
MATV2001 - Food Chemistry 2


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: School exam
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
School exam 100/100 4 hours D

Course content

  • Melting and crystallization properties of lipids
  • Hydrolytic and oxidative rancidity, antioxidants
  • Emulsification and emulsifiers
  • Fractionation and esterification
  • Oxidative and non-oxidative browning reactions
  • Polysaccharides, their structures and properties in food
  • Thickeners of carbohydrates and proteins
  • Functional properties of proteins
  • Proteins in different food categories
  • Denaturation of proteins
  • Water, its properties and significance in food. Drinking water
  • Colours (carotenoids, chlorophylls, betalaines, anthocyanins, melanins, myoglobin, synthetic colourants and more), their structures and stability in food and beverages
  • Essential tastes and odours in food and beverages

Learning outcome

After completing the course, the candidate is expected to have the following learning outcomes regarding:


  • The candidate has knowledge of lipids and the process related factors that influence lipid stability (K1).
  • The candidate has knowledge of carbohydrates and their functions in food chemical processes (K2).
  • The candidate has knowledge of proteins and their functions in food chemistry processes (K3).
  • The candidate has knowledge of the water's properties and significance in food (K4).
  • The candidate has knowledge of different colours, their structures and stability in food and beverages (K5).
  • The candidate har knowledge of essential tastes and odours in food and beverages (K6).


  • The candidate has practical experience with measuring rancidity parameters (S1).
  • The candidate has practical experience with browning reactions in food (S2).
  • The candidate has practical experience with analysing taste components by HPLC (S3).
  • The candidate has practical experience in using technical equipment for measuring different drinking water quality parameters (S4).
  • The candidate can apply the theoretical knowledge obtained to assess practical processes in food technology (S5).
  • The candidate can find relevant chemicals in the digital substance register as well as use and dispose of chemicals in accordance with safety data sheets (S6).
  • The candidate can make HSE assessments and work safely in the laboratory (S7).


  • The candidate has a chemical understanding of process related changes in the product's properties (G1).
  • The candidate can explain the functional properties of water and the macro-components carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in foods (G2).
  • The candidate can use gained knowledge of food processes to make adequate choices for how to process raw materials, produce and store food in the best possible way to minimize food waste (G3).
  • The candidate can use digital tools to elucidate and solve food technology problems (G4).

Learning methods and activities

Lectures (60 h), guided theoretical exercises (24 h) compulsory laboratory exercises (20 t) and self-study (100 h including preparation for lab and report writing).

Compulsory assignments

  • Theory exercises, 4 of 6 must be approved
  • Lab exercises

Further on evaluation

  • Compulsory work requirements: 4 of 6 theoretical exercises and 4 of 4 laboratory exercises must be approved to gain admission to the exam.
  • If compulsory work requirements have been passed, the candidate do not have to do the requirements over again at new or postponed exam.
  • New/postponed exam: May/June. In the event of a postponed examination, the written examination may be changed to an oral examination.
  • In the case of applications for crediting and approving of courses from previous cohorts or other institutions with corresponding education programs, each application will be processed individually, and the applicant must be aware that credit reduction on overlapping subjects most likely will happen.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Food Science, Technology and Sustainability (MTMAT)

Required previous knowledge

Study rights requirements. Admission to the course requires admission to the study program Bachelor in Food Science, Technology and Sustainability at NTNU, Trondheim. Other students may be admitted depending on course capacity.

Course materials

Coultate T (2016) Food - The Chemistry of its Component, Royal Society of Chemistry, 6th ed. ISBN: 978-1-84973-880-4

Articles handed out via Blackboard

Credit reductions

Course code Reduction From To
TMAT1009 2.5 AUTUMN 2020
TMAT1007 2.0 AUTUMN 2020
TBT4125 3.7 AUTUMN 2024
More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Intermediate course, level II


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Food Subjects
Contact information
Course coordinator: Lecturer(s):

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Biotechnology and Food Science


Examination arrangement: School exam

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Autumn ORD School exam 100/100 D 2024-12-04 15:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
SL311 orange sone Sluppenvegen 14 29
SL310 lilla sone Sluppenvegen 14 4
SL271 Sluppenvegen 14 1
SL319 Sluppenvegen 14 1
Spring UTS School exam 100/100 D 2025-06-02 15:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
SL111 lyseblå sone Sluppenvegen 14 7
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU