FAQ - International master's programmes - application
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for international master's programmes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for international master's programmes
General information for prospective master's degree students at NTNU.
Not the information you were looking for? Consult our other FAQs here.
Questions about the final application process
Application process - International Master's Degrees (NTNU)
Deadlines | Non-EU applicants | EU/EEA applicants | Norwegian applicants and applicants from other Nordic countries |
Main application deadline | 1 December | 1 March | 15 April |
Sending of answers to applications | TBA | TBA | TBA |
These deadlines are not applicable to Erasmus Mundus or Joint Nordic degrees.
Do all my documents have to be uploaded by the application deadline?
Yes, all required documents must be uploaded by the deadline. We can't guarantee we have capacity to process documents submitted after the given deadline.
Provisional certificates might be considered if you attach a statement from your university confirming when your bachelor's degree will be issued.
When do I send hard copies of my documentation?
All documents should be uploaded in your online application. If you have a degree from one of the countries where we require transcripts to be sent directly from your university, you have to ask your educational institution to send them to us directly. This type of documentation must also be received within the documentation deadline.
Am I eligible / Do I meet the academic requirements?
Unfortunately, NTNU cannot assess your academic background or qualifications prior to the application process. To see if you are eligible, please check the admission requirements on the web page of the study programme you are interested in. If you are unsure, please apply for admission, as your educational background will be assessed as part of the admission process.
Motivation, recommendation, portfolio and CV
Motivation, portfolio and CV
Should I provide a motivation letter?
No, we do not require a motivation letter.
Should I provide a CV? Is there a required format?
Yes, please submit a CV. There is no particular format/layout.
Should I provide a portfolio when applying for an architecture programme?
No, we do not require a portfolio for architecture programmes.
Is a portfolio necessary to apply to the Master of Fine Art?
Yes, you must submit a portfolio. The deadline for all applicants to upload a Visual Arts Portfolio and supporting material is 1 March 2025. Please follow the guidelines in the Application Procedures section of KiT.
Language requirements
English language requirements
Do you accept institutional TOEFL tests?
No, we do not.
What is NTNU's TOEFL Department Code?
NTNU's department code is 9652.
What is the validity of my English language test?
English tests must be no more than two years old at the time of the application deadline. This means that tests taken before 1 December two years prior to your application will not be accepted. The only exception is the Cambridge tests.
Is any proficency in Norwegian required for International master's degree?
No. You only need to be proficient in Norwegian if you are applying for a degree taught in Norwegian.
See the English language requirements section for more information.
Transcripts, records, diplomas
Transcripts, records, diplomas
Must I send the certificate from my higher secondary school?
Yes, we require you to upload secondary education certificates and diploma.
Does secondary education from Pakistan or China need to be verified by HEC/CSSD?
No, just your university education. Please note that education in progress must also be verified by HEC/CSSD, i.e. if you have not graduated yet.
Should I convert my GPA to the ECTS-scale?
No, you should not convert your grades. Please just write your GPA according to the grading scale used at your university. We will make the necessary conversion when we start going through the applications.
Should I provide CSSD verification of my higer education from China in both English and Chinese?
We only need a CSSD verification of the English version of your transcript and diploma.
What is the minimum GPA score NTNU accepts?
Most master's degree programmes require an average grade of C or better on the ECTS scale as a minimum requirement for admission. NTNU converts GPAs for education from other countries than Norway, and applicants are ranked based on this assessment. We do not have the capacity to assess your grade average before you apply.
Passport and personal information
Passport and personal information
Can I send to you a copy of my national card instead of my passport?
Yes, a copy of a valid national ID card is acceptable if you do not yet have a passport. You should then apply for a passport as soon as possible and upload a copy of this to the application portal as soon as you get it. Obtaining a passport can take some time, and you will need one to be able to apply for a visa to Norway, which also needs processing time.
Tuition fees
Tuition fees
Tuition fees will be charged to international students with citizenship from outside the EU/EEA or Switzerland.
NTNU does not offer any scholarships that cover tuition fees.
For more information please visit NTNU's web page about the tuition fees.
How do I provide documentation if I have a private sponsor?
You have to submit a letter from your sponsor, confirming that he/she will be your sponsor for the required amount of money. Also upload a bank statement showing the amount.
How do I provide documentation that I will finance myself?
You must submit a bank statement, showing that you have at least the required amount in your account. A statement from a fixed deposit account is ok, and it is also ok to submit statements from several accounts. Please note that if you are partly funded by a sponsor and upload a statement from an account not in your own, this must be accompanied by a letter signed by your sponsor, confirming his/her willingness to finance your studies in Norway. The bank statement must be in English
Can I document financing in my home currency?
Yes, any currency is fine. Please check amount yourself by means of a currency coverter or ask your bank for assistance. Keep in mind that exchange rates vary, and you might have less when the time comes to tranfer the whole amount in NOK to NTNU.
How old can the bank statement for documenting financing be?
The statement should be no older than 3 months at the time of applying.
Can I upload a bank statement from any kind of account?
Yes, you can. As long as the bank statement shows that you or your sponsor has the required amount available, it does not matter what kind of bank or account is is from. Value papers and bonds are also acceptable.
Does my money have to stay in my account from the moment i apply until I am accepted?
No, but please keep in mind that if you are accepted, you will have to transfer the whole amount into NTNU's deposit account in order to be eligible or a student visa.
Can I submit my bank statement after I am accepted?
No, documentation of financing is an admission requirement and must be uploaded to your application before the deadline.
As the master's degree programme lasts for two years, do I need to document financing for two years?
You need to document financing for one year. However, you will only get a residence permit for one year, and this must be renewed for the second year. With your application for renewal, you will have to show documentation of financing again.
Does NTNU offer any scholarships?
NTNU does not offer any scholarships.
See the section on financing for more information.
I have been accepted, now what?
I have been accepted, now what?
What is NTNU's organization number?
What is the name of the Norwegian bank where I should transfer money when I apply for a visa?
The name of the bank is DNB NOR, NO-0021 OSLO
Can I defer my admission until next year?
No, you cannot. If you for some reason do not accept your offer, you must apply again next year. Please inform us as soon as possible if you decide not to accept.
When do I get a reply confirmation that you have received the deposit money I transferred?
It usually takes between 7-14 days for international transfers to come through, sometimes longer. NTNU will send you a confirmation as soon as the money is in our account.
Is it possible to have someone else transfer money for me?
Yes, someone else can transfer this money for you; however, it needs to be clear from the transfer which student the transfer is intended for – the student's name will need to be clearly stated.
How do I apply for a visa/ residence permit? What do I do about applying for visa/ residence permit?
Applicants who have received a place on a master's programme will be sent a separate email with information about how to apply for a visa, as well as other practical matters.
May I bring my wife/ husband and children with me?
For information regarding family immigration, please visit UDI's web page. Please note that we only offer single rooms for admitted students. If you plan to bring your family you must arrange for accommodation on your own.
kindly.ai (jira II-3403 / NTNU0828537)
Krysspublisert! IKKE rør! Application deadlines
Application deadlines
Non-EU/non-EEA students:
1 December 2024
EU/EEA/Swiss students:
1 March 2025
(Possible to apply from 1 February 2025)
Norwegian/Nordic students:
15 April 2025
Joint Nordic Master's Application
Joint Nordic Master's Application
Nordic Five Tech
15 January
How to apply
Please consult your study programme
Contact NTNU
Contact NTNU
Exchange students:
E-mail: exchange@st.ntnu.no
If you are inquiring about an application or registration, please take care to sign your full name in the email so we can locate you in our systems.
Visiting address: Dragvoll Gård, Våningshuset, 7049 Trondheim, Norway
Student drop-in:
Students with questions may stop by our office at Dragvoll Gård during our drop-in opening hours:
Opening hours for drop-in:
Tuesday | 13:00-14:30 |
Friday | 09:30-11:30 |
Master's degree applicants:
- Questions about application, criteria and documents:
- Questions about visa, financing and immigration formalia:
Joint degree students (Erasmus Mundus, Nordic5Tech):
Questions about housing: housing@st.ntnu.no
Visiting address: Office G211 & G209 Teknologivegen 22, 2815 Gjøvik, Norway
Postal address: P.O. box 191, 2802 Gjøvik, Norway
Exchange students: international@gjovik.ntnu.no
Master’s degree applicants:
- Questions about application, criteria and documents: admissions-master@sa.ntnu.no
- Questions about visa, financing and immigration formalia: immigration-QA@st.ntnu.no
- Questions about housing: housing@st.ntnu.no
Visiting address: K-building, office numbers KP-245 and KP-246, Larsgårdsvegen 2, 6009 Ålesund
Postal address: P.O. Box 1517, 6025 Ålesund, Norway
Exchange students:
Master’s degree applicants:
- Questions about application, criteria and documents: admissions-master@sa.ntnu.no
- Questions about visa, financing and immigration formalia: immigration-QA@st.ntnu.no
- Questions about housing: housing@st.ntnu.no
Tuition fees
Tuition fees will be charged to international students with citizenchip from outside the EU/EEA or Switzerland.
NTNU does not offer any scholarships that cover tuition fees.