About the Particle Engineering Centre
About the Particle Engineering Centre
The Particle Engineering Centre was established early 2021. The basis for the research in the Centre is an extensive experience at the Department of Chemical Engineering at NTNU, within particle synthesis and characterization, which quite recently was put into practical application as part of the COVID-19 test method that was developed at NTNU.
The objective of the Centre is to advance the scientific knowledge within fundamental and applied particle engineering. Ongoing research activities focus on synthesis, characterization and tailoring of particles for use in nanomedicine and environmental applications.
The main goals of the centre are to:
- Develop and expand the academic knowledge within particle engineering research, employing chemical engineering skills and knowhow
- Provide a basis for more industrial applications integrating a sustainable approach
- Fundamental research
- Application based research
- Development of characterization methods
- Provide access to high-end equipment (Particle Engineering Core Facility)
- Sharing of knowledge
- Educate and train students
The Team
Core Facility
Particle Engineering Core Facility Head Engineer
PhDs, PostDocs and Researchers
Zeeshan Ali
+4796708165 zeeshan.ali@ntnu.no -
Marte Kee Arntsen PhD candidate
+4790126518 marte.k.arntsen@ntnu.no -
Nesrine Bali
+4746353214 nesrine.bali@ntnu.no -
Muhammad Bilal PhD Candidate
+4740566529 muhammad.b@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Soumodeep Biswas
soumodeb@stud.ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Hammad Farooq PhD Candidate
hammadf@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Zygimantas Gricius PhD Candidate
+4796838723 zygimantas.gricius@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Egon Höfgen PhD Candidate
+47-73592355 egon.hofgen@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Bhaskar Joshi PhD Candidate
+4740589613 bhaskar.joshi@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Muhammad Sarmad Khan Staff Engineer
+4740951359 muhammad.s.khan@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Gisela Luz Researcher
gisela.luz@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Erik Prasetyo Researcher
+4796749727 +628122480488 erik.prasetyo@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Vyshnav Punnath Sivasankaran PhD Candidate
+4748653513 vyshnav.p.sivasankaran@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Jai Kishan Rajak PhD Candidate
+47-73592387 jai.k.rajak@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Zahra Yarighaleh PhD Candidate
zahra.yarighaleh@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Haroon Zafar PhD Candidate
+4797365340 haroon.zafar@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering -
Katharina Zürbes Department of Chemical Engineering PhD Candidate
katharina.zurbes@ntnu.no Department of Chemical Engineering