
Research projects funded by NTNU Health. The projects work in interdisciplinary teams with participants from several faculties at NTNU, trying to solve health challenges through scientific collaboration.
Research area: Health promotion, prevention and empowerment
- Exergaming for active healthy ageing and rehabilitation
- Urban environments to increase health and well-being
- Physical activity behaviour and sleep
- Caregiving and literature as remedium
Research area: Diagnostics and therapy
- Model based, noninvasive diagnosis of coronary artery disease with 3D ultrasound and CT
- DrugLogics: Rational development of anti-cancer drug combinations
- Inhibition of bacterial mutagenesis and attacking new antibacterial targets with novel peptides and small molecules
- Computational sepsis mining and modelling
- In-Motion: Early diagnosis of cerebral palsy
- Tailored alginate hydrogel microbeads: Reducing immune responses that hamper their use in cell therapy
- Biomedical engineering platform for cardio exosomes
- Machine learning to tailor treatments in mental health
- Prostate cancer - Personalized medicine powered by MRI and AI
- Personalized treatment of small-cell lung cancer
Research area: ICT-systems, welfare technology and organization of health services
- Hospital architecture
- Health inequalities and technology
- Logistics structure and control of Norwegian healthcare logistics
- Improved patient flow and resource utilisation at St. Olavs hospital
- Platforms for healthcare and welfare services in municipalities
- New Public Management in healthcare
- Configuration of patient data
- Coordination and resource allocation in complex health systems, the case of multimorbid patients
Popular science projects
- Kriser i kø: Er det bistandspenger eller ny teknologi som skal redde verden? (Arendalsuka 17.08.2022)
NTNU Kveld
- Et helsevesen som holder på å rakne. Hva gjør vi nå? (live 28.02.2023 på Dokkhuset, Trondheim)
- Har vi sviktet de unge? Barn og unges psykiske helse i dag (live 15.11.2022 på Dokkhuset, Trondheim)
PhD Comics
Instruksjonsvideo (in Norwegian only)
Litt lurere: Korte svar på viktige spørsmål om helse
Hvordan har du det? / How are you?
Samarbeidsprosjekt om folkehelse og scenekunst / Collaboration on public health and performing arts
Samarbeidspartnere / Collaborators: Sir Grand Lear, NTNU, Folkehelsealliansen i Trøndelag, Røde Kors, Studentsamskipnaden, Kirkens Bymisjon, Trondheim kommune, Nord Universitet og Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for kultur, helse og omsorg.
Prosjekt 2021 / Project 2021
Fem temporære kunstverk, fem ulike steder i Midtbyen, Trondheim / Five temporary art works, five different public spaces in Midtbyen, Trondheim

Utstilling / Exhibition: The Micro Challenge
Et samarbeid mellom NTNU Helse og Trondheim kunstmuseum i forbindelse med vitenskapsfestivalen The Big Challenge i 2019 / A collaboration between NTNU Health and Trondheim kunstmuseum at the science festival The Big Challenge in 2019.
NTNU Kveld
Video from NTNU Kveld (Norwegian):
Et helsevesen som holder på å rakne. Hva gjør vi nå?
Arrangert av NTNU Kveld og NTNU Helse 28. februar 2023.