News - NTNU Sustainability
- NTNU Sustainability - Home
- Narrating Sustainability
- About NTNU Sustainability
- Institutional framework
- Sustainable urban and regional development
- Biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Environmental and sustainability assessments
- ICT as an enabling technology
- Ethical perspectives
- Sustainable design and business models
- Land use
- Pilot projects
- News & Documents
- Activities
- Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency
- Circular City
- Combining skills to identify the «Sweet Spot» to solve marine plastic pollution in Norway
- Sustainable hydropower development and reservoir management as an enabler of the renewable energy transition and an accelerator to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SusHydro)
- Nature-based solutions for land use transitions towards more sustainable societies
- MAPLE – Marine Plastic Pollution: Environmental Impact and life cycle scenarios
- Sustainability research (SusRes)
- Triple Deep – The Deep Dilemmas: Deep Sea Mining for the new Deep Transition
- HolE-LIB – Developing a Holistic Ecosystem for Sustainable Repurposing and/or Recycling of Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs) in Norway and the EU
- Sustainable digital transformations (SustainDiT)
- Interdisciplinary cooperation for Sustainability
- Sustainable Built Environments for better Health and WELL-being (SWELL)
Skal gi bærekraftig industri
14 Jan 2016
NTNU Sustainability banner
News & documents
News & documents
Kunnskap skal berge naturgodene
(Gemini) Hvordan står det egentlig til med naturen vår? Hvordan kan vi spille på lag med naturen, istedenfor å forbruke den? Saken er også publisert i
Skal gi bærekraftig industri 
(Gemini) Næringslivet og det offentlige samarbeider for å gi industrien økt konkurransekraft og en bærekraftig utvikling.
13 October 2014, Seminar om tematisk satsingsområde bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling:
Annik Magerholm Fet | Christian Klöckner | Jan Ketil Simonsen
Gunhild Setten | Ragnar Torvik | Luitzen de Boer | Cathrine Brun
19 February 2015 NTNU presents paper at Environmental Goods Outreach Session