Business networks

Business networks

A number of business networks (known as «Næringslivsringer» in Norwegian) are available through faculties, departments and programmes of study at NTNU.

The main purpose of these forums for collaboration is to involve partners in business, industry and government administration in fruitful cooperation to strengthen the educational activities at the university.

Activities in business collaboration are typically aimed at strengthening recruitment, improving students’ completion rates and ensuring that graduates enter working life with an education that is as relevant as possible.

Strong involvement of professional associations and «locomotive» companies in the respective sectors is often a characteristic, aimed at ensuring adequate continuity over time.

The business networks are typically established as projects at faculty level with equal Board representation of business and NTNU stakeholders. Students are well represented in both boards and day-to-day operations. The boards meet 2-4 times per year and member organizations participate in specific activities, as well as in various shared events.

The business networks at NTNU

The business networks at NTNU

A list of business networks active at NTNU today. All web pages are in Norwegian.

Næringslivsringen – The Business Network: At the Civil and Environmental Engineering programme of study. Established in 1999.

Samarbeidsforum – Forum for Industrial Cooperation: At the Faculty of Natural Sciences (NV). Established in 2000.

Bergringen ­- The Mining and Quarrying Circle: At the Department of Geoscience and Petroleum (IGP). Established in 2001.

EnergiKontakten – The Energy Contact: At Energy and Environment studies. Established in 2003.

Samarbeidsforum Marin – The forum for Industrial Cooperation in the Marine Sector: At the Marine Technology programme of study. Established in 2005.

Nettverket Elektronikk og Kybernetikk – The Electronics and Cybernetics network: At the the Department of Electronic Systems (IES) and the Department of Engineering Cybernetics (ITK). Established in 2011.

Industrivinduet – The Industrial Window: At the Department of Computer Science (IDI) and the Department of Electronic Systems (IES). Established in 2012.



Pro-Rector for Innovation

Pro-Rector for Innovation Toril A. Nagelhus Hernes leads NTNU’s efforts to promote innovation, and is responsible for maintaining strategic collaborative relationships with businesses and industry on a regional national and international level. 

Vice-Rector in Gjøvik 

Vice-Rector in Gjøvik Gro Kvanli Dæhlin represent and position NTNU as an institution for regional working life.

Vice-Rector in Ålesund

Vice-Rector in Ålesund Anne-Lise Sagen Major represent and position NTNU as an institution for regional working life.

See also

See also

NTNU’s entrepreneurship ecosystem

NTNU is partner in several cluster collaborations

In addition to the business networks («næringslivsringer»), a great deal of the collaboration takes place between the academic environments and individual players, as well as through the research centres in which NTNU is involved