
Department of Structural Engineering


Bildekarusell studier

  • Students 3D-printing

  • Students working on big pipe

  • students working on a model of a bridge

  • students working on a big pipe

Studies at Department of Structural Engineering

The Department of Structural Engineering teaches all the fundamental courses in solid state mechanics for engineering programmes at NTNU. Further teaching is tied to these particular degree programmes:

Master's study programmes

Bachelor study programmes


The deparment is particularly involved in the following specializations:

See also a list of all advanced engineering degrees at the Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology.


PhD Study

PhD Study

A PhD degree is the highest level of formalized education in Norway. Our goal is to make you an expert in your field and the PhD-study will normally be carried out in ongoing research projects at the department.

A PhD study is typically financed by a research fellowship. Information about available positions is always published at

General information, handbooks, applicable rules of admission, as well as forms, can be found on the doctoral programme pages at the Faculty of Engineering.

Read more about the PhD-programme