Training School 2017 - Populist Political Communication in Europe
Training School 2017
Training School 2017
Disentangling populism: Reception and effects of populist communication
Bucharest, Romania, 8-12 May 2017
The Training School on Disentangling populism: Reception and effects of populist communication aims to explore the intricacies of populist communication in light of the challenges that the rise of populism throughout Europe poses to mainstream understandings of democracy. While a great deal of scholarly attention has been directed at the study of populist politics and ideology, less systematic preoccupation has been shown for research on the communication practices used by populist parties and politicians, on the complex relationship between populism and the media and, not ultimately, on the effects that populist discourse might have on citizens in terms of mobilizing them and, possibly, engaging their support for populist parties and actors.
As a part of the COST Action IS1308 Populist Political Communication in Europe, this Training School seeks to further advance theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field of populism research, particularly with respect to reception and effects of populism communication. The School targets mainly young researchers across Europe (PhD students, post-docs, Early Stage Researchers), interested in intensive training in populist-related topics and research methodologies.
- Programme for the TS in Bucharest
- How to get around while in Bucharest during the TS
- Call for papers
Applications should be sent before February 1, 2017