Optimization across time-scales in oil- and gas production

Optimization across time-scales in oil- and gas production

Staff photo

PhD Candidate Joakim Andersen

Main Supervisor Lars Struen Imsland

Sponsor: NTNU

Some control and optimization problems face different objectives on different timescales, where the objectives may be in conflict. In this project we study efficient formulations and computational frameworks within the model predictive control (MPC) paradigm that handles both timescale issues and the multi-objective nature of these problems. An example of such a problem is production optimization in resource-constrained production. On a short term, one usually wants to optimize current production to maximize economic revenues. On a longer term, one may want to maximize the overall recovery of resources. Typically, some of the decision variables are common for the two objectives, but the objectives are not necessarily aligned: strategies that maximize current production may lead to non-optimal recovery. How to develop efficient computational tools for such multi-objective and

BRU21 Conference 2022