Arve Leraand
About Me
I am the program director and lecturer for the three-year vocational teacher education program at NTNU in Trondheim, affiliated with the Department of Teacher Education. My vocational background is rooted in carpentry, where I have worked as a skilled worker and construction manager on various projects. I have extensive experience from secondary school as a subject teacher, contact teacher, and department head.
Areas of Interest
My vocational didactic approach combines theoretical knowledge and practical experience to create a meaningful learning process. I place great emphasis on developing relationships, trust, and communication to support students' learning and development.
Research and Development
I have contributed to several development projects and restructuring of study programs at NTNU and have participated in international projects that have provided me with insights into interdisciplinary and intercultural competence. My research focuses on linking theory and practice, and I have published several scientific articles and given presentations at international conferences.
My goal is to promote a learning culture where students see the value of linking theory and practice and are encouraged to be critical thinkers, creative problem solvers, and independent professionals. Furthermore, I aim to contribute to the sustainable development of all vocational teacher education in Norway.
Zirkle, Christopher John;
Smeplass, Eli;
Leraand, Arve.
VET Teacher Training: A Comparison of University Programs in the U.S. and Norway.
International Journal of Vocational Education Studies
Academic article
Smeplass, Eli;
Leraand, Arve;
Leonardsen, Julie;
Hylander, Lene;
Ramlo, Siri Husa;
Hårberg, Jon Sverre.
Sluttrapport - Yrkesfaglærerutdanning: Kvalitet i veiledning og vurdering.
Institutt for lærerutdanning
Leraand, Arve;
Smeplass, Eli;
Hylander, Lene.
Spenningsfeltet mellom praktiske kunnskapsformer og summarive vurderinger i yrkesfaglærerutdanningen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leraand, Arve;
Steiro, Trygve;
Firing, Kristian.
Yrkesopplæring i fengselet: brobygging fra fengsel til samfunnet.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leraand, Arve.
Verkstedet som læringsarena - Utvikling av kunnskaper og ferdigheter gjennom praksis.
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Zirkle, Christopher John;
Smeplass, Eli;
Leraand, Arve.
VET Teacher Training: A Comparison of University Programs in the U.S. and Norway.
International Journal of Vocational Education Studies
Academic article
Part of book/report
Leraand, Arve;
Smeplass, Eli;
Hylander, Lene.
Spenningsfeltet mellom praktiske kunnskapsformer og summarive vurderinger i yrkesfaglærerutdanningen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Leraand, Arve;
Steiro, Trygve;
Firing, Kristian.
Yrkesopplæring i fengselet: brobygging fra fengsel til samfunnet.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smeplass, Eli;
Leraand, Arve;
Leonardsen, Julie;
Hylander, Lene;
Ramlo, Siri Husa;
Hårberg, Jon Sverre.
Sluttrapport - Yrkesfaglærerutdanning: Kvalitet i veiledning og vurdering.
Institutt for lærerutdanning
Leraand, Arve.
Verkstedet som læringsarena - Utvikling av kunnskaper og ferdigheter gjennom praksis.
Masters thesis
- YFL4307 - Pedagogical and vocational training of practice 2
- YFL4306 - Pedagogical and vocational training of practice 1
- YFL4308 - Pedagogical and vocational training of practice 3
- YFL2010 - Training, teaching, and assessment specific to vocations
- YFL2030 - An integrated approach to subject and vocational education
- YFL2020 - Vocational focus and differentiated teaching
Academic lectureZirkle, Christopher John; Leraand, Arve; Smeplass, Eli. (2024) VET teacher preparation: A comparison of university programs in the U.S. and Norway. Nordyrk , Reykjavik 2024-06-03 - 2024-06-05
Academic lectureHylander, Lene; Jones, Mari-Ana Myfanwy; Leraand, Arve; Dehlin, Erlend; Smeplass, Eli. (2024) Samskapt vurdering: Erfaringer med utvikling av underveisvurderingspraksiser i toppundervisningsprosjekt i yrkesfaglærerutdanning. Nordyrk , Reykjavik 2024-06-03 - 2024-06-05
Academic lectureJones, Mari-Ana Myfanwy; Hylander, Lene; Dehlin, Erlend; Leraand, Arve. (2024) Samskapt vurdering: erfaringer med utvikling av underveisvurderingspraksiser i toppundervisningsprosjektet. NTNU Læringsfestivalen , Trondheim 2024-05-27 - 2024-05-28
Academic lectureHylander, Lene; Leraand, Arve. (2023) Studieprogramutvikling i yrkesfaglærerutdanning: Studentaktive læringsformer og danning. NordYrk Conference 2023 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-09
Popular scientific lectureLeraand, Arve. (2023) Studieprogramutvikling i yrkesfaglærerutdanning: Studentaktive læringsformer og danning. NordYrk Conference 2023 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-09
Academic lectureLeraand, Arve; Smeplass, Eli; Hylander, Lene. (2022) Utfordringer med vurderingsformer i yrkesfaglærerutdanningen i Norge. NordYrk Conference 2022 , Linköping Universität, Campus Norrköping 2022-06-01 - 2022-06-03
Academic lectureHårberg, Jon Sverre; Leraand, Arve. (2021) Erfaringer med digital praksisoppfølging av yrkesfaglærerstudenter. NTNU & DIKU Læringsfestivalen 2021 , Digital konferanse 2021-05-10 - 2021-05-11
LectureHårberg, Jon Sverre; Leraand, Arve. (2019) Stories across borders. En digital tilnærming til elever og studenters erfaringer. . NTNU NKUL (Nasjonal konferanse om bruk av IKT i utdanning og læring) , Trondheim 2019-05-08 - 2019-05-08