Centres at NTNU
Centres at NTNU
NTNU has a number of different centres associated with different affiliation. The list provides an overview of the largest centres:
Centre schemes funded by The Research Council of Norway
- Centre of Excellence
- Centre for Research-based Innovation
- Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research
Research centres hosted by NTNU
- CCIS – Center for Cyber and Information Security
- Center for Health Promotion Research
- Centre for Digital Life Norway
- CHAIN – Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research
- ECCSEL ERIC – The European CCUS Research Infrastructure
- Green2050 - Centre for Green Shift in the Built Environment
- NorwAI Norwegian Research Center for AI Innovation
- Norwegian Centre for Headache Research – NorHead
- NTNU VISTA CAROS – Centre for Autonomous Robotics Operations Subsea
- Project Norway (in Norwegian)
- The Hunt Study – a longitudinal population health study in Norway
- The K.G. Jebsen Centres
Centres for Excellence in Higher Education
NTNU, SINTEF, University of Oslo and St. Olavs Hospital
Centres funded by The Norwegian Directorate of Health
- Nasjonalt kompetansemiljø om utviklingshemming (NAKU)
- Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid (NAPHA)
- Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare – Central Norway
- Centre for Care Research