Community - Announcements
Seed funding from NTNU Community
NTNU’s strategic area Community is announcing seed funding in order to strengthen interdisciplinary research (including artistic research) within this thematic area at NTNU.
Through interdisciplinary research, NTNU Community aims to contribute to a viable democracy, strengthen trust and cohesion across different groups, and reduce alienation and polarization.
NTNU departs from the following societal challenges:
- Trust and democracy: Democracy is being challenged, there is declining trust in societal institutions, increased polarization and disinformation.
- Social inequality and alienation: We see increasing social inequality locally and globally, increased alienation, marginalization and exclusion mechanisms.
- A need to reform the welfare state: In a period with less economic room for action, there is a need for readjusting and transitioning the public sector, and find new and smart ways to manage public responsibilities.
- Climate change and the environment: We are facing an uncertain future, instability and crises affect our community both locally, nationally and globally.
Projects that aim to contribute towards these main challenges may apply for funding. A total of 2 000 000 NOK is available for this call.
More information about the aims and focus areas of NTNU Community
Who can apply?
All NTNU employees in permanent academic positions can apply. Employees in temporary academic positions can be part of the seed funding project but the project must be led by an employee in a permanent academic position. The seed funding can involve established research groups and/or be an opportunity to mobilize new research groups or collaborations. The project must take place in 2024 and/or 2025, and the funds must be spent within December 2025.
What can you apply for?
You can apply for activities aiming to establish new interdisciplinary collaborations, expand existing or develop new interdisciplinary networks, explore and develop new approaches to research, methods or concepts, and develop applications for external research funding – in this case, please indicate potential calls. The specific activities will typically be: Workshops, seminars, study trips, inviting guests. Funding of salary compensation (‘frikjøp’) for scientific staff (permanent or temporary staff like PhD’s and postdocs) can not be included. Funding of salary for research assistants can be included and should not exceed 25% of the total funds being applied for.
Each project can apply for NOK 50.000-200.000. Own funding or additional funding from other sources is not a requirement.
Application requirements
The proposal must fall within the scope and aims of NTNU Community (as stated above).
Interdisciplinarity: Contribution from participants with different scientific expertise should be highlighted. The project must include active participants from at least two faculties. It is a requirement that the leader of the involved project leader’s department is informed and supports the application.
A budget with cost distribution in 2024-25 showing in detail how the funding will be spent. If the seed funding project is part of a larger ongoing project it must be explained how the seed funding project will lead to activities that are not already funded.
Short information about the ongoing research activities, relevant for NTNU Community, of the key NTNU employees involved.
Workplan, including ethics and a short account of considerations made to minimize travel (cfr NTNU travel guidelines).
The application must be written in the dedicated template, within a maximum of 3 pages (font 11), and can be written in Norwegian or English.
Evaluation criteria
- Relevance for the strategic area and the listed societal challenges
- The project’s significance for future project development
- Scientific originality and ambitions
- Feasibility
Final priority of the applications and awarded funding will be decided by the strategic council of NTNU Community.
Application deadline June 24th. A decision can be expected within September and projects may start immediately after.
Questions may be directed to Hilde Røysland and Karoline Daugstad.