Organization NTNU University Library
Pro-Rector for Research and Dissemination.
The Library Council
- Rector Tor Grande, head of The Library Council
- Library Director Sigurd Eriksson, NTNU University Library
- Vice Dean Jesper A. Pedersen, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences
- Vice Dean Karina Mathisen, NV Faculty Administration
- Vice Dean Astrid Stadheim, Faculty of Engineering
- Vice Dean Torstein Baade Bø, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Head of Department Rune Volden, Department of ICT and Natural Sciences
- Student Jørgen Valseth (in Norwegian)
- Archive Section Leader Jens Vigen, CERN Scientific Information Service
- Employee representative, Research Librarian Per-Olav Broback Rach
Literature Selection Committee
- Professor Marius Warholm Haugen, Department of Language and Literature
- Assistant Professor Hans Marius Eikseth, NTNU Business School
- Professor Gørill Haugan, Department of Public Health and Nursing
- Professor Dordi Austeng, Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science
- Professor Øyvind Mikkelsen, Department of Chemistry
- Professor Olav Bjarte Fosso, Department of Electric Power Engineering
- Professor Pål Furset Lader, Department of Marine Technology
The Literature Selection Commitee is lead by the Chief Librarian, and the NTNU University Library is the secretariat.
Staff and Sections at the Library
The staff has an overall responsibility for informing and making visible the university library's services so that everyone is well acquainted with the full range of our services.
The staff has overall responsibility for the library's communication and dissemination of activities, offers and services.
The section delivers well-arranged physical and digital first-line services in NTNU's 15 campus libraries in Trondheim, Ålesund and Gjøvik as well as in The Virtual Library.
The section has strong focus on the user meeting, the library room as a place of knowledge, as well as the development and dissemination of physical and digital collections. In addition, it will contribute with guidance and user support and be an active contributor of dissemination activities and is an important social arena for students and staff.
The section for research support, data and analysis has expertise in research, scientific publishing and open science. The section is in close contact with NTNU's professional environment and units, and offers guidance, advice, super user expertise and training in relevant tools. Active assessment and updating of the portfolio of services and software offered in research support; as well as assessment and testing of new, relevant tools also falls within the section’s purview.
The university library has a comprehensive teaching and guidance offer that includes courses, user training, demonstrations and more. Digital courses primarily take place in our virtual library. The section has expertise in a number of areas, such as literature searches, systematic searches, academic writing, source use and source criticism, reference management, plagiarism and copyright. The section also has expertise in tools for reference management, for the syllabus and for the analysis of qualitative research data.
Employees and students at NTNU have access to various physical and digital literature collections and resources in their education, research and work. The university library's section for collections, resources and digital services has overall responsibility for NTNU's service offering in this area.
Another important part of the University Library's work with collections is the work done with the library's special collections (older books, archives, photos, maps, manuscripts, etc.) where we focus on making these digitally available.
The section also supplies services and expertise to other sections at the University Library and thereby contributes to the library as a whole being able to provide equal, high-quality services to all our users. The section is responsible for the library's financial follow-up, acquisitions/purchasing, operation of and integration with the library's own IT systems, the library's common literature magazine and library-specific security.