Yu Cheng
I am a Higher Executive Officer at the Centre for Technology and Society, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture (KULT), Faculty of Humanities.
My primary responsibilities are administrating and managing EU, ERC, and Norwegian Research Council (NRC) projects. For example, I am the Project Manager and WP leader for the INTPART-funded SoMaT project. I also support two research groups: Digitalization and Robotization of Society (DigiKULT) led by Roger A. Søraa and Kristine Ask and Centre for Climate, Energy and the Environment (CLEEN) led by Sara Heidenrich and Robert Næss.
During my duty at NTNU, I helped to secure funding: 7.3 million euros and 2.6 million euros to NTNU.
A Middle Way? Probing Sufficiency through Meat and Milk in China is a five-year project (MidWay) funded by the ERC-Starting Grant. It aims to better understand the concept of 'sufficiency' using the cases of meat and milk production and consumption in China.
Sociomaterial Transformations in Norway and East Asia (SoMaT) funded by the NRC-INTPART scheme, is a five-year project managed by me that aims to productively build on the teaching and research expertise in Norway, China (Tsinghua University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences), Japan (TiTech), and South Korea (KAIST) to develop relational and non-essentialist perspectives on sociomaterial transformations.
ENHANCEPlus funded by European Erasmus+ is an extended project from ENHANCE, the European Universities of Technology Alliance, unites research-intensive universities with a focus on science and technology. We drive efforts in education, research, innovation, and service to society. Through transparent, trustworthy transformations, we collaborate with member universities and partners to make a positive impact.
I work closely with 4 scholars:
- Prof. Roger A. Søraa
- Assoc. Prof. Marius Korsnes
- Assoc. Prof. Bradley Loewen (Onsager Fellow)
- Prof. Tomas M. Skjølsvold
Under my management, I have supervised 2 interns:
- Bachelor's Graduate from the Department of Historical and Classical Studies (2024 Spring)
- Master's Candidate from the Department of Geography (2022 Fall)
I am interested in research networking, stakeholder engagement, maintaining close relationships with our partners, talent hunting and management.
Previous experience:
Visiting Fellow at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejeon/Seoul, South Korea.
Progamme Coordination at Trondheim Municipality in Trondheim, Norway.
Graduation Internship and Thesis, Faith4Earth Initiative at United Nations Environment Programme Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.
Graduation Internship and Thesis, Environmental Health Safety and Security Department at Tesla Motors European Manufacturing & Service and Sales in Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Business Administration Manager and Internship at two Norwegian start-ups in Trondheim, Norway.
AUTOWORK (2020–2025) (NRC)
Past project:
- LIFEBOTS-Exchange (2019–2025) (H2020)
- LIFEBOTS-Exchange Extended (LEE) (2020–2023) (NRC)
- Robotics4EU (2021-2024) (H2020)
Education background:
MA in European Studies at the Department of Historical and Classical Studies, NTNU. My thesis: "Engaging EU citizens with robotics technologies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A case study of the Robotics4EU project."
MSc in Globalization and Sustainable Development at the Department of Geography, NTNU. My thesis: "A Matter of Faith: UN Environment, Greening Faith Investment, and the Sustainable Development Goals."
Bachelor in Public Management, specializing in Safety and Security Management Studies from The Hague University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. My thesis: "Implemented a strategy to overcome the barriers of adopting a near-miss reporting system in Tesla Europe Service."
Please visit my LinkedIn profile for further information.
Academic lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu; Korsnes, Marius. (2024) SOMAT Graduate School 2024 in Tokyo, Japan . NTNU & Science Tokyo SOMAT Graduate School 2024 in Tokyo, Japan , Tokyo 2024-09-30 - 2024-10-04
Academic lectureFyhn, Håkon; Søraa, Roger Andre; Nergård, Kristoffer; Røyrvik, Jens Olgard Dalseth; Kharas, Mark William; Serrano, Artur. (2023) presentaion of AUTOWORK status and results. NTNU Samfunnsforskning AUTOWORK international workshop , Singapore 2023-03-21 - 2023-03-23
Academic lectureCheng, Yu; Ecclesia, Silvia; Hurum, Jin Kristian. (2023) Robotics4EU 2 Days Co-Creation Workshop in Agile Production and Inspection & Maintenance . Robotics4EU co-creation workshops series 2023-10-03 - 2023-10-04
Academic lectureEcclesia, Silvia; Cheng, Yu; Karakas, Öznur; Søraa, Roger Andre. (2023) Cobots in Agile Production: Redefining the Future of Human-Robot Interaction. Robotics4EU physical event 2023-11-21 -
Academic lectureEcclesia, Silvia; Karakas, Öznur; Cheng, Yu; Hurum, Jin Kristian. (2023) Addressing data challenges in robotics for agile production. Robotics4EU 4th digital workshop series 2023-10-24 -
Popular scientific lectureEcclesia, Silvia; Søraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu; Hurum, Jin Kristian. (2023) Agile Production digital workshop: "Beyond Industry 5.0: reskilling the labor force and the future of agile production" . Robotics4EU Beyond Industry 5.0: reskilling the labor force and the future of agile production , Online 2023-06-16 - 2023-06-16
LectureMoratti, Sofia; Søraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu; Kharas, Mark William; Pink, Sarah; Ask, Kristine. (2022) Workshop | Working and Living with Robots. Robotics4EU Healthcare Workshop 2022-01-18 -
Academic lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu. (2022) Social media for students-Student seminar series . NTNU KULT Student seminar series 2022-02-01 -
Academic lectureKharas, Mark William; Søraa, Roger Andre; Fyhn, Håkon; Nergård, Kristoffer; Cheng, Yu. (2022) AUTOWORK NTNU General-24th of March Workshop. AUTOWORK NTNU 2022-03-24 - 2022-03-24
Academic lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu. (2022) 2022 Autumn DigiKULT Seminar 2: Guest presentations from KAIST, South Korea. DigiKULT seminar 2022-09-12 -
Academic lectureCheng, Yu; Moratti, Sofia; Kharas, Mark William; Søraa, Roger Andre. (2022) Health-tech-care in the year 2050: Workshop on the future of technologized care | ROBOTICS4EU. Robotics4EU-NTNU Robotics4EU Project Workshop , Trondheim 2022-05-24 -
Academic lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu; Kharas, Mark William; Moratti, Sofia. (2022) Responsible Robotics workshop: Robots with and for society (RESP-R) workshop . Robotics4EU-NTNU IEEE Ro-Man 2022 , Naples 2022-08-29 - 2022-09-02
Academic lectureCheng, Yu; Zhao, Caijun. (2022) Digitalization and Robotization of Society . Innovation Day at the Faculty of Humanities, NTNU 2022-10-27 -
Academic lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Kharas, Mark William; Cheng, Yu. (2022) LIFEBOTS-EXCHANGE SEMINAR: Visiting secondments from: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) . LIFEBOTS-EXCHANGE SEMINAR 2022-10-18 -
Academic lectureCheng, Yu; Søraa, Roger Andre; Korsnes, Marius. (2022) Chinese Perspectives on Automation, Digitalization, Sustainability and Diversity. Asia-Norway Bilateral Collaboration Seminar 2022-12-15 -
Academic lectureCheng, Yu. (2022) Digital transformations of grocery stores – working within the grocery store panopticon. DIGIT PhD-school 2022-11-29 -
Academic lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu; Kharas, Mark William; Moratti, Sofia. (2022) Engaging citizen stakeholders on the topic of social robotics in healthcare. ISG 2022 ISG 2022: ORAL PAPER PRESENTATION 1: HOUSING AND DAILY LIVING 2022-10-24 - 2022-10-26
Academic lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu; Hurum, Jin Kristian. (2022) Workshop på REBEL om bruk av AR (Assisted Reality ) i behandling og oppfølging av diabetes. Workshop på REBEL om bruk av AR (Assisted Reality ) i behandling og oppfølging av diabetes 2022-09-13 -
Academic lectureCheng, Yu; Søraa, Roger Andre; Hurum, Jin Kristian. (2022) STS writing seminar on digitalization with South Korean-Norwegian knowledge exchange. LIFEBOTS Exchange 2022-09-14 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureMoratti, Sofia; Søraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu; Bruijning, Nienke; Azarmanesh, Ilghar. (2021) Workshop | Exploring caring imaginaries: Futures of roboticized healthcare. Robotics4EU Project Workshop 2021-11-19 -
Academic lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu. (2021) Human-Robot Relationship - STS Insights from South Korea- Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture. Roger Andre Søraa and Yu Cheng Human-Robot Relationship - STS Insights from South Korea , Online 2021-04-30 - 2021-04-30
Academic lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu. (2021) Digitalization, diversity and sustainability – Circular considerations . Tongji University, Switch-Asia, and UNEP Asia Pacific Office Technology for Circular Economy: A Prologue to the 2021 SWITCH-Asia Leadership Academy 2021-03-25 -
InterviewSøraa, Roger Andre; Cheng, Yu. (2021) 挪威科学技术大学研发货运机器人,通过内置传感器和扫描仪来导航. https://www.163.com/dy/article/GAD4S3KN05119734.html?fbclid= https://www.163.com/dy/article/GAD4S3KN05119734.html?fbclid= [Newspaper] 2021-05-19