The Board of NTNU

Center: Malin Høgsand Leirvåg, Chairman Remi Eriksen, Ingrid Bouwer Utne, Nina Refseth
Front: Rector Tor Grande, Kim Rainer Mattson, Bente Stallknecht, Aksel Tjora
The Board of NTNU
1 August 2021 – 31 July 2025
The Board is the highest governing body at NTNU and makes decisions on issues of principal importance. The Board is responsible for activities at the university and for ensuring that the university operates within the framework and guidelines stipulated by the Ministry of Education and Research, and the Storting (the Norwegian parliament). The Board decides the strategies, objectives and expected results from NTNU. It also presents the accounts, financial statements and budget proposals. The Board appoints the Rector.
As the head of academic and administrative activities at NTNU, the Rector reports to the Board and represents NTNU on a day-to-day basis. The Rector is responsible for communications between the Board and the outside world regarding decisions passed by the Board.
Externally elected members
Members elected from NTNU
Members representing scientific staff
Member representing temporary scientific staff
- Kim Rainer Mattson (18.10.2024-01.05.2025)
- Grace Katharine Forster (01.08.2024-31.07.2025)(Leave18.10.2024-01.05.2024)
Member representing administrative and technical staff
Members representing students
- Malin Høgsand Leirvåg (01.08.2024-31.07.2025)
- Odd Arne Fosse (01.08.2024-31.07.2025)
Deputy members
Deputy members for externally elected members
- Marius Værdal
- Jill Heidi Eklund Akselsen
Deputy members for scientific staff representatives
Deputy member for temporary scientific staff representative
- Anita Solem (18.10.2024-01.05.2025)
Deputy member for administrative and technical staff representative
Deputy members for student representatives
- Jonas Henrik Wienche Grøgaard (01.08.2024-31.07.2025)
- Gina Kristina Steen Aarheim (01.08.2024-31.07.2025)
Board meetings dates, agenda and recordings
Board meeting dates and agendas (Norw. only)
Recordings of Board meetings available for students and employees via login (videoes texted in English)
Contact person
Kirsti Klokkerhaug,
board secretary
Phone: (+47) 73 55 90 69