Shooting for mastery

Research – Department of Teacher Education

Shooting for mastery

Shooting training for pupils with concentration difficulties - evaluation of a measure in school 
The research project is carried out on behalf of and financed by Rennebu municipality and is linked to the initiative "shooting for mastery", which is a teaching program at Berkåk school and Rennebu secondary school in Rennebu municipality, school year 2016–2017. The initiative "Shooting for mastering" is based on the Danish project "FOCUS - calmness and concentration through, shooting sports". In Denmark, FOKUS has been running since 2012, and 462 children between the ages of 6 and 18 have participated in the period 2012-2015. Rennebu municipality started "shooting for mastery" in August 2014. Experiences from both the Danish FOKUS and the initiative in Rennebu provide grounds for assuming that shooting training can have a positive impact on children with concentration difficulties, ADHD or ADHD-related challenges. Based on this, Rennebu municipality has invited NTNU to a collaboration where researchers will examine the importance of participation in the initiative "shooting for mastery" for children with concentration difficulties, ADHD or ADHD-related challenges.

Five research questions

What is the significance of participation in "shooting for mastery" for:

  1. the children's concentration, inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity (ADHD core symptoms)? 
  2. The children’s emotional, social and behavioral development? 
  3. the children's well-being and quality of life? 
  4. children's self-efficacy? 
  5. children's school performance?