Articles and papers - Concept
Articles and Papers
Articles and Papers
Here you find selected articles produced by Concept programme researchers. The list is incomplete and will be updated.
When used or referenced, the source should be cited.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Title | Year | Author (-s) | Journal |
Evaluating defence projects – success may be a multidimensional measure. A case study of a logistics support vessel | 2025 | Morten Welde, Steinar Gulichsen, Frida Waage Prebensen and Gro Holst Volden | Defence Studies |
Cost estimation in major public projects’ front-end phase: An empirical study on how to improve current practices | 2025 | Helene Berg, Anne Strand Alfredsen Larsen, Ole Jonny Klakegg and Morten Welde | Project Leadership and Society |
Governance of Public Projects. Missing Out on Learning Opportunities | 2024 | Gro Holst Volden and Ole Jonny Klakegg | Project Management Journal |
Lessons from ex-post evaluation of government investment projects | 2024 | Morten Welde and Gro Holst Volden | IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
Cost and schedule performance in large government projects | 2024 | Morten Welde and Atle Engebø | IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
Do nothing, do minimum or do something? Why public project appraisals “always” recommend large projects | 2024 | Gro Holst Volden, Morten Welde, Atle Engebø and Bjørn Andersen | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
External quality assurance of cost estimates in major public projects: empirical evidence on cost performance | 2024 | Helene Berg and Ole Henning Nyhus | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
Realising benefits in public IT projects: A multiple case study | 2022 | Knut Kjetil Holgeid, Magne Jørgensen, Gro Holst Volden and Helene Berg | IET Software |
Public project success? Measuring the nuances of success through ex post evaluation | 2022 | Gro Holst Volden and Morten Welde | International Journal of Project Management |
Improving value for money through better front-end management: An attempt to reduce costs and increase user benefits in the planning of a motorway project | 2022 | Morten Welde and Gro Holst Volden | Case Studies on Transport Policy |
Avoiding Cost Overrun Through Stochastic Cost Estimation and External Quality Assurance | 2022 | Morten Welde and Ole Jonny Klakegg | Transactions on Engineering Management |
The wider local impacts of new roads | 2022 | Morten Welde and Eivind Tveter | Transport Policy |
Evaluation of probabilistic cost estimates | 2021 | Magne Jørgensen, Morten Welde and Torleif Halkjelsvik | Transactions on Engineering Management |
Cost escalation in road construction contracts | 2021 | Morten Welde and Roy Endre Dahl | Transportation Research Record |
Entirely possible overruns: how people think and talk about probabilistic cost estimates | 2019 | Karl Halvor Teigen, Bjørn Andersen, Sigurd Lerkerød Alnes and Jan Ole Hesselberg | International Journal of Project Management |
Assessing public projects' value for money: An empirical study of the usefulness of cost–benefit analyses in decision-making | 2019 | Gro Holst Volden | International Journal of Project Management |
The front-end of projects: a systematic literature review and structuring | 2019 | Terry Williams, Hang Vo, Knut Samset and Andrew Edkins | Production Planning & Control |
Use of mobile phone data for analysis of number of train travellers | 2018 | Anette Østbø Sørensen, Johannes Bjelland, Heidi Bull-Berg, Andreas Dypvik Landmark, Muhammad Mohsin Akhtar and Nils O.E. Olsson | Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management |
Measuring efficiency and effectiveness through ex-post evaluation: Case studies of Norwegian transport projects | 2018 | Morten Welde and Gro Holst Volden | Research in Transportation Business & Management |
The hierarchy of public project governance frameworks | 2018 | Gro Holst Volden and Bjørn Andersen | International Journal of managing Projects in Business |
In search of success: Ex-post evaluation of a Norwegian motorway project | 2018 | Morten Welde | Case Studies on Transport Policy |
Public project success as seen in a broad perspective: Lessons from a meta-evaluation of 20 infrastructure projects in Norway | 2018 | Gro Holst Volden | Evaluation and Program Planning |
Elaborations on the role of project owner: introducing project owners type 1 and 2 | 2018 | Nils O.E. Olsson | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
An Empirical Bayes before-after evaluation of road safety effects of a new motorway in Norway | 2017 | Rune Elvik, Heidi Ulstein, Kristina Wifstad, Ragnhild S. Syrstad, Aase R. Seeberg, Magnus U. Gulbrandsen and Morten Welde | Accident Analysis & Prevention |
Do Fixed Links Affect Settlement Patterns: A Synthetic Control Approach | 2017 | Eivind Tveter, Morten Welde and James Odeck | Research in Transportation Economics |
The accuracy of toll road traffic forecasts : an econometric evaluation |
2017 | James Odeck and Morten Welde | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice |
Light rail transit cost performance: Opportunities for future proofing. |
2017 |
Peter Love, Dominic Ahia-Dagbui, Morten Welde and James Odeck |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice |
Cost escalations in the front-end of projects – empirical evidence from Norwegian road projects | 2017 | Morten Welde and James Odeck | Transport Reviews |
Ex-post evaluations in Norway and France | 2017 | David Meunier and Morten Welde | Transportation Research Procedia |
Why don’t cost-benefit results count for more? The case of Norwegian road investment priorities | 2016 | Tore Øivin Sager | Urban, Planning and Transport Research |
Low estimates - high stakes: underestimation of costs at the front-end of projects. | 2016 | Bjørn Andersen, Knut Samset and Morten Welde | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
Brukes samfunnsøkonomiske analyser i prioritering av vegprosjekter? : en sammenlikning av Norge og Sverige | 2015 | James Odeck, Morten Welde, Maria Børjesson and Jonas Eliasson | Samfunnsøkonomen |
Front-end Definition of Projects: Ten Paradoxes and some Reflections regarding Project Management and Project Governance | 2015 | Knut Samset and Gro Holst Volden | International Journal of Project Management |
Ex Ante Project Evaluation and the Complexity of Early Decision-Making | 2015 | Knut Samset and Tom Christensen | Public Organization Review |
Does Benefit–Cost Efficiency Influence Transport Investment Decisions? | 2015 | Jonas Eliasson, Maria Börjesson, James Odeck and Morten Welde | Journal of Transport Economics and Policy |
The Impact of External Quality Assurance of Costs Estimates on Cost Overruns: Empirical Evidence from the Norwegian Road Sector | 2015 | James Odeck, Morten Welde og Gro Holst Volden | European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research |
Fag og politikk : samfunnsøkonomisk analyse og håndteringen av ikke-prissatte virkninger | 2015 | Gro Holst Volden and Heidi Bull-Berg | Samfunnsøkonomen |
Use of big data in project evaluations | 2015 | Nils Olsson and Heidi Bull-Berg | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
Scope Reductions as Tool for Cost Control in Construction Projects: An Ex Post Analysis of Scope Reduction Options | 2015 | Nils Olsson | International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management |
Cost-benefit analysis in participatory planning | 2015 | Tore Sager | I: The Routledge handbook of planning research methods, Kap: 5.8 |
Determining sustainability impact assessment indicators | 2015 | Ola Lædre, Tore Haavaldsen, Rolf André Bohne, James Kallaos and Jardar Lohne | Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal |
Front end Governance of Major Public Projects - Lessons with a Norwegian Quality Assurance Scheme | 2014 | Knut Samset and Gro Holst Volden | International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction |
To which extent do projects explore the opportunity space? | 2014 | Knut Samset, Bjørn Andersen and Kjell Austeng | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
On the concept of sustainability - assessing the sustainability of large public Investment projects | 2014 | Tore Haavaldsen, Ola Lædre, Gro Holst Volden and Jardar Lohne | International Journal of Sustainable Engineering |
The need for a project governance body | 2014 | Hallgrim Hjelmbrekke, Ola Lædre and Jardar Lohne | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
The comprehensiveness dilemma of cost-benefit analysis | 2013 | Tore Sager | European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research |
Top-down versus bottom-up project appraisal processes, and external review. Evidence from Norway and China | 2013 | Wenting Chen and Gro Holst Volden | Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration |
Identifying and Acting on Early Warning Signs in Complex Projects | 2012 | Terry Williams, Ole Jonny Klakegg, Derek Walker, Bjørn Andersen and Ole Morten Magnussen | Project Management Journal |
Consequences of differences in cost-benefit methodology in railway infrastructure appraisal - A comparison between selected countries | 2012 | Nils Olsson, Andreas Økland and Siri Bøe Halvorsen | Transport Policy |
The Norwegian front-end governance regime of major public projects | 2011 | Tom Christensen | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
Strategy Making with an Alphabet Soup of Objectives | 2010 | Knut Samset | Project Perspectives |
Issues in Front-End Decision Making on Projects | 2010 | Terry Williams and Knut Samset | Project Management Journal |
An investigation of governance frameworks for public projects in Norway and the UK | 2010 | Terry Williams, Ole Jonny Klakegg, Ole Morten Magnussen and Helene Glasspool | International Journal of Project Management |
An empirical illustration of public project ownership | 2010 | Ole Jonny Klakegg and Nils Olsson | International Journal of Project Organisation and Management |
Governance of major public investment projects: in pursuit of relevance and sustainability | 2010 | Ole Jonny Klakegg and Tore Haavaldsen | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
Pursuing relevance and sustainability: improvement strategies for major public projects | 2009 | Ole Jonny Klakegg | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
Governance frameworks for public project development and estimation | 2008 | Ole Jonny Klakegg, Terry Williams, Ole Morten Magnussen and Helene Glasspool | Project Management Journal |
External and internal flexibility - aligning projects with the business strategy and executing projects efficiently | 2008 | Nils Olsson | International Journal of Project Organisation and Management |
Project ownership: implications on success measurement | 2008 | Nils Olsson, Agnar Johansen, Jan Alexander Langlo and Olav Torp | Measuring Business Excellence |
Comparative analysis of cost estimates of major public investment projects | 2006 | Ole Morten Magnussen and Nils Olsson | International Journal of Project Management |
Front end Governance of Major Public Projects | 2006 | Knut Samset, Peder Berg and Ole Jonny Klakegg | EURAM 2006 Conference in Oslo 18. May |