Research group for Feminist and Decolonial Philosophies
Research group for Feminist and Decolonial Philosophies (FDP)
We welcome researchers interested in social and political philosophy with a focus on difference in society. These differences can address class, gender, racialization, disability, sexuality, justice and equality, and global imperialism and can be presented from philosophical perspectives such as phenomenology, political theory, critical theory, critical social theory, existentialism, history of philosophy, or other related schools of thought.
The group seeks to enable and strengthen dialogue within the department, across universities, and with other fields of study working on these questions. The group’s main goal is to provide an organized framework for researchers working on feminist philosophy in a broad sense, enabling members to share, discuss and advance both theoretical and empirical research on these shared topics.
The Research Group organizes workshops, paper presentations, reading sessions and seminars. The group consists mainly of faculty at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, NTNU. Masters students are also very welcome to attend. In addition to providing a forum for discussion of issues within identities of difference and oppression, we arrange guest lectures, assist each other in our individual writing projects, and work on collaborative project proposals.
We collaborate with Forum for Feminist Philosophy at the department, and the interdisciplinary NTNU Gender Hub.
Prospective PhD students may indicate their project’s relevance to one of the department’s research groups, such as this one.
If you would like to take part in our meetings send an e-mail to
15.1.25 Oda Elisabeth Wiese Tvedt - "Batailles erotisisme og kvinnekroppen"
3.12.24 Kaja Jenssen Rathe - "Race and Debt: On the Other Side of Whiteness as Property"
5.9.24 Joachim Skahjem - "Politisk frigjøring av naturen"
16.4.24: Dilek Huseyinzadegan – “Race, Gender, and Class in Kant's Moral and Political Philosophy”
19.3.24: Kine A. Fjeldheim – “Trust and personal experience – a hidden source of knowledge.”
5.3.2024: Solveig Bøe - «Seksualitetens frisetting fra det organiske hos Mario Perniola og Clarice Lispector»
13.2.2024 Alejandra Mancilla - "Colonialism on ice"
28.11.2023: Fredrik Nilsen - "Sexisme og rasisme i Kants etikk"
18.10.2023: Claus Halberg - "Er det en feministisk oppgave å «tenke nytt» om natur/kultur-motsetningen? Noen tanker om ny-materialistisk feminisme og kolonial diskurs"
4.10.2023: Heine Alexander Holmen - "How Epistemic Injustice undermines Democracy"
6.6.2023: Thomas Kadim - "Ubehaget i den Andre: Transkjønn og Lacansk psykoanalyse"
28.3.2023: Dr. Isabel Kamlongera - "The Africana man - in concert with the woman's struggle for liberation: Men’s narratives and understanding of empowerment and gender equality in rural Malawi"
7.3.2023: Jonas Jervell Indregard - “Standpoint Aesthetics - The Artistic Privilege of the Oppressed”
10.2.2023: Sophia Efstathiou – “Performing ‘meat’: meat replacement as drag”
Sven Markus Bretfeld Professor
+47-73598315 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Solveig Bøe Professor
+47-73596355 +4745211643 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Sophia Efstathiou Senior Researcher
+4740100566 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Ståle Rainer Strøm Finke Professor Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Mirela Fus-Holmedal Associate Professor
+47-73559527 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Claus Halberg Associate Professor
+4797613238 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Maia Vige Helle PhD student Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Thomas Richard Hilder Professor of Ethnomusicology
+47-73559669 Department of Music -
Jonas Jervell Indregard Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Rasmus Jaksland University of Copenhagen
Hege Dypedokk Johnsen Associate Professor
+4797745059 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Lina Solvor Jønsson Higher Executive Officer
+47-73592384 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Gitte Hanssen Koksvik Associate Professor
+47-73591751 Department of Geography and Social Anthropology -
Miriam Kyselo Professor
+47-73558926 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Kate Maxwell UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Sofia Moratti Associate Professor
+47-73413064 Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture -
Bjørn K. Myskja Professor
+47-73590951 +4799786223 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Astrid Rasch Associate Professor
+47-73559235 Department of Language and Literature -
Kaja Jenssen Rathe UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Monica Roland Associate Professor Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Joachim Skahjem PhD Candidate Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Brit Strandhagen
+47-73596466 -
May Thorseth Professor
+47-73596535 +4791711044 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Oda Elisabeth Wiese Tvedt Associate Professor
+4740044294 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Kamilla Østerberg
+47-73559659 +4790943551