
Human-Centered AI Lab

Human-Centered AI Lab

Mission: Designing and evaluating AI systems with and for people, focusing on aligning technology with human needs and values

Situated at the intersection of AI and HCI, we focus on methodologies prioritising the human perspective, ensuring that AI technologies serve as responsive and responsible extensions of human intent and values. We aim to establish guidelines and methods for designing with and for AI-powered systems that align with human needs and values.

Latest Publications

Latest Publications

Conceptualizing a New Nexus for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation in Governance  (2024)
M Raftopoulos, S Cassotta, E Papachristos, K Gade Kjelmann 
Journal of Academic Perspectives 

The Use of Artificial Intelligence for Personalized Learning: Teacher Perspective (2024)
TS Nerem, SF Hellesnes, Y Inal, C Vicient Monllaó 
The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI)

“Briefly Entertaining but Pointless”: Perceived Benefits & Risks of Social Robots in the Home (2023)
E Schneiders, E Papachristos, N van Berkel, RM Jacobsen
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

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