Prognostic and Condition Based Maintenance (PhD)

Prognostic and Condition Based Maintenance (PhD)

The objective of this project is to develop a mathematical and algorithmic framework to optimize
the maintenance, inspection and reconfigurations of subsea systems. Optimization may concern the design phase (the number and locations of spare units and sensors to monitor degradation processes) and the operation phase (the number and the frequency of maintenance operations, the maintenance/reconfiguration decisions made during these operations given degradation indicators at hand).

During the first year, a theoretical framework to build generic models is investigated. This framework
relies on:

  • Stochastic processes and new modelling methods for degradation and maintenance
  • High level modelling languages to address complex systems and integrate different models
  • Optimization techniques.

During the second phase of the project we will have access to a database (off-shore subsea systems) provided by Statoil in order to improve the use of condition monitoring for decision making in operation.