and renewal.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xie, Bin;
Vatn, Jørn.
An AHP-based approach of risk anaysis in Bayesian belief networks.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vinnem, Jan Erik;
Bye, Rolf Johan;
Gran, Bjørn Axel;
Kongsvik, Trond;
Nyheim, Ole Magnus;
Okstad, Eivind Halvard.
Risk modelling of maintenance work on major process equipment on offshore petroleum installations.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn.
Can we understand complex systems in terms of risk analysis?.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability
Academic article
Laugesen, Jens;
Mostue, Bodil Aamnes;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Vatn, Jørn.
The use of risk and vulnerability analysis in climate change adaptation.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hameed, Zafar;
Vatn, Jørn.
Role of grouping in the development of an overall maintenance optimization framework for offshore wind turbines.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability
Academic article
Khalifeh, Shiva;
Hussein, Bassam A. ;
Vatn, Jørn.
Masters thesis
Vatn, Jørn.
A state based model for opportunity based maintenance.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hameed, Zafar;
Vatn, Jørn.
Development of an overall maintenance optimization framework for offshore wind turbine.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hokstad, Per;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Vatn, Jørn.
Risk and Interdependencies in Critical Infrastructures. A Guideline for Analysis.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Springer Series in Reliability Engineering (VIII)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hokstad, Per;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Vatn, Jørn.
Risk and vulnerability analysis of critical infrastructures.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gran, Bjørn Axel;
Bye, Rolf Johan;
Nyheim, Ole Magnus;
Okstad, Eivind Halvard;
Seljelid, Jorunn;
Sklet, Snorre.
Evaluation of the Risk OMT model for maintenance work on major offshore process equipment.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Academic article
Hokstad, Per;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Vatn, Jørn.
Interdependency modeling in risk analysis.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn;
Hokstad, Per;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Defining concepts and categorizing interdependencies.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faulstich, Stefan;
Vatn, Jørn;
Hameed, Zafar.
Importance of reliability data analysis to estimate the parameters for the maintenance optimization of offshore wind turbines
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Hokstad, Per;
Vatn, Jørn.
A method for risk modeling of interdependencies in critical infrastructures.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Hameed, Zafar;
Vatn, Jørn;
Heggset, Jørn.
Challenges in the reliability and maintainability data collection for offshore wind turbines.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn;
Aven, Terje.
An approach to maintenance optimization where safety issues are important.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Njå, Ove;
Vatn, Jørn.
Safety information systems related to transport of dangerous goods in Norway.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hameed, Zafar;
Vatn, Jørn.
Challenges in the reliability and safety data collection for offshore wind turbines.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Can we understand complex systems in terms of risk analysis?.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Albrechtsen, Eirik;
Størseth, Fred;
Andersen, Siri;
Besnard, Denis;
Grøtan, Tor Olav;
Hollnagel, Erik.
Essays on socio-technical vulnerabilities and strategies of control in Integrated Operations.
Nyheim, Ole Magnus;
Gran, Bjørn Axel;
Pedersen, Linda Martens;
Seljelid, Jorunn;
Vinnem, Jan Erik;
Vatn, Jørn.
Use of bayesian network for modeling risk influencing factors.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Issues related to localization of an LNG facility.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Okstad, Eivind;
Vatn, Jørn;
Bye, Roar.
Maintenance management and optimization of FPSOs.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Hokstad, Per R.;
Vatn, Jørn.
A structured approach to modelling interdependencies in risk analysis of critical infrastructures.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Monsås, Therese;
Vatn, Jørn.
Uncertainty factors in deterioration modelling of process equipment.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Line, Maria Bartnes;
Bertelsen, Dag Eiliv;
Fridheim, Håvard;
Hokstad, Per Richard;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Røstum, Jon.
DECRIS - Risk and Decision Systems for Critical Infrastructures. Metode og verktøy for en samlet risikovurdering av kritiske infrastrukturer.
SINTEF Rapport (A11636)
Vatn, Jørn;
Vatn, Gunhild Åm;
Sjøberg, Britt-Marie Drottz.
Societal security – A case study related to an LNG facility.
Hokstad, Per R.;
Vatn, Jørn.
Ethical dilemmas in traffic safety work.
Safety Science
Academic article
Lyngby, Narve;
Hokstad, Per;
Vatn, Jørn.
RAMS Management of Railway Tracks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Maintenance in the Rail Industry.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rausand, Marvin;
Vatn, Jørn.
Reliability Centred Maintenance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Chang, Kwang Pil;
Rausand, Marvin;
Vatn, Jørn.
Reliability assessment of reliquefaction systems on LNG carriers.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn.
Procedures for updating test intervals based on experience data.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Societal security - a case study related to a cash depot.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Railway maintenance optimization - a case study related to utilization of RCM results in the interval optimization process.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn;
Langseth, Helge.
Estimation of Weibull parameters when the i.i.d. assumption does not hold.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Welte, Thomas Michael;
Vatn, Jørn;
Heggset, Jørn.
Markov State Model for Optimization of Maintenance and Renewal of Hydro Power Components.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Podofillini, Luca;
Zio, Enrico;
Vatn, Jørn.
Risk-informed optimization of railway tracks inspection and maintenance procedures.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Johnsen, Stig Ole;
Herrera, Ivonne;
Vatn, Jørn;
Rosness, Ragnar.
Cross-border Railway Operations; Building safety at Cultural Interfaces.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hokstad, Per;
Langseth, Helge;
Lindqvist, Bo Henry;
Vatn, Jørn.
Failure modeling and maintenance optimization for a railway line.
International Journal of Performability Engineering
Academic article
Johnsen, Stig Ole;
Vatn, Jørn;
Herrera, Ivonne;
Rosness, Ragnar.
Cross border railway operations: improving safety at cultural interfaces.
Cognition, Technology & Work
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn.
Vurdering av samfunnssikkerheten ved etablering av NOKAS' anlegg i Stavanger.
SINTEF Rapport (STF50 A05053)
Rausand, Marvin;
Vatn, Jørn.
Reliability modeling of surface controlled subsurface safety valves.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn.
A discussion of the acceptable risk problem.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Rausand, Marvin;
Vatn, Jørn.
Reliability centered maintenance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reinertsen, Rune;
Vatn, Jørn.
Solution to selected problems in reliability engineering.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Non-fiction book
Vatn, Jørn;
Åm, Gunhild.
The scientific basis for safety science.
SINTEF Rapport
Non-fiction book
Vatn, Jørn.
Institutt for maskinkonstruksjon, NTH.
Journal publications
Zhang, Wanwan;
Vatn, Jørn;
Rasheed, Adil.
Gearbox pump failure prognostics in offshore wind turbine by an integrated data-driven model.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Liu, Xingheng;
Lunde, Erling;
Diehl, Fabio;
Zhang, Aibo;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
Degradation modeling under time-varying operating conditions: Inference and prognosis with particle filter.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Semwogerere, David;
Sangesland, Sigbjørn;
Vatn, Jørn;
Pavlov, Alexey;
Colombo, Danilo.
Well integrity and late life extension - A current industry state of practice and literature review.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Academic literature review
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn;
Naseri, Masoud.
Optimizing the maintenance threshold in presence of shocks: A numerical framework for systems with non-monotonic degradation.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Liu, Jie;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
A Case Study for Enhancing Maintenance of Cyber-Physical Systems with Digital Twin.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn;
Johnsen, Roy.
Kjernekraft. Det er fali’ det – eller?.
Reader opinion piece
Sun, Tianqi;
Vatn, Jørn.
A phase-type maintenance model considering condition-based inspections and maintenance delays.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Alfarizi, Muhammad Gibran;
Ustolin, Federico;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen;
Paltrinieri, Nicola.
Towards accident prevention on liquid hydrogen: A data-driven approach for releases prediction.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn.
Adaptive remaining useful life prediction framework with stochastic failure threshold for experimental bearings with different lifetimes under contaminated condition.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Academic article
Semini, Marco Giovanni;
Patek, Clara;
Brett, Per Olaf;
Agis, Jose Jorge Garcia;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola;
Vatn, Jørn.
Some relationships between build strategy and shipbuilding time in European shipbuilding.
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M)
Academic article
Islam, Abu Md Ariful;
Vatn, Jørn.
Condition-based multi-component maintenance decision support under degradation uncertainties.
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Academic article
Yang, Ruochen;
Vatn, Jørn;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Dynamic maintenance planning for autonomous marine systems (AMS) and operations.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Pedersen, Tom Ivar;
Liu, Xingheng;
Vatn, Jørn.
Maintenance optimization of a system subject to two-stage degradation, hard failure, and imperfect repair.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Laskowska, Ewa Maria;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
Prognostic model for reliability assessment of emergency shutdown valves used in oil & gas facility.
International Journal of Reliability and Safety
Academic article
Liu, Jie;
Vatn, Jørn;
Pedersen, Viggo Gabriel Borg;
Yin, Shen;
Tajiani, Bahareh.
A comparison study for bearing remaining useful life prediction by using standard stochastic approach and digital twin.
International Journal of Reliability and Safety
Academic article
Zhao, Yixin;
Cozzani, Valerio;
Sun, Tianqi;
Vatn, Jørn;
Liu, Yiliu.
Condition-based maintenance for a multi-component system subject to heterogeneous failure dependences.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Liu, Jie;
Liu, Xingheng;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
A generic framework for qualifications of digital twins in maintenance.
Journal of Automation and Intelligence (JAI)
Academic article
Semini, Marco;
Brett, Per Olaf;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola;
Vatn, Jørn.
Comparing Offshore Support Vessel Production Times between Different Offshoring Strategies Practiced at Norwegian Shipyards.
Journal of Ship Production and Design
Academic article
Alfarizi, Muhammad Gibran;
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
Optimized Random Forest Model for Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Experimental Bearings.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Academic article
Pedersen, Tom Ivar;
Vatn, Jørn.
Optimizing a condition-based maintenance policy by taking the preferences of a risk-averse decision maker into account.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Zhang, Wanwan;
Vatn, Jørn;
Rasheed, Adil.
A review of failure prognostics for predictive maintenance of offshore wind turbines.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Alfarizi, Muhammad Gibran;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
An Extreme Gradient Boosting Aided Fault Diagnosis Approach: A Case Study of Fuse Test Bench.
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (TAI)
Academic article
Liu, Xingheng;
Assumpcao Matias, Jose Otavio;
Jäschke, Johannes;
Vatn, Jørn.
Gibbs sampler for noisy Transformed Gamma process: Inference and remaining useful life estimation.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Liu, Xingheng;
Finkelstein, Maxim;
Vatn, Jørn;
Dijoux, Yann.
Steady-state imperfect repair models.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Liu, Xingheng;
Vatn, Jørn;
Dijoux, Yann;
Toftaker, Håkon.
Unobserved heterogeneity in stable imperfect repair models.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Liu, Xingheng;
Dijoux, Yann;
Vatn, Jørn;
Toftaker, Håkon.
Probability in the engineering and informational sciences (Print)
Academic article
Olaitan, Oladipupo;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Vatn, Jørn;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
CONWIP implementation in a system with cross-trained teams.
International Journal of Production Research
Academic article
Olaitan, Oladipupo;
Alfnes, Erlend;
Vatn, Jørn;
Strandhagen, Jan Ola.
Achieving Balanced Workload Distribution Amongst Cross-Trained Teams.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Academic article
Hahn, Berthold;
Welte, Thomas Michael;
Faulstich, Stefan;
Bangalore, Pramod;
Boussion, Cyril;
Harrison, K.
Recommended practices for wind farm data collection and reliability assessment for O&M optimization.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn.
Risikobasert vedlikehold – hva betyr det i praksis?.
HMT - Helsetjenesten Medisinsk Teknikk : helse, medisin, teknikk
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Vinnem, Jan Erik;
Bye, Rolf Johan;
Gran, Bjørn Axel;
Kongsvik, Trond;
Nyheim, Ole Magnus;
Okstad, Eivind Halvard.
Risk modelling of maintenance work on major process equipment on offshore petroleum installations.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn.
Can we understand complex systems in terms of risk analysis?.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability
Academic article
Hameed, Zafar;
Vatn, Jørn.
Role of grouping in the development of an overall maintenance optimization framework for offshore wind turbines.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability
Academic article
Gran, Bjørn Axel;
Bye, Rolf Johan;
Nyheim, Ole Magnus;
Okstad, Eivind Halvard;
Seljelid, Jorunn;
Sklet, Snorre.
Evaluation of the Risk OMT model for maintenance work on major offshore process equipment.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Academic article
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Hokstad, Per;
Vatn, Jørn.
A method for risk modeling of interdependencies in critical infrastructures.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Hameed, Zafar;
Vatn, Jørn;
Heggset, Jørn.
Challenges in the reliability and maintainability data collection for offshore wind turbines.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn;
Aven, Terje.
An approach to maintenance optimization where safety issues are important.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Hokstad, Per R.;
Vatn, Jørn.
Ethical dilemmas in traffic safety work.
Safety Science
Academic article
Chang, Kwang Pil;
Rausand, Marvin;
Vatn, Jørn.
Reliability assessment of reliquefaction systems on LNG carriers.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Podofillini, Luca;
Zio, Enrico;
Vatn, Jørn.
Risk-informed optimization of railway tracks inspection and maintenance procedures.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Hokstad, Per;
Langseth, Helge;
Lindqvist, Bo Henry;
Vatn, Jørn.
Failure modeling and maintenance optimization for a railway line.
International Journal of Performability Engineering
Academic article
Johnsen, Stig Ole;
Vatn, Jørn;
Herrera, Ivonne;
Rosness, Ragnar.
Cross border railway operations: improving safety at cultural interfaces.
Cognition, Technology & Work
Academic article
Rausand, Marvin;
Vatn, Jørn.
Reliability modeling of surface controlled subsurface safety valves.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Vatn, Jørn.
A discussion of the acceptable risk problem.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
Academic article
Hokstad, Per Richard;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Vatn, Jørn.
Risk and interdependencies in critical infrastructures. Chinese translation.
Springer Series in Reliability Engineering (2015)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hokstad, Per;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Vatn, Jørn.
Risk and Interdependencies in Critical Infrastructures. A Guideline for Analysis.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Springer Series in Reliability Engineering (VIII)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Reinertsen, Rune;
Vatn, Jørn.
Solution to selected problems in reliability engineering.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Non-fiction book
Vatn, Jørn;
Åm, Gunhild.
The scientific basis for safety science.
SINTEF Rapport
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Liu, Jie;
Vatn, Jørn;
Yin, Shen.
Advanced Battery Health Management in Electric UAVs Through Digital Twins.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Optimizing ultrasonic inspection regimes of railway rails.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zhang, Wanwan;
Vatn, Jørn;
Rasheed, Adil.
Statistical analysis of offshore wind turbine failures.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Tianqi;
Vatn, Jørn;
Zhao, Yixin;
Liu, Yiliu.
A phase-type maintenance model considering condition-based inspections and delays before the repairs.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Tianqi;
Vatn, Jørn.
A Markov-based Bridge Maintenance Optimization Model Considering User Costs.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Islam, Abu Md Ariful;
Vatn, Jørn.
A Survey of Multi-Component Maintenance Optimization Subject to Condition-Based Maintenance.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Xingheng;
Vatn, Jørn.
Erosion State Estimation for Subsea Choke Valves Considering Valve Openings.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Jie;
Liu, Yiliu;
Yin, Shen;
Vatn, Jørn.
Evaluation of Remain Useful Life Prediction Models from a Resilience Perspective.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Tom Ivar;
Størdal, Håkon Grøtt;
Bjørnebekk, Håvard Holm;
Vatn, Jørn.
A Survey on the Use of Digital Twins for Maintenance and Safety in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Tianqi;
Vatn, Jørn.
Modelling of Condition-Based Inspections and Deterministic Maintenance Delays for Bridge Management.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Xingheng;
Vatn, Jørn.
Filtering Noisy Gamma Degradation Process: Genz Transform Versus Gibbs Sampler.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn.
RUL Prediction of Bearings using Empirical Wavelet Transform and Bayesian Approach.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Amiri, Razieh;
Vatn, Jørn.
Risk Assessment of Fires in Residential Buildings -- A Case Study in Norway.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Islam, Abu Md Ariful;
Vatn, Jørn.
Condition-based maintenance model for a single component subject to long preparation time and limited maintenance opportunities.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Islam, Abu Md Ariful;
Vatn, Jørn.
Data Analysis to Facilitate Offshore Seawater Ultrafiltration Membrane Replacement Decision and Scheduling of Chemical Wash.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn;
Pedersen, Viggo Gabriel Borg.
Remaining Useful Life Estimation Using Vibration-based Degradation Signals.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn;
Pedersen, Frank Børre.
An External Shock -- Internal Barrier Degradation Model to Account for Operational Loads.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Laskowska, Ewa Maria;
Vatn, Jørn.
Degradation Modelling using a Phase Type Distribution (PHD).
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pedersen, Tom Ivar;
Vatn, Jørn;
Jørgensen, Kim.
Degradation Modelling of Centrifugal Pumps as Input to Predictive Maintenance
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Phase Type Modelling for Approximation of the Geometric Brownian Motion.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Liu, Xingheng;
Dijoux, Yann;
Vatn, Jørn.
Unobserved Heterogeneity in Imperfect Maintenance Models.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tajiani, Bahareh;
Vatn, Jørn.
Degradation Modelling of Roller Bearings using Two Different Health Indicators.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Cyber-physical Threats and Real-time Monitoring of Critical Infrastructure.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xingheng, Liu;
Yann, Dijoux;
Vatn, Jørn.
On Approximation of Superposition of Renewal Process.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Islam, Abu Md Ariful;
Srivastav, Himanshu;
Vatn, Jørn;
Barros, Anne;
Lundteigen, Mary Ann.
Time-dependent Unavailability Assessment of Final Element of Safety Instrumented Systems- an Application of Multiphase Markov Process.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Arismendi, Renny;
Barros, Anne;
Vatn, Jørn;
Grall, Antoine.
Prognostics and Maintenance Optimization in Bridge Management.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Laskowska, Ewa Maria;
Vatn, Jørn.
State Modelling and Prognostics of Safety Valves used in the Oil and Gas Industry.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Industry 4.0 and real-time synchronization of operation and maintenance.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aarsland, Dag Wilhelm;
Vatn, Jørn.
Contributors to successful safety level in the Norwegian railway sector.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Structuring contributors to successful operation.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Okstad, Eivind Halvard;
Hauge, Stein;
Tinmannsvik, Ranveig Kviseth;
Vatn, Jørn.
Monitoring the risk picture by using QRA and barrier based indicators.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Mathematical methods and approaches to PFD-calculation by the PDSTool.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Principles for dynamic updating and visualization of the risk picture with a QRA-basis.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn;
Haugen, Stein.
On the Usefulnes of Risk Analysis in the Light of Deepwater Horizon and Gullfaks C.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Steps and Principles for Assessing and Expressing Major Accident Risk in an Integrated Operations Setting.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hameed, Zafar;
Vatn, Jørn.
State based models applied to offshore wind turbine maintenance and renewal.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xie, Bin;
Vatn, Jørn.
An AHP-based approach of risk anaysis in Bayesian belief networks.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Laugesen, Jens;
Mostue, Bodil Aamnes;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Vatn, Jørn.
The use of risk and vulnerability analysis in climate change adaptation.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
A state based model for opportunity based maintenance.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hameed, Zafar;
Vatn, Jørn.
Development of an overall maintenance optimization framework for offshore wind turbine.
Curran Associates, Inc.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hokstad, Per;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Vatn, Jørn.
Risk and vulnerability analysis of critical infrastructures.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hokstad, Per;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Vatn, Jørn.
Interdependency modeling in risk analysis.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn;
Hokstad, Per;
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer.
Defining concepts and categorizing interdependencies.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faulstich, Stefan;
Vatn, Jørn;
Hameed, Zafar.
Importance of reliability data analysis to estimate the parameters for the maintenance optimization of offshore wind turbines
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Njå, Ove;
Vatn, Jørn.
Safety information systems related to transport of dangerous goods in Norway.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hameed, Zafar;
Vatn, Jørn.
Challenges in the reliability and safety data collection for offshore wind turbines.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Can we understand complex systems in terms of risk analysis?.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nyheim, Ole Magnus;
Gran, Bjørn Axel;
Pedersen, Linda Martens;
Seljelid, Jorunn;
Vinnem, Jan Erik;
Vatn, Jørn.
Use of bayesian network for modeling risk influencing factors.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Issues related to localization of an LNG facility.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Okstad, Eivind;
Vatn, Jørn;
Bye, Roar.
Maintenance management and optimization of FPSOs.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer;
Hokstad, Per R.;
Vatn, Jørn.
A structured approach to modelling interdependencies in risk analysis of critical infrastructures.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Monsås, Therese;
Vatn, Jørn.
Uncertainty factors in deterioration modelling of process equipment.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lyngby, Narve;
Hokstad, Per;
Vatn, Jørn.
RAMS Management of Railway Tracks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Maintenance in the Rail Industry.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rausand, Marvin;
Vatn, Jørn.
Reliability Centred Maintenance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Procedures for updating test intervals based on experience data.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Societal security - a case study related to a cash depot.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn.
Railway maintenance optimization - a case study related to utilization of RCM results in the interval optimization process.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vatn, Jørn;
Langseth, Helge.
Estimation of Weibull parameters when the i.i.d. assumption does not hold.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Welte, Thomas Michael;
Vatn, Jørn;
Heggset, Jørn.
Markov State Model for Optimization of Maintenance and Renewal of Hydro Power Components.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johnsen, Stig Ole;
Herrera, Ivonne;
Vatn, Jørn;
Rosness, Ragnar.
Cross-border Railway Operations; Building safety at Cultural Interfaces.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rausand, Marvin;
Vatn, Jørn.
Reliability centered maintenance.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Welte, Thomas Michael;
Gustavsen, Morten Andre;
Vatn, Jørn;
Zhupanova, Liliya;
Lillehammer, Grethe;
Ganz, Robert.
RiskBIM - Risikostyring i BIM-drevne offentlige samferdselsprosjekter.
IFE/E (2022/012)
Vatn, Jørn.
BIM and Digital Twins - Application in maintenance and operation.
NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Tveit, Guro Møen;
Salomonsen, Cecilie;
Misimi, Ekrem;
Lillienskiold, Aleksander;
Greiff, Kirsti;
Aursand, Marit.
iPROCESS innovation - Innovative and Flexible Food Processing Technology in Norway - 2020:00981 A.
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Vatn, Jørn.
Målsank 2 - indikatorer for driftsstabilitet i jernbanen
SINTEF Rapport (2019:01495)
Welte, Thomas Michael;
Vatn, Jørn;
Sanz-Bobi, Miguel A.;
Srivastav, Himanshu.
Lifetime and maintenance modelling utilizing monitoring data
MonitorX report L8.
Fornybar Norge (447-2019)
Bhalla, Swapnil;
Vatn, Jørn.
Identifying the Effects of Eliminating Replenishment for Nonexistent Backorders, on the Performance of Perishable Inventories - A Simulation Study.
Masters thesis
Landmark, Andreas D.;
Seim, Andreas Røsland;
Vatn, Jørn.
Måling og overvåking av ytelse i infrastruktur.
Stiftelsen SINTEF
Khalifeh, Shiva;
Hussein, Bassam A. ;
Vatn, Jørn.
Masters thesis
Albrechtsen, Eirik;
Størseth, Fred;
Andersen, Siri;
Besnard, Denis;
Grøtan, Tor Olav;
Hollnagel, Erik.
Essays on socio-technical vulnerabilities and strategies of control in Integrated Operations.
Line, Maria Bartnes;
Bertelsen, Dag Eiliv;
Fridheim, Håvard;
Hokstad, Per Richard;
Kjølle, Gerd Hovin;
Røstum, Jon.
DECRIS - Risk and Decision Systems for Critical Infrastructures. Metode og verktøy for en samlet risikovurdering av kritiske infrastrukturer.
SINTEF Rapport (A11636)
Vatn, Jørn;
Vatn, Gunhild Åm;
Sjøberg, Britt-Marie Drottz.
Societal security – A case study related to an LNG facility.
Vatn, Jørn.
Vurdering av samfunnssikkerheten ved etablering av NOKAS' anlegg i Stavanger.
SINTEF Rapport (STF50 A05053)
Vatn, Jørn.
Institutt for maskinkonstruksjon, NTH.
- TPK4140 - Driftssikkerhet, vedlikeholdsstyring
- PK6019 - Driftssikkerhet, vedlikeholdsstyring
- PK6018 - Industriell sikkerhet og pålitelighet
- PK6029 - Digitale løsninger for planlegging og optimalisering av vedlikehold
- FLYT1102 - Flyvedlikehold
- PK8207 - Vedlikeholdsoptimalisering
- TPK4450 - Digitaliserte løsninger for prognose, forutsigende vedlikehold og sikkerhetsanalyse
- TPK4120 - Industriell sikkerhet og pålitelighet
- PK6901 - Organisasjon og ledelse, masteroppgave
- TPK4550 - Sikkerhet, pålitelighet og vedlikehold, fordypningsprosjekt
- PK6017 - Risikoanalyse
- TPK5115 - Risikostyring i prosjekter
- TPK4950 - Sikkerhet, pålitelighet og vedlikehold, masteroppgave
- PK6033 - Sikkerhetsdemonstrasjon av nye løsninger
- PK6032 - Sikkerhetsdemonstrasjon av nye løsninger
- PK6021 - Vedlikeholdsoptimalisering
- PK8200 - Risikomodellering og risikoindikatorer
- TPK4191 - Styring og optimalisering av produksjon
- PK6031 - Digitale tvillinger for å håndtere sikkerhet og pålitelighet av systemer
- TPK4161 - Verdikjedeanalyse
- PK6907 - Teknologiledelse og digital omstilling, masteroppgave
- HAV6003 - Digitale løsninger for drift og vedlikehold av offshore vindparker
- MAST2012 - Tilstandsbasert vedlikehold
Academic lectureLiu, Xingheng; Vatn, Jørn; Yin, Shen; Maithani, Vinay. (2023) Performance of ChatGPT on CMRP: Potential for Assisting Maintenance and Reliability Professionals Using Large Language Models. IEEE 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2023) 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-19
Academic lectureAlfarizi, Muhammad Gibran; Liu, Jie; Vatn, Jørn; Yin, Shen. (2023) Sustainability of ICPS from a Safety Perspective: Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE 2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) , Helsinki 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-21
Academic lectureLiu, Jie; Vatn, Jørn; Yin, Shen. (2023) Optimizing Digital Twin Design through a QFD and AHP-based Selection Methodology. IEEE the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , Singapore 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-19
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2023) Degradation modeling and remaining useful life estimation for subsea choke valves. INTPART IX Oil and Gas Production Optimization Workshop , CENPES Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil 2023-03-01 - 2023-03-03
Academic lectureLiu, Xingheng; Yin, Shen; Liu, Jie; Vatn, Jørn; Bni, Asmae. (2023) Exploring security challenges in enhancing Digital Twins capabilities with ChatGPT . The International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2023 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics , Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan 2023-08-20 - 2023-08-25
Academic lectureLiu, Jie; Liu, Xingheng; Vatn, Jørn; Yin, Shen. (2023) A discussion about the qualification of digital twins for maintenance models. the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) 22nd IFAC World Congress 2023 , Yokohama, Japan 2023-07-09 - 2023-07-14
Academic lectureLiu, Xingheng; Vatn, Jørn; Zhang, Aibo. (2021) Modeling subsea choke valve erosion with a production-driven shock associated degradation process. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China the 11th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering & The 4th International Conference on Reliability Systems Engineering , Chengdu 2021-08-19 - 2021-08-22
Academic lectureIslam, Abu Md Ariful; Vatn, Jørn. (2020) Condition-based maintenance model for a single component subject to long preparation time and limited maintenance opportunities. ESRA, PSAM 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference , Venice 2020-11-01 - 2020-11-05
Academic lectureIslam, Abu Md Ariful; Vatn, Jørn. (2020) Data analysis to facilitate offshore seawater ultrafiltration membrane replacement decision and scheduling of chemical wash. ESRA, PSAM 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference , Venice 2020-11-01 - 2020-11-05
Academic lectureArismendi, Renny; Barros, Anne; Grall, Antoine; Vatn, Jørn. (2019) Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes for Condition-based Maintenance with Delay. 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability , City University of Hong Kong 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-07
Academic lectureLiu, Xingheng; Dijoux, Yann; Vatn, Jørn. (2019) On approximation of superposition of renewal process. European Safety and Reliability Association 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference , Hannover, Germany 2019-09-22 - 2019-09-26
Academic lectureArismendi Torres, Renny Jose; Barros, Anne; Vatn, Jørn; Grall, Antoine. (2019) Prognostics and Maintenance Optimization in Bridge Management. 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference , Hannover 2019-09-22 - 2019-09-26
Popular scientific lectureVatn, Jørn. (2014) BRUK AV RISIKOANALYSER FOR Å STØTTE VEDLIKEHOLDSPROGRAMMER - Hvordan forandrer det driftshverdagen? . Forum for sykehusens tekniske ledelse FSTL´s høstmøte , Trondheim 2014-11-02 - 2014-11-04
Academic lectureBodsberg, Lars; Hauge, Stein; Okstad, Eivind Halvard; Tinmannsvik, Ranveig Kviseth; Vatn, Jørn. (2014) Online monitoring of major accident risk in the petroleum industry. Society for Risk Analysis Europe The 23rd SRA-E Conference: Analysis and governance of risks beyond boundaries , Istanbul 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-18
Popular scientific lectureVatn, Jørn. (2014) Statistiske metoder for å estimere feilrater og andre pålitelighetsparametere. Statnett Fagdag om probabilistisk leveringspålitelighet , Nydalen alle 33, Oslo 2014-12-08 - 2014-12-08
Academic lectureHameed, Zafar; Vatn, Jørn. (2012) Selection of important RAMS parameters for 10MW reference wind turbine. NOWITECH SINTEF DeepWind, 19-20 January 2012 , Trondheim 2012-01-19 - 2012-01-20
Popular scientific lectureHameed, Zafar; Vatn, Jørn. (2012) How to Develop the Grouping Strategy for Offshore Wind Turbines at the Wind Farm Level. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management , Hong Kong 2012-12-10 - 2012-12-13
Popular scientific lectureHameed, Zafar; Faulstich, Stefan; Vatn, Jørn. (2012) Importance of reliability data analysis to estimate the parameters for the maintenance optimization of offshore wind turbines. ESReDA Conference 2012 Risk and Reliability for Wind Energy and other Renewable Sources , Glasgow, UK 2012-05-15 - 2012-05-16
Popular scientific lectureHameed, Zafar; Vatn, Jørn. (2012) DISCUSSIONS ON THE MAINTENANCE OPTIMIZATION OF OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE. 8th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe , Zurich 2012-09-12 - 2012-09-14
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2012) A state based model for opportunity based maintenance. ESRA & IAPSAM PSAM 11 & ESREL 2012 Conference , Helsinki 2012-06-25 - 2012-06-29
Popular scientific lectureHameed, Zafar; Vatn, Jørn. (2012) Development of an overall maintenance optimization framework for offshore wind turbine. PSAM11 & ESREL 2012 conference , Helsinki 2012-06-25 - 2012-06-29
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2011) What can the offshore wind industry learn from the OREDA project run for 25 years in the offshore oil and gas industry?. IEA Wind INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ON WIND TURBINE FAILURES , Kassel 2011-03-30 - 2011-03-31
Popular scientific lectureHameed, Zafar; Vatn, Jørn. (2011) Development of the optimal inspection and repair strategies for offshore wind turbine. ESReDA ESReDA Conference 2011 Risk Analysis and Management Across Industries , Bordeaux 2011-05-25 - 2011-05-26
Popular scientific lectureHameed, Zafar; Vatn, Jørn. (2011) Role of condition monitoring in the realization of dynamic grouping and its optimization using genetic algorithm for offshore wind turbines. DNV Norway, CIAM Proceedings of the 24th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management , Stavanger 2011-05-30 - 2011-06-01
Popular scientific lectureHameed, Zafar; Vatn, Jørn. (2011) Reliability of offshore wind turbines by grouping suitable inspection regimes. Eurpean Wind Energy Association (EWEA) European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC 2011) , Brussels 2011-03-14 - 2011-03-17
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2011) The Macondo experience – how can IO avoid such events in the future - Panel debate. The 7th international conference on integrated operations in the petroleum industry 2011-09-13 - 2011-09-14
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2011) Bridging the gap between academia and practical decision support. IO-center The 7th international conference on integrated operations in the petroleum industry , Trondheim 2011-09-13 - 2011-09-14
Academic lectureHofmann, Matthias; Halvorsen-Weare, Elin Espeland; Nonås, Lars Magne; Vatn, Jørn. (2011) Paper EOW 2011Final. "A FRAMEWORK AND MODEL FOR OPTIMIZING MAINTENANCE AND LOGISTICS ACTIVITIES". EWEA EWEA Offshore 2011; Amsterdam; 29 November - 1 December 2011 , Amsterdam 2011-11-29 - 2011-12-01
Popular scientific lectureHameed, Zafar; Vatn, Jørn. (2010) Grouping of Maintenance and Optimization by using Genetic Algorithm. The Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Science 38th ESReDA Seminar and the 3rd joint ESReDA/ESRA seminar on Advanced Maintenance Modelling , Pecs 2010-05-04 - 2010-05-05
Popular scientific lectureHameed, Zafar; Vatn, Jørn. (2010) Analysis framework for the reliability and maintainability of offshore wind Turbines. Norwegian University of Science and Technology 6th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe,European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE) , Trondheim 2010-09-30 - 2010-11-01
Academic lectureDrottz Sjøberg, Britt-Marie ; Vatn, Jørn. (2009) Community reactions to the development of a LNG plant. The RIPENSA-symposium “Risk psychology, environment and safety" , Karlstad 2009-06-28 - 2009-07-01
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2009) Risikoanalyse. NITO - Norges Ingeniør- og Teknologorganisasjon Brannsikkerhet i bygninger , Oslo 2009-06-09 - 2009-06-10
Popular scientific lectureVatn, Jørn. (2009) Risiko- og sårbarhetsanalyser i tilknytning til klimaendringer. CICERO, Vestlandsforskning, Bergen Kommune NORADAPT Prosjektseminar , Bergen 2009-10-21 - 2009-10-22
Popular scientific lectureVatn, Jørn. (2009) Status for dialogprosjektet om LNG anlegget i Risavika. Lyse Folkemøte om LNG anlegget i Risavika , Sola 2009-06-09 - 2009-06-09
Popular scientific lectureVatn, Jørn. (2009) Risiko og sårbarhetesanalyser i fbm klimaendringer. Stavanger kommune Klimasamling på Svalbard , Longyearbyen, Svalbard 2009-05-04 - 2009-05-08
Popular scientific lectureVatn, Jørn. (2009) Sesjonsleder: Risikoforståelse, levende og nyttige risikoanalyser. Sikkerhetsdagene Sikkerhestdagene , Trondheim 2009-11-04 - 2009-11-05
InterviewVatn, Jørn; Helliesen, Morten. (2008) Bedre dialog skal gi mer kunnskap. LYSE NYHETSBREV LNG NR. 2 • 2 0 0 8 LYSE NYHETSBREV LNG NR. 2 • 2 0 0 8 [Internet] 2008-04-15
InterviewGrue, Øystein; Vatn, Jørn. (2008) Jernbaneverket er helt i teten. Jernbanemagasinet Jernbanemagasinet [Newspaper] 2008-05-15
InterviewVatn, Jørn; Helliesen, Morten. (2008) De første møtene i dialoggruppene unnagjort, mange spørsmål om LNG-anlegget. LYSE NYHETSBREV LNG NR. 3 • 2 0 0 8 LYSE NYHETSBREV LNG NR. 3 • 2 0 0 8 [Internet] 2008-06-20
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn; Vatn, Gunhild Åm; Sjøberg, Britt-Marie Drottz. (2008) Societal Security – A case study related to an LNG facility. Norges Forskningsråd SAMRISK Conference: Is there a Nordic model for societal security and safety? , Oslo 2008-09-01 - 2008-09-02
Academic lectureUtne, Ingrid Bouwer; Hokstad, Per R.; Kjølle, Gerd; Vatn, Jørn; Tøndel, Inger Anne; Bertelsen, Dag red.. (2008) Risk and Vulnerability Analysis of Critical Infrastructures - The DECRIS Approach. Norwegian Research Council SAMRISK conference , Oslo 2008-09-01 -
Academic lectureLyngby, Narve; Vatn, Jørn. (2008) Dynamic Grouping of Maintenance Activities. ESReDA 34th ESReDA Seminar: Supporting Technologies for Advanced Maintenance , San Sebastian 2008-05-13 - 2008-05-14
InterviewVatn, Jørn; Veland, Bernhard. (2008) Tenne på gassky. Aftenbladet Aftenbladet [Newspaper] 2008-12-09
InterviewGarlid, Hilde; Vatn, Jørn. (2008) Lyse undervurderte informasjonsbehovet. Solabladet Solabladet [Newspaper] 2008-12-04
InterviewVatn, Gunhild Åm; Vatn, Jørn; Aasen, Tone; Ruud, Sara Sægrov. (2008) Lang vei. Nordstrand blad Nordstrand blad [Newspaper] 2008-11-20
Popular scientific lectureVatn, Jørn. (2008) Transport av farlig gods på veg, sjø og bane. Norges Forskningsråd RISIT forskerkonferanse , Oslo 2008-05-29 - 2008-05-30
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2007) Transport av farlig gods på veg, sjø og bane. Forskningsrådet RISIT Forskerkonferanse - 1. og 2. oktober 2007 , Asker 2007-10-01 - 2007-10-02
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2007) Hva er RAMS. Hvordan bruke RAMS-metodikk i vedlikeholdsplanlegging. NJS - Forum for Nordisk Jernbanesamarbeid RAMS seminar , Oslo 2007-04-18 - 2007-04-18
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2006) Hvilken innsikt gir egentlig risikoanalysen?. Sikkerhetsdagene Sikkerhetsdagene 2006 , Trondheim 2006-10-23 - 2006-10-24
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2006) Risiko og risikokommunikasjon. Maritimt Forum , Høgskolen Stord/Haugesund, Norsk petr.forum Undervannsoperasjoner 2006, Sikkerhet 2006, Gass 2006 , Haugesund 2006-08-09 - 2006-08-10
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2006) Procedures for updating test intervals based on experience data. SINTEF 30th ESReDA Seminar , Trondheim 2006-06-07 - 2006-06-08
Academic lectureNjå, Ove; Vatn, Jørn. (2005) Safety information systems related to transport of dangerous goods in Norway. Society for Risk Analysis Europe The 14th SRA Europe Annual Meeting , Como 2005-09-12 - 2005-09-14
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2005) Quantitative risk analysis - Application in the railway maintenance - Norwegian experience. SAMNET (EU prosjekt/nettverk, femte rammeprogram) Workshop on Railway Safety Mangement Systems , Paris 2005-04-08 - 2005-04-08
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2005) Maintenance and renewal optimisation - The need for data collection and research on degradation models. UIC - Internasjonale jernbaneunion Workshop on maintenance and renewal optimisation , Frankfurt 2005-10-12 - 2005-10-12
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2005) Safety culture in networks - Vulnerability assessment of infrastructure and urban systems. University of Exeter Cost C19 - meeting (EU programmer, møteplass) , Exeter 2005-09-07 - 2005-09-09
Academic lectureNjå, Ove; Vatn, Jørn. (2005) Safety information systems related to transport of dangerous goods in Norway. Society of Risk Analysis - Europe, Annual Conference , Como, Italia 2005-09-12 - 2005-09-14
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2005) Risikoanalyse og risikokommunikasjon i kommunal planlegging. NTNU i samarbeid med Vesta Forsikring Sikkerhetsdagene 2005 , Trondheim 2005-10-24 - 2005-10-25
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2003) Risk based approach to determine type of ultrasonic inspection and frequencies in railway applications. World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR) , Edinburgh, Scotland 2003-10-01 -
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn; Steiro, Trygve. (2003) Outsourcing Strategies and Trends - Lessons learned and strategies to succeed. ProM@in workshop on Outsourcing Strategies and Trends , Brussels 2003-10-15 -
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2003) Use of risk acceptance criteria in Norwegian offshore industry. Dilemmas and challenges. ESREL 2003 , Maastrict, nederland 2003-06-18 -
Academic lectureVatn, Jørn. (2003) Cross border railway operations: Building safety at cultural interfaces. First European Conference on rail human factors , York, UK 2003-10-15 -
Academic lectureSægrov, Sveinung; Hansen, Geir; Koenig, Axel; Røstum, Jon; Schilling, Wolfgang; Vatn, Jørn. (2000) Water network management : forecasting network rehabilitation needs by probabilistic methods. 1st World Congress of the International Water Association , Paris, 3 - 7 July 2000