Thea Selliaas Thorsen
Thea Selliaas Thorsen
I am a Professor of Classical Studies, specialized in Greek and Latin literature and their receptions in later times. I did my Master's thesis in Latin at the University of Oslo, which included manuscript studies at the Vatican Library in Rome organized by Fédération internationale des Institutes d'études médievales, from which I hold the diploma DEEM. I received my PhD in Latin at the University of Bergen and during the period of my PhD scholarship I had research stays at the University of Cambridge, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, Centre Glotz-Gernet CNRS and Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. At NTNU I first held a postdoctoral scholarship in Classical Studies funded by The Research Council of Norway, which included one year's research stay at the University of Oxford. I was then appointed Associate Professor and finally promoted to Full Professor of Classical Studies at the Department of Historical and Classical Studies at NTNU in Trondheim, the city which has been the natural home to the classical tradition and erudition in Norway for almost a millennium.
I have published widely on Greek and Roman literature, and issues of classical reception (for full list of publications, see CV). I have contributed to a longstanding debate in Latin scholarship through my book Ovid’s Early Poetry, Cambridge University Press (2014), which deals with the authenticity of Ovid’s epistolary poem Heroides 15 in the context of the mediaeval manuscript transmission, several hundred years of scholarship and the entire output of Ovid’s earlier career, covering around 10,000 verses, the equivalent of Vergil’s epic the Aeneid.
I am the main co-editor (with Dr. Iris Brecke and Prof. Stephen Harrison) of the multi-authored volume Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection, Walter de Gruyter (2021), which investigates poetry as an important vehicle for the idea of (true) love throughout antiquity, thus balancing the focus on sexuality over love and prose over poetry in current scholarship. I am the sole-author of two chapters in this volume.
I am the main co-editor (with Prof. Stephen Harrison) of Roman Receptions of Sappho, Oxford University Press (2019), which is the first volume entirely dedicated to this topic. The volume offers a wide range of readings of the Greek woman poet Sappho through the poetic lens of male Roman authors, such as Catullus, Vergil, Horace, Propertius, Ovid and Martial. Included in this publication is also the most complete collection of Sappho testimonies (c. 600 BCE-CE 1000) to date. I am the sole author of five chapters and the main author of a sixth in this volume.
I have explored how prose resembles and differs from poetry, focussing on the former in the multi-authored volume Dynamics of Ancient Prose, de Gruyter (2018), of which I am main co-editor, also with Prof. Stephen Harrison. The volume deals with the frequently neglected, yet vital genres of biography, the novel and apologetic literature in Greek and Latin of the Roman empire. In this volume, I am the main author of the introduction and the sole-author of one chapter on the rhetorician Fronto's epistolary and philosophical correspondence with the young Marcus Aurelius.
I am the sole-editor of The Cambridge Companion to Latin Love Elegy, Cambridge University Press (2013), which traces the main characteristics of a strongly political genre in the late Roman republic and early empire, as well as the genre’s understudied, widely influential legacy from late antiquity up until today. I am the author of three contributions to this volume.
Initially inspired by my many students who came to Classical Studies partly by way of computer games, my fascination for the surprisingly strong relationship between one of the youngest of the academic disciplines, game studies, and one of the most ancient, Classical Studies, led me to sole-editing the multi-authored volume Greek and Roman Games in the Computer Age (2012), where scholars from a wide variety of disciplines explore abstract as well as applied aspects of an increasingly important field of classical receptions.
Feminist perspectives, gender studies and literary theory are important influences in my research, as seen especially in my doctoral dissertation Scribentis imagines in Ovidian authorship and scholarship (University of Bergen, 2007).
In Norwegian, I have published a collection of fifty essays, exploring concepts of cross time meaning in written documents and literature through five thousand years (Kom ikke uten begjær, 2011). I have contributed as co-author to a textbook on ancient civilization (Antikkens kultur, 2010) and I have published the first translations with scholarly introductions and notes in Norwegian of the love elegies of Ovid (2001, 2002, 2006 and 2009), all in the metrical form of elegiac couplets. I have also published on the reception of classical rhetoric in the first Norwegian history, De antiquitate regum norwagiensium (c. 1170), by Theodoricus, so-called monacus.
I am also a published novelist (Pia Fraus, 2004).
Current research
I am co-leader of the research group The Classical Ages, which has a particular emphasis on antiquity and the 18th century, exploring dynamics of past aesthetic expressions that shape our present. An important part of the research group's mission is to further the development of a unique method informed by recreations.
Over the past years I have been developing research projects about ancient rhetoric and neural systems, as well as about female authority in antiquity.
From 2015-2020 I was the principal investigator of a research project funded through the Research Council of Norway’s Young Research Talents’ scheme, The Heterosexual Tradition of Homoerotic Poetics.
I believe that outreach is vital to academic life. As the academic editor-in-chief, I am very happy to manage, in joint collaboration between NTNU and the Gyldendal publishing house, the long-term book series Kanon, which aims at publishing translations of ‘all’ the classical texts into Norwegian during the next decades (2014–). The project involves the active recruitment of translators who know Greek and Latin.
I am a founding board member of the Classical Resources in School programme (Klassiske ressurser i skolen, 2014–), focusing on the trove that classical disciplines represent in school curricula and promoting the study of Latin in schools; a convenor of the Classics for All day (Klassisk for alle, 2015–), dedicated to outreach activities to pupils and students in particular; the founder and convenor of the Breakspear Lecture (2015–), featuring high profiled academics; and the artistic director of SPOR, a festival for literature with a special focus on translations and the history of ideas.
I am frequently invited as a public speaker, and I feature regularly in local, regional and national media, especially newspapers and radio. I have also been in several TV shows and been the long-term contributor to different shows in the national broadcast radio channel NRK P2 and the weekly, national newspaper Morgenbladet.
Latin language, Classical poetry and prose, ancient civilization, rhetoric and literature.
(e.g. Ant1101, Ant1102, Ant1003, Lat1001, Lat1003, Lat1004, Lat1005, HFEL0004).
Any topic for bachelor and master thesis, especially Greek and Latin poetry, which can be related to the translation project Kanon: Antikken på norsk in cooperation with Gyldendal norsk forlag. Potential PhD students are welcome to discuss topics.
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Klassisk retorikk: Liten introduksjon i hvordan presentere noe på best mulig måte – hver gang!.
Musikk & Historie
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ekte kjærlighet: om forskning, følelser og å forandre verden.
Samtiden. Tidsskrift for politikk, litteratur og samfunnsspørsmål
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
F. K. A. MARTELLI, OVID’S REVISIONS. THE EDITOR AS AUTHOR. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. xii + 260. ISBN 9781107037717. £ 64.99/US$99.00.
Journal of Roman Studies
Book review
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
MOTIFS AND ROLES IN AUGUSTAN POETRY. M. Kimmel Motive und Rollen des Autors in Vergils Eklogen, den Oden des Horaz und den Elegien des Properz. Pp. vi + 231. Münster: Aschendorff, 2014. Paper, €49. ISBN: 978-3-402-13058-2.
The Classical Review
Book review
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kvinneskikkelser i Händels operaer.
Musikk & Historie
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Hvor går kunnskapsfronten i Norge?.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kjønn, kamp og kjærlighet i "nye" og gamle Sapfo-dikt.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Hvor går kunnskapsfronten?.
Feature article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ovid's Early Poetry: From his single Heroides to his Remedia amoris.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic monograph
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Plastic accommodations of female agency: Vergil, Horace and Antipater of Thessalonica.
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
The Cambridge companion to latin love elegy.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ovid the love elegist.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Fjernes med et pennestrøk.
Feature article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Latin som skolefag ødelegges.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Introduction: Latin love elegy.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
The Latin elegiac couplet.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Sappho, Corinna and Colleagues in Ancient Rome. Tatian's Catalogue of Statues (Oratio ad Graecos 33-4) Reconsidered.
Mnemosyne: A Journal of Classical Studies
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Greek and Roman games in the computer age.
Akademika forlag
Trondheim studies in Greek and Latin (-)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kom ikke uten begjær.
Gyldendal Litteratur
Gyldendal Litteratur
Academic monograph
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
In Vino Veritas (om Plinius den eldres Historia naturalis).
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Antikken i popkulturen.
VG : Verdens gang
Interview Journal
Roggen, Vibeke;
Ravnå, Per-Bjarne;
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas;
Sande, Siri.
Antikkens kultur.
Aschehoug & Co
Aschehoug & Co
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
De elskende i Elysium (om Tibulls elegier).
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
FantaSulpicia (om Sulpicias elegier).
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Forskning og følelser (Om Darwin's The emotions in man and animals).
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Clash of the Titans.
VG : Verdens gang
Interview Journal
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Churchill burde ha lest Properts (om Properts' elegier).
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Vakling og veltalenhet. Om Tatian's Tale til grekerne.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Sagging for Perpetua. Om Perpetuas martyrium.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
I skyggen av en kvinne. Om Alkaios.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Professorene i Borudeaux. Om Ausonius' Professores Burdigalenses.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Skurrende kjønn. Om Clemens fra Alexandrias Stromata.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Nei, nei, det er ikke jeg som er meg. Om Catulls dikt.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Mester fra Middelalderen. Paulus Diaconus' Ut queant laxis.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Hanky panky uten for mye prakk! Om Lukians Gudenes samtaler.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Udødelig kjærlighet og diktningens evige nå! Om Ovids Brevvekslinger.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Husmorhorror fra vår nære fortid. Om Margrete Munthes Kom skal vi synge.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kjærligheten overvinner alt. Om Gallus' fragmenter.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Sannheten, post festum. Om Aristoteles' Poetikk.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Alle mennesker er født like. Om Plinius' den yngres Brev.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Dildodialogen. Om Herondas' mimer.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kjære Ovid. Om Ovids eksildiktning.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Jason gjennom ild og vann. Om Apollonios fra Rhodos' Argonautica.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Med hud og hår. Anmeldelse av A. Skres biografi om Ragnhild Jølsen, La meg bli som leoparden.
Book review
Thorsen, Thea.
I skyggen av en kvinne. Om Alkaios' lyrikk.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Fortløpende vitenskapelig kommentarer.
Gyldendal Litteratur
Thorsen, Thea.
Fra fomlende flørt til professor i elskov. Om Ovids Amores - Kjærlighetseventyr og Ars amandi – Kunsten å elske.
Kunst og kultur
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea.
Kjønn og udødelig ry i "ny" Sapfo-papyrus en nøkkel til den romerske resepsjonen av den lesbiske lyrikeren.
Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea.
En kvinnes farskap. Om Selma Lagerlöfs Kejsarn av Portugallien.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Vibratord. Om å få språket til å dirre mellom abstraksjon og emosjon.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Vergils testamente. Om Vergils Bucolica, Georgica og Aeneide.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Gresk grenseløshet. Om Herodots Historier.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Sublim sang og ristede husmus. Om antikkens skrivende kvinner.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Purissimus penis. Om Horats Oder.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Hårreisende herlig. Om Chrètien de Troyes' Philomena.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Blod og bøker. Om de Sades Justine.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Juveler fra Juvenal. Om Juvenals Satirer.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Berøre og gi liv. Om Ovids Heroides - Heltinnebrev og Mona Høvrings Å paradis.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Den utstøtte moren og hennes barn. Om Ragnhild Jølsens Ve's mor.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Europas lærer. Om Quintilians Institutio Oratioria.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Skriving på liv og død. Om Roland Barthes' La mort de l'auteur og S/Z.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Panegyricus. Av Plinius den yngre.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Gledens gåte. Om Hölderlins Sanger i natten.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Da Caesar Gråt. Om Plutark og Svetons Caesar-biografier.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Slikke med tunger av ild. Om Ragnhild Jølsens Efterladte Arbeider.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
SCRIBENTIS IMAGINES in Ovidian Authorship and Scholarship. A Study of the Epistula Sapphus (Heroides 15). Dissertation for the degree doctor artium (dr. art.) University of Bergen, Norway.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Academic monograph
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kunsten å elske.
Prosa - tidsskrift for skribenter
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
[Anmeldelse] Ovid - en mann for vår tid.
Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Forfatteren om Pia Fraus’ Dante.
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Roma Moderna. Klassiske bybilder i Ovids Kunsten å elske.
Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Roma Moderna, klassiske byvandringer i Ovids Kunsten å elske.
Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ovid. Amores -- Kjærlighetseventyr.
Gyldendal Litteratur
Gyldendal Litteratur
Non-fiction book
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ovid: Heroides -- Heltinnebrev.
Gyldendal Litteratur
Gyldendal Litteratur
Non-fiction book
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Porno og elskovskunst.
Reader opinion piece
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Porno eller politikk -- om romersk kjærlighetselegi og Trond Berg Eriksens ville vei til Pompeii.
Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ovid og elegiske epistler.
Klassisk Forum
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Dåpens begynnelse.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Brevet er sjelens bilde.
Lyrikkmagasin / Den norske lyrikklubben
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Gjør døren høy, gjør porten vid - møte med nyutnevnt professor i kvinneteologi Kari Elisabeth Børresen.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Et in Arcadia ego.
Andresen & Butenschøn AS
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
På kurs i Vatikanbiblioteket.
Klassisk Forum
Academic article
Journal publications
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Klassisk retorikk: Liten introduksjon i hvordan presentere noe på best mulig måte – hver gang!.
Musikk & Historie
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ekte kjærlighet: om forskning, følelser og å forandre verden.
Samtiden. Tidsskrift for politikk, litteratur og samfunnsspørsmål
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
F. K. A. MARTELLI, OVID’S REVISIONS. THE EDITOR AS AUTHOR. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. xii + 260. ISBN 9781107037717. £ 64.99/US$99.00.
Journal of Roman Studies
Book review
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
MOTIFS AND ROLES IN AUGUSTAN POETRY. M. Kimmel Motive und Rollen des Autors in Vergils Eklogen, den Oden des Horaz und den Elegien des Properz. Pp. vi + 231. Münster: Aschendorff, 2014. Paper, €49. ISBN: 978-3-402-13058-2.
The Classical Review
Book review
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kvinneskikkelser i Händels operaer.
Musikk & Historie
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Hvor går kunnskapsfronten i Norge?.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Hvor går kunnskapsfronten?.
Feature article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Plastic accommodations of female agency: Vergil, Horace and Antipater of Thessalonica.
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Fjernes med et pennestrøk.
Feature article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Latin som skolefag ødelegges.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Sappho, Corinna and Colleagues in Ancient Rome. Tatian's Catalogue of Statues (Oratio ad Graecos 33-4) Reconsidered.
Mnemosyne: A Journal of Classical Studies
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
In Vino Veritas (om Plinius den eldres Historia naturalis).
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Antikken i popkulturen.
VG : Verdens gang
Interview Journal
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
De elskende i Elysium (om Tibulls elegier).
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
FantaSulpicia (om Sulpicias elegier).
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Forskning og følelser (Om Darwin's The emotions in man and animals).
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Clash of the Titans.
VG : Verdens gang
Interview Journal
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Churchill burde ha lest Properts (om Properts' elegier).
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Vakling og veltalenhet. Om Tatian's Tale til grekerne.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Sagging for Perpetua. Om Perpetuas martyrium.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
I skyggen av en kvinne. Om Alkaios.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Professorene i Borudeaux. Om Ausonius' Professores Burdigalenses.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Skurrende kjønn. Om Clemens fra Alexandrias Stromata.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Nei, nei, det er ikke jeg som er meg. Om Catulls dikt.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Mester fra Middelalderen. Paulus Diaconus' Ut queant laxis.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Hanky panky uten for mye prakk! Om Lukians Gudenes samtaler.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Udødelig kjærlighet og diktningens evige nå! Om Ovids Brevvekslinger.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Husmorhorror fra vår nære fortid. Om Margrete Munthes Kom skal vi synge.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kjærligheten overvinner alt. Om Gallus' fragmenter.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Sannheten, post festum. Om Aristoteles' Poetikk.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Alle mennesker er født like. Om Plinius' den yngres Brev.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Dildodialogen. Om Herondas' mimer.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kjære Ovid. Om Ovids eksildiktning.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Jason gjennom ild og vann. Om Apollonios fra Rhodos' Argonautica.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Med hud og hår. Anmeldelse av A. Skres biografi om Ragnhild Jølsen, La meg bli som leoparden.
Book review
Thorsen, Thea.
I skyggen av en kvinne. Om Alkaios' lyrikk.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Fra fomlende flørt til professor i elskov. Om Ovids Amores - Kjærlighetseventyr og Ars amandi – Kunsten å elske.
Kunst og kultur
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea.
Kjønn og udødelig ry i "ny" Sapfo-papyrus en nøkkel til den romerske resepsjonen av den lesbiske lyrikeren.
Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea.
En kvinnes farskap. Om Selma Lagerlöfs Kejsarn av Portugallien.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Vibratord. Om å få språket til å dirre mellom abstraksjon og emosjon.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Vergils testamente. Om Vergils Bucolica, Georgica og Aeneide.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Gresk grenseløshet. Om Herodots Historier.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Sublim sang og ristede husmus. Om antikkens skrivende kvinner.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Purissimus penis. Om Horats Oder.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Hårreisende herlig. Om Chrètien de Troyes' Philomena.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Blod og bøker. Om de Sades Justine.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Juveler fra Juvenal. Om Juvenals Satirer.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Berøre og gi liv. Om Ovids Heroides - Heltinnebrev og Mona Høvrings Å paradis.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Den utstøtte moren og hennes barn. Om Ragnhild Jølsens Ve's mor.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Europas lærer. Om Quintilians Institutio Oratioria.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Skriving på liv og død. Om Roland Barthes' La mort de l'auteur og S/Z.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Panegyricus. Av Plinius den yngre.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Gledens gåte. Om Hölderlins Sanger i natten.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Da Caesar Gråt. Om Plutark og Svetons Caesar-biografier.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea.
Slikke med tunger av ild. Om Ragnhild Jølsens Efterladte Arbeider.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kunsten å elske.
Prosa - tidsskrift for skribenter
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
[Anmeldelse] Ovid - en mann for vår tid.
Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Forfatteren om Pia Fraus’ Dante.
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Roma Moderna. Klassiske bybilder i Ovids Kunsten å elske.
Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Roma Moderna, klassiske byvandringer i Ovids Kunsten å elske.
Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Porno og elskovskunst.
Reader opinion piece
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Porno eller politikk -- om romersk kjærlighetselegi og Trond Berg Eriksens ville vei til Pompeii.
Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ovid og elegiske epistler.
Klassisk Forum
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Dåpens begynnelse.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Brevet er sjelens bilde.
Lyrikkmagasin / Den norske lyrikklubben
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Gjør døren høy, gjør porten vid - møte med nyutnevnt professor i kvinneteologi Kari Elisabeth Børresen.
Popular scientific article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
På kurs i Vatikanbiblioteket.
Klassisk Forum
Academic article
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ovid's Early Poetry: From his single Heroides to his Remedia amoris.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic monograph
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
The Cambridge companion to latin love elegy.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Greek and Roman games in the computer age.
Akademika forlag
Trondheim studies in Greek and Latin (-)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kom ikke uten begjær.
Gyldendal Litteratur
Gyldendal Litteratur
Academic monograph
Roggen, Vibeke;
Ravnå, Per-Bjarne;
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas;
Sande, Siri.
Antikkens kultur.
Aschehoug & Co
Aschehoug & Co
Thorsen, Thea.
SCRIBENTIS IMAGINES in Ovidian Authorship and Scholarship. A Study of the Epistula Sapphus (Heroides 15). Dissertation for the degree doctor artium (dr. art.) University of Bergen, Norway.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Academic monograph
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ovid. Amores -- Kjærlighetseventyr.
Gyldendal Litteratur
Gyldendal Litteratur
Non-fiction book
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ovid: Heroides -- Heltinnebrev.
Gyldendal Litteratur
Gyldendal Litteratur
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Kjønn, kamp og kjærlighet i "nye" og gamle Sapfo-dikt.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Ovid the love elegist.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Introduction: Latin love elegy.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
The Latin elegiac couplet.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Fortløpende vitenskapelig kommentarer.
Gyldendal Litteratur
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas.
Et in Arcadia ego.
Andresen & Butenschøn AS
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- LAT1001 - Introductory Course in Latin
- HFEL0004 - Rhetoric
- ANT1003 - Classical Rhetoric
- ANT1102 - Ancient Literature
- ANT1101 - Ancient History
- ANT1104 - Ancient Religion and Mythology
- KLAS3105 - Literature 2
- GRE1101 - Introductory Course in Greek
- KLAS2000 - Bachelor's Thesis in Classical Studies
- KLAS2010 - Bachelor's thesis and internship
- KLAS2101 - Classical specialization
- KLAS2002 - The Medieval Age in European Literature
- KLAS3000 - Master's Thesis in Classical Studies
- KLAS2001 - European Literature in Antiquity
- KLAS3100 - Literature 1
- LAT1005 - Text Course IV in Latin: Classical Poetry
- LAT1004 - Text Course III in Latin: Ancient prose II
- LAT1003 - Text Course II in Latin: Antique Prose I
- LAT1002 - Text Course I in Latin: Medieval Latin
- LAT1006 - Latin Prose Composition