What is an SFI?

What is an SFI?

SUBPRO is an SFI, Senter for Forskningdrevet Innovasjon / Centre for Research-based Innovation, which are supported by the Research Council of Norway. The SFI scheme promotes innovation by supporting long-term research through close cooperation between R&D intensive companies and prominent research institutions. 

The purpose of the SFIs is to build up and strengthen Norwegian research groups that work in close collaboration with partners from innovative industry and innovative public enterprises.

Host institution and partners

The host institution for a centre can be a university, a university college or a research institute, or an enterprise with a strong research activity. The host institution should have a strong reputation within the disciplines or industrial areas the centre addresses. The host institution's administration must make a declaration of intent stating that it will undertake the obligations entailed by hosting, and explain how the SFI's research will fit into the host institution's research strategy.

The partners (enterprises, public organisations and other research institutions) must contribute to the centre in the form of funding, facilities, competence and their own efforts throughout the life cycle of the centre. User partners must point out the commercial potential they envisage resulting from the centre's activities.


SFI Characteristics

  • High potential for innovation and value creation
  • Active cooperation between innovative companies and
    prominent research groups
  • High scientific quality of research 
  • Bridgehead for international cooperation
  • Recruitment of talented researchers



Centre DirectorSigurd Skogestad. Photo: Thor Nilsen
Sigurd Skogestad

E-mail: skoge@ntnu.no



Contact other people at SUBPRO


SUBPRO is Centre for research-based innovation (SFI)