SFI SIMLab 2007-2014

SFI SIMLab 2007-2014

The SIMLab group in 2014



SFI SIMLab var et Senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon med finansiering fra Norges Forskningsråd, NTNU, SINTEF og en rekke industribedrifter i perioden 2007-2014. Faggruppen SIMLab ved Institutt for konstruksjonteknikk på NTNU var vertskap for senteret. 
Ved avslutningen av SFI SIMLab skrev senterleder Magnus Langseth dette festskriftet om senterets aktivitet:

Mission accomplished

Back in 2007 our vision was: “…to establish SIMLab as a World-leading Research Centre for the Design of Crashworthy and Protective Structures”. Now, we can proudly say that the mission is accomplished. There are many reasons for the success, but let me mention a few in particular:

  • Our partners. The SIMLab partners are all at the forefront in their own fields. The interaction with our partners has helped us to make the right decisions at the crossroads.
  • SIMLab Tool Box. The development of a software tool box has been crucial for the implementation the results of our research at the partners, thus creating a basis for innovation and value creation. The strategic choice of developing such a tool box was done in close dialogue with our partners, bringing me back to the point above.
  • High quality research. Publications in well-reputed, peer-reviewed scientific journals are a way of showing that the research is of the highest standard. To be able to do this we must recruit students with talent and our laboratory must support the research needs. We have invested time and money in establishing a laboratory that meets the development in our field for the next decade and we have recruited top students that help us carry out cutting edge research.
  • Pre-competitive research. We have been very clear on the purpose of the research done in the Centre. Our research is generic and pre-competitive, aimed at creating a basis for innovation at the partners. Our task has not been to develop products. We have produced knowledge that can be used to create products. This pre-competitive environment has made it possible for our partners to participate openly and without fear of revealing business secrets.

A proof that we have succeeded is shown by the companies that have joined after the Centre was established in 2007. Toyota and Benteler Aluminium Systems joined the Centre in 2011. Honda and GM also wanted to join in 2012, but were not accepted at such a late stage. Still, Honda initiated a parallel project and is a partner in the new SFI Centre that will start up in 2015. These companies work in a very competitive industry and would not have joined SIMLab if they had not considered it worthwhile. 

SFI SIMLab is soon history. In January 2015 we will start the preparation for the new SFI that the Research Council of Norway has awarded us. By the summer of 2015 we hope to have established SFI CASA, standing on the tall shoulders of SFI SIMLab.   


Trondheim 17 December 2014                                                         Magnus Langseth

Annual Reports

Annual Reports

Annual report 2007Annual report 2007
Annual report 2008Annual report 2008
Annual report 2009Annual report 2008
Annual report 2010Annual report 2010


Annual report 2011Annual report 2011
Annual report 2012Annual report 2012
Annual report 2013Annual report 2013
Annual report 2014Annual report 2014
Final reportFinal report