
KlimaDidakt is a dissemination project that aims at communicating knowledge about research related to climate change, consequences and possible solutions to young people.
Target groups are lower and upper secondary school students and teachers in Science. Climate-related topics has got a considerable please in the new school curricula, facing teachers with major challenges in this complex field. Furthermore, KlimaDidakt aims at familiarizing young students with aspects of the nature of science in letting them meet researchers in natural science and learn about how their research is carried out.
In the project, we develop projects for students where they communicate with the researchers. For example, students investigate what can be gained by use of solar cells in their home town or village, based on authentic data on local sun conditions and today’s solar cells. They develop ideas for the placement of solar cells, and present and discuss with the researcher. They also learn about what challenges researchers are facing in developing third generation solar cells. This way, KlimaDidakt aims at showing students that they can contribute to solving problems related to climate change by choosing a career in science and technology.
We also organize digital teacher courses in subject content relevant for climate change, and about the nature of science and how researchers work.
KlimaDidakt has financial support as dissemination project from the Research Council of Norway (0,5 mill NKr 2022–2024), and is a collaboration between Department of Physics, NTNU, Department of Biology, NTNU, CICERO (Center for international climate research), and the Norwegian Center for Science Education at University of Oslo.

Berit Bungum (project leader, NTNU)
Turid Reenaas (NTNU)
Irja Ida Ratikainen (NTNU)
Kari Alterskjær (CICERO)
Berit Reitan (The Norwegian Center for Science Education)
Ingeborg Berg (NTNU)