Patient Education and Participation (PEP)
Patient Education and Participation (PEP)
The research group for Patient Education and Participation do research on patients' and users' perspective on the health care services and factors that promotes a patient centred and learning service. We are a broad research group with members from different subject areas and departments. This is reflected in the variation of themes studied and research methods used.
The perspective of patients and users are decisive for further development of the quality of the health care services. In a patient centred health care service, there shall be collaboration and harmonisation between the patients and users lived experience and the professional competency of the health care workers. Still, it is well documented that many services are not optimally tailored for this. Thus, we do research on development and effect of different interventions, on patients and users lived experience and how this can be integrated, and on patient and user involvement in the services.
We use many different research methods in our research projects. Most projects use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. A typical example is the use of randomised controlled trial (RCT) and qualitative studies to investigate both objective effect and subjective experiences of different interventions. A main strength of the research group is to do project where different approaches re used to investigate an initiative from different perspectives.
The research group meets regularly once a week to give input to each other's work across themes and research methods. This provides an important arena for learning about the research process and the craft of doing research across different areas.
The research group collaborates with other researchers both nationally and internationally. We have regularly had visiting researchers from Norway and abroad staying with us for shorter or longer periods. We attach great importance to having close contact with the practice field. Many of the members in the research group are or have been clinicians, which has contributed to strengthen and maintain exchange of competency between research and practice.
The research group was established in 2005 by Aslak Steinsbekk. Since then, the group has meet weekly and had a steady high activity with between 7-14 active members at any time. Most of the members have been PhD candidates who either have continued to be active members of the group or gone on to work elsewhere.
The research group organised from 2005 to 2019 regional research meetings several times each semester with up to 50 people on the e-mail list. The purpose of these meetings was to have a forum where researchers could present their project to get input from other researchers or experts from the practice field with similar area of interest. An overview of themes for the different meetings is available (mostly in Norwegian).
The first years, the research projects mainly concerned effect of and experience with patient education and involvement. Such projects, nearly all done as randomised controlled trials (RCT) and qualitative studies, have been done e.g. in the are of diabetes, mental health, chronic pain, rheumatism and lung diseases. The thematical area has broadened over time, with research on different types of patient experiences, pedagogical questions, register based research, medicine use etc. being if focus in different projects.
Nina Elisabeth Klevanger (2021) Navigating complexity in the return-to-work process: the experiences of rehabilitation therapists, employees and supervisors.
Torunn Hatlen Nøst (2019) Chronic pain self-management. expectations towards and effect of chronic pain self-management intervention at a healthy life centre in public primary care.
Karianne Berg (2018) Collaboration in aphasia rehabilitation. the perspective of speech-language pathologists and persons with stroke-induced aphasia.
Elin Høien Bergene (2018) Use of oral medicines for short-term illnesses in children - perspectives on prescribing, dispensing and administration.
Hege Therese Bell (2018) Drug therapy management in community-based elderly with focus on fall-risk-increasing-drugs.
Julia Paola Menichetti Delor (2018), Patient engagement support for older adults: Development and implementation of an intervention in an integrated-care context.
Mariela Loreto Lara-Cabrera (2017) The effects of peer co-led educational group interventions in mental health settings.
Margret Hrönn Svavarsdóttir (2016) Competence development in patient education. The perspective of health professionals and patients with experience in patient education in cardiac care.
Kjersti Grønning (2012) Patient education and chronic inflammatory polyarthritis – coping and effect.
Lisbeth Østgaard Rygg (2012) Group education for patients with type 2 diabetes – needs, experiences and effects.
Marit By Rise (2012) Lifting the veil from user participation in clinical work – what is it and does it work?
Jørgen Alexander Urnes (2009) Patient education in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. validation of a digestive symptoms and impact questionnaire and a randomised controlled trial of patient education.
Hege Therese Bell Associate Professor II
+47-73598470 Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine -
Elin Høien Bergene Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine -
Kjersti Grønning Professor II Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Nina Elisabeth Klevanger Researcher (PhD) Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Borghild Lomundal PhD Candidate
Kathrine Nilsen
+4795031335 Department of Mental Health -
Torunn Hatlen Nøst Associate professor
+47-73412534 Department of Mental Health -
Marit By Rise Centre leader and professor
+47-73598769 +4799315365 Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare -
Liv Riseth
+4740464611 -
Espen Sagsveen Assistant Professor
+47-73412304 +4791337878 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Wenche Ann Similä Associate Professor
+47-73598602 +4799401830 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Marit Solbjør Professor
+47-73590220 +4798845262 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Aslak Steinsbekk Professor
+47-73597574 +4741559076 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Cathinka Thyness PhD Fellow
+47-73412745 -
Jørgen Alexander Urnes Associate Professor
+47-73598850 +4790164766 Department of Public Health and Nursing -
Irene Wormdahl PhD Fellow