Vedant Pushpahas Ballal
I am a Ph.D. candidate in the field of environmental sustainability at the Industrial Ecology program. My present research focuses on environmental sustainability assessment and prospective analysis of integrated e-fuel and biofuel production systems to produce renewable fuels for transportation applications. My research is supervised by professor Francesco Cherubini and co-supervised by Marcos Djun Barbosa Watanabe and Juudit Ottelin.
As a Ph.D. candidate, I am a part of the Research Council of Norway's 'FME Bio4Fuels' project and 'HySchool- Norwegian research school on hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels'.
I hold a master's degree in Industrial Ecology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, where I have gained proficiency in LCA and sustainability assessments. My master's thesis was titled 'Exploring the climate impacts of aviation e-fuels in Europe through a prospective Life Cycle Assessment'.
Ballal, Vedant Pushpahas;
Cavalett, Otávio;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Barbosa Watanabe, Marcos Djun.
Climate change impacts of e-fuels for aviation in Europe under present-day conditions and future policy scenarios.
Academic article
Barbosa Watanabe, Marcos Djun;
Hu, Xiangping;
Ballal, Vedant Pushpahas;
Cavalett, Otavio;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Climate change mitigation potentials of on grid-connected Power-to-X fuels and advanced biofuels for the European maritime transport.
Energy Conversion and Management: X
Academic article
Journal publications
Ballal, Vedant Pushpahas;
Cavalett, Otávio;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Barbosa Watanabe, Marcos Djun.
Climate change impacts of e-fuels for aviation in Europe under present-day conditions and future policy scenarios.
Academic article
Barbosa Watanabe, Marcos Djun;
Hu, Xiangping;
Ballal, Vedant Pushpahas;
Cavalett, Otavio;
Cherubini, Francesco.
Climate change mitigation potentials of on grid-connected Power-to-X fuels and advanced biofuels for the European maritime transport.
Energy Conversion and Management: X
Academic article
PosterBallal, Vedant Pushpahas. (2024) Climate impacts of advanced drop-in liquid biofuels for transport applications . HySchool HySchool Days 2024 , Trondheim 2024-04-23 - 2024-04-24
LectureBallal, Vedant Pushpahas. (2024) Climate benefits and costs of advanced biofuels for aviation, shipping and heavy-duty transport in Norway. Bio4Fuels Bio4Fuels Webinar , Online 2024-09-19 -
LectureBallal, Vedant Pushpahas. (2024) Exploring Biofuels for Climate Mitigation in Norwegian Transport sector. NMBU, Bio4Fuels Lunch meeting, Bio4Fuels , As 2024-04-05 -
LectureBallal, Vedant Pushpahas. (2024) Exploring Biofuels for Climate Mitigation in Norwegian Transport sector. Bio4Fuels Bio4Fuels Days 2024 , Helsinki 2024-06-12 - 2024-06-13
LectureBallal, Vedant Pushpahas. (2024) Supply scenarios of forest-based feedstocks for biofuel production in Norway: Costs and Climate benefits. BioCarbUpgrade BioCarbUpgrade workshop and SC03 meeting , Rudshøgda/Online 2024-10-16 - 2024-10-17
LectureGilardi, Matteo; Bisotti, Filippo; Ballal, Vedant Pushpahas; Cherubini, Francesco; Wittgens, Bernd. (2024) Equivalent CO2 emissions assessment of an integrated biorefinery. IEAGHG 17th International Conference on GreenHouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-17) , Calgary 2024-10-20 - 2024-10-24
LectureGilardi, Matteo; Bisotti, Filippo; Berglihn, Olaf Trygve; Ballal, Vedant Pushpahas; Cherubini, Francesco; Wittgens, Bernd. (2024) Process design and environmental assessment of an integrated biorefinery for Bioethanol and Bio-Oil production. European Conference on Biomass 2024 (EUBCE 2024) , Marseille 2024-06-23 - 2024-06-27
LectureBallal, Vedant Pushpahas. (2023) Exploring Biofuels for Climate Mitigation in Norwegian Transport sector. Bio4Fuels Bio4Fuels Days 2023 , Oslo 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-16
LectureBallal, Vedant Pushpahas. (2023) Climate change impacts of e-fuels for aviation in Europe. HySchool HySchool Days 2023 , Bergen 2023-03-07 - 2023-03-08
PosterBarbosa Watanabe, Marcos Djun; Ballal, Vedant Pushpahas; Hu, Xiangping; Cherubini, Francesco. (2023) Power-to-X and Hydrogen-based Biofuels as Alternatives to Decarbonize the European Maritime Sector until 2050. ETA Florence, Renewable Energies 31st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition , Bologna 2023-06-05 - 2023-06-05
PosterBallal, Vedant Pushpahas; Cavalett, Otavio; Watanabe, Marcos Djun Barbosa; Cherubini, Francesco. (2023) Climate impacts of e-fuels produced by integration of electrolysis and Biomass-to-Liquid (BTL) conversion for aviation in Europe. ETA Florence 32nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) , Bologna 2023-06-05 - 2023-06-09
Academic lectureBallal, Vedant Pushpahas. (2023) Climate change impacts of e-fuels for aviation in Europe. Bio4Fuels Bio4Fuels Webinar , Online 2023-04-27 -